Chapter 77

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-Doctor, are the babies okay?


She lifted her hands and I exhaled sharply

-I'm relieved...

-I see, Emily can you hear that?

Bum bum... bum bum...

-Those are your babies heart beats, they are fine Emily!

-Thank God!!

-But we have a problem, you have an internal hemorrhage so I'm going to call Dr.Grey so she can fix you up.

-Thank you Dr. Robbins.

She left my room and Dr. Shepherd came in

-So, how's life?

-You remember when we use to be kids and we didn't care about anything?

-I do remember Em, I remember making your mom go crazy and we never thought we would become what we are now.

-Never...Hey how's your wife?

-We are doing great, now she is chief of general surgery, we have 3 kids.

- Aww I want to meet Ellis, I haven't had the chance to meet her.

-I know, when you get better you should come over with Derek and Declan,  so he can see Zola and Bailey and meet Ellis.

- That would be great sounds like a plan.

- Okay then, let me call Meredith so she can take you to surgery

- Okay thanks, but before that can I see Derek?

-Just for 5 minutes, Meredith needs to get you to surgery soon.

- Okay thanks

I heard him call Derek and he came running in:

-Hey babe!

-Hey baby girl, how are our little kittens doing in there?

-Thay are perfectly fine, Dr. Robbins couldn't find them because I have an internal hemorrhage, but after a long 5 minutes we heard their heartbeats.

-Thank God you guys are fine.

-Yes but now Dr. Grey has to take me to surgery to fix the hemorrhage.

- Okay baby, I'll be here waiting for you!

-I love you!

-I love you too!

And we kissed

Then Dr. Grey came in the room and took me up for surgery...

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