Chapter 38

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We headed to the conference room and then...


-OMG! What are we celebrating? - I said surprised

-You're ascending on the BAU piramide and Hotch is too - said Penn running to give me a hug

-I got the job?!?! - I asked excited

-Yes Emily you're the right fit - said Aaron

-Thanks Aaron for the trust your putting on me and for taking me into account for this opportunity... and congratulations on your promotion too. - I said while hugging him

-You are very welcome Em, you'll do great. - he said giving me a reassuring smile

-And you'll be the best Section Chief. - I said happy for him

-Thanks Em!!

I turned around and Derek hugged me really tight and said:

-You got the job Em, congrats honey, I love you! - he said very excited

-Thanks babe I love you too! And thank you all for this stupendous surprise. - I said looking at everyone in the room

-You're very welcome Em, you and Hotch deserve this and more - Said JJ

We all hugged and ate a cake that they had bought for Hotch and I. Then the phone rang and Aaron answered:

-Hotchner - he said sternly

-Hello it's to inform you that we have a case - it was Erin, this will be her last week before retiring

-Okay thank you - he said

JJ went out of the room and brought 7 files in. It was a case about young ladies being kidnapped and cut into pieces, every piece was sent to a family member. The ladies were between 25-30 years old, they had black hair, average height, they were successful at their jobs and they had boyfriends, but no kids. I looked at the pictures and they looked just like me and I looked around the conference room and everyone was looking at me.

-Emily you should stay here. - said Derek

-I'm not staying, this unsub doesn't know me, he is not targeting me, just people that happen to have a slight similarity to me. Plus, what am I going to do if I stay? I'll be useless here, out there I can help. - I said sternly

-But Em your life might be in risk. - said JJ

-Might JJ, but we are not sure and I need to work, when I'm the Unit Chief I can't just stay here and put your life in danger and save my ass. - I said

-I totally agree with Prentiss. - said Hotch

-Thank you Hotch - I said while looking at him.

-She's right we can use her skills for undercover and her other many skills to solve this case - said Rossi

-I'm going, and Unit Chief gave me the green light, you guys have my back.

-We will Em - Said Spencer

I never imagined what happen next...

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