Chapter 30

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I was so mad at Derek, how could he say that; however, I was too tired to argue right now and I needed sleep. 

The next morning...

-Emily wake up, wake up. - my mom said while shaking me

-What? - I said still half asleep

-Hey Em the doctors need to examine you to see if they can discharged you or if they can perfome the other surgery. - said my mom

-Okay... - I said rubbing my eyes

-Hello Emily we are going to check your burn marks and if we can we will perform the other surgery today, if not you will be discharged. - said Dr. Sloan

-Okay doctor Sloan. - I said hoping they would operated today 

They checked me up and they ran some tests and went out of my room. When I was alone I saw Derek getting his discharged papers and heading out, we looked at each other for a few seconds that felt like minutes and I broke the gaze. You could see in his face jealousy and anger, but I was mad too.

Then I got a text message from him:

- Hey, we need to talk

- Sure we do


- Well maybe if you had asked me how I woke up this morning and why the doctors were in my room you would know I might be going into surgery again. So I don't know.

- Oh! Well good luck and I'll see you after.

-Thanks bye


My brother came in the room

- Hey Emy, whats up? - he asked

-Hey Harls, not much is going on - I said softly

-Don't say that Emily Prentiss, because I'm your brother and something is wrong - he said giving me a face

- Derek and I had a fight and he doesn't really talk to me and now he send me a text that we needed to talk and you know how that ends up.

- Don't worry for now Em you're imagining the worst scenarios, just breath...

- I love him but he just made me so mad yesterday.

- Yeah you told me.

- I'm just worried.

-You can't get worried right now about something that hasn't happened, so relax because if you are getting a surgery you need to be relaxed.

-Thanks Bro, you are right.

Then I got a call from Derek

-Can we meet before your surgery?

-Sure, I guess...

-Okay I'll be there.

-Okay then

And I hung up

- Was that him? - asked Harley

- Yeah, he wants to talk - I said

- Then I'll leave you to it, see you later sis - he said giving me a kiss on my forehead

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