Chapter 31

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I hung up with Derek and in 5 minutes he came back and he sat on the chair next to my bed

-Hey - he said

-Hey - I said with a neutral tone

-We need to talk - he said softly

-I know - I said trying to be firm in my answer

-I'm sorry Em - he said grabbing my hand

-For what? - I said almost in a sassy tone

-I'm sorry that I was jealous about you and your family, I'm sorry that I got mad and that I was a jerk to you, I'm sorry for not being here with you and stressing you before the surgery. - he said honestly

-I forgive you Derek. - I said camly

-Really?! - he said in disbelief

-Yes, and I'm sorry I got mad and treated you wrong.

-No, this is not your fault Em...I love you!!

-I love you too!!

We kissed and he hugged me tight for a while then the doctor came in

-Hello Emily - he said as he knocked the door

-Hello doctor Sloan

-How are you doing today? - he said walking in the room

-I'm fine, much better now - I said with a smile

-Okay, well we ran some tests and we will perform the surgery on your legs so we can help the skin grafts look better.

-Okay thank you Doctor

-This nurse will prep you for surgery

-Ok doctor

And he left the room

-Em you'll be fine - said Derek sensing my tension

-I know... - I said trying to reassure myself

- The team is here to see us, they were really worried about you! - Derek said

- I bet they were, when can I see them? - I asked wanting to talk to them soon

- They only let family in, so maybe after surgery? - he said rubbing my arm

- Okay...Tell them I'm okay and not to worry about me.

- Okay I will Em. Where's your family?

-They're showing Declan and my brother the city.

-Oh! Nice.

-Yes they were really excited.

-I bet! - he said and I laughed, Declan is an adventurous kid, so he is always looking for places to explore 

-We are ready for surgery Miss Prentiss. - said the nurse as she walked in my room

-Bye Derek see you soon!

-I love you Em, I'll be here waiting for you!

I smiled at him and said:

-Love you too!! - I said as the nurse was wheeling me out of the room

She took me into surgery, they sedated me, and I woke up 6 hours later in my room again:

-Hey Em!

-Hey Derek!

-How are you feeling!?

-Fine, I just feel a little pain...

-The doctor said it was normal.

-Okay, where's my mom, Declan and my brother?

-They are at the waiting room with the team.

-Can you call them I want to see my family first.

-Okay I will Em.

Derek walked out and went to call my family.

-Hey Em

-Hey guys

And I hugged them

-Declan honey come here!

-Hey mom how are you feeling ?

-Well now that I see you guys much better!!

-I've missed you mommy!!

-I've missed you too!!

-How did the surgery go? - I asked

-The doctors said it went smooth. - said my mom

-Where's Harley?

-He had a work emergency, you know the CIA.

-Yes, of course.

-Your team in outside too, you want them to come in?


My mom went out there and called the team.

-Hey Em !!

-Hey guys

-How are you feeling?

-I'm fine Jage, a little pain but I'll be fine.

-Oh! We hope you get better Em - said Aaron.

-Thanks guys!

-Declan is a really sweet boy Em, we should arrange a play date with Jack and Henry

-Yeah, he will love to meet them, he will be so excited

-Aaron is it okay with you?

-Yes of course Jack will love it

-Okay Then I'll arrange it

-Thanks Jage

Then the doctor came in the room and informed me that I was going back to an emergency surgery to give the final touches to my legs and body burns.

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