Chapter 43

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One month later...


-Everyone we have a case, meet me in the conference room - I said from my office upstairs

I wasn't feeling so good but I have to work since I'm the leader of this group I can't take days off.

-Please everyone sit - I said

They all sat down and JJ presented the case

-Okay so we are heading to Indiana to find a serial killer that it's being called the toy maker and it's because he turned his victims into living toys, but the torture that the victims suffered is unbearable, this unsub sewed the dresses and pieces of clothing to the victims skin and the wigs were sew also...

I saw the picture and I wanted to throw up so I excused myself, headed to the bathroom and threw up my breakfast. Minutes later I heard the bathroom door open and JJ was asking for me.

-Em are you okay? - she asks concerned

-Yeah I'm fine, I've been feeling sick for a while but I'm fine. - I said fixing myself and heading out of the stall I was in

-Are you sure? How long have you been sick? - she asks

-For a week now... - I said trying to remember

-Are you sure you are not pregnant? - she asks in a scared excited tone

-I'm not sure - I said scared

-Well let me go to the pharmacy and we will get this over with. - she said calmly

-Okay JJ, but after we finish presenting the case. - I said walking out of the bathroom and back to the conference room

-Okay, lets go finish. - she said walking behind me

I went in the conference room again and excuse myself for walking out. JJ finished presenting the case:

- Wheels up in 30!! - I said excited

-Nice line - said Rossi laughing

-I'm keeping it the same so you don't miss Hotch so much. - I said laughing

-It sounds good on you Em - said Derek.

When everyone walked out of the conference room, JJ and I walked to my office and JJ left to the pharmacy while I waited for her in my office. Derek came by my office right after JJ left.

Knock knock...

-Come in!! - I said

-Hey Em, are you okay?- asked Derek walking in the office and closing the door behind him

-I'm fine relax babe - I said hugging him

-Okay then if you say so - he said

-I'm fine it was just the crime scene pictures - I said trying to cover up the fact that I might be pregnant

-Okay Em! - he said not very convinced by my answer

He left my office and 10 minutes later JJ came back with 4 pregnancy tests

-You bought 4?! - I asked shocked

-Just to make sure - she said

I walked with her to the bathroom again very discrete, went inside the toilet and I did the 4 pregnancy tests at once and waited for 2 minutes.

-What are you thinking Em? - she asked trying to break the waiting silence

-That if I'm pregnant I think it's the right time even though Derek and I are not married it'll be great. - I said

-Okay I think they're ready. - she said looking down at the timer she had set up in her phone

I went to the bathroom top and saw the result, I'm...

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