Chapter 26

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Everything hurts and I can hear beeping sounds and people around me, but I couldn't wake up.

6 hours later...


I was in the room when the team called:

- Derek we took the jet we are already here we are heading to the hospital right away - said Aaron

-Okay Aaron thanks for coming!

- No need to thank us we are a family.

The doctor checked me up and I was "fine" I had some bruises and lacerations, and 2 broken ribs but nothing else, my head was fine and I was just in observation with some pain meds, but Emily got the worst of it. She had first and second degree burns on her legs and torso and she had a broken arm and a concussion. The doctors were doing everything they could to keep her alive, plus they hired the best plastic surgeon to fix her burn marks.

-Sir, Emily Prentiss is out of surgery, she is stable but she will need a lot of recovery time and we will assign her a psychologist so she can cope with the crash, and you will get one too.

-Okay thank you so much, when can I see her? - I asked the nurse

-Maybe tomorrow because right now she is in the ICU and she is sedated. - she said calmly

-Okay nurse, my team is coming to see us so please tell them were I am and let them in.

-Ok sir.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome.

The nurse left and the only thing you could hear was the beeping sound from the machines, I was really worried about Emily, she got the worst part of the crash, but at least she didn't die like some people on the flight. I turned the TV on and saw the news reports

The flight that was heading to London from Quantico crashed on an island that is inhabited because of the woods that cover the area. The police say that there were 204 passengers on board and right now reports estimated that more than a 150 people have died in this plane crash...

I turned it off, I couldn't watch the scenes of what's left on the island, I can't believe we survived that awful crash. I heard Elizabeth's voice asking for Emily and me.

-Nurse my daughter Emily Prentiss and her boyfriend Derek Morgan are in this hospital can you tell me something about them?

-Embassador... - started saying the nurse

She told Elizabeth the whole story that she told me, I heard her cry and then I heard her heels heading to my room.

-Derek! - She said as she hugged me softly.

-Hello Embassador Prentiss. - I said when she let go of the hug

-Please call me Elizabeth. - she said to me

-Okay. - I said

-How are you feeling? - she asked concerned

-I'm as fine as I could be after a plane crash - I said

-I heard Emily is in the ICU. - she said sadden

-Yes she got the worst of it.

-I'm just glad you and her are okay.

-Where's Declan?

-I left him at home with Dorota, my house maid and nanny.

-Oh! Okay thanks.

-No worries.

-How is he?

-He is fine, I told him about the crash because if I didn't he will see the news on TV, he was shocked at first and then he cried. He was really worry about Emily and you; he wanted to come, but I just couldn't bring him to see you and Em like this, it would have been to much.

-Yes I totally agree, to see his mom like that it will make everything worst, he almost lost his mom for the second time, this would have been to much. Thank you Elizabeth.

-Don't worry Derek I want was best for my grandson and the rest of the family. I promised I called him when I got here so you should talk to him.

-Yes please call him.


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