Chapter 42

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We got to Quantico and everyone was relieved, I was really tired and I just wanted to get home with Derek.

-Babe, are you okay?

-Yeah I'm fine, I just want to get home and rest.

-Okay then let's go

-Yeah... bye everyone

-Bye Em

We got home and we headed to our room and I was going to take a shower

-I'm going to take a shower, are you coming?


We got in the bathtub together and Derek started kissing me and from my neck to my boobs and he started playing with them and the he inserted his finger in me.

-AH! - I moaned

Then he trusted hard inside of me

-Keep going! Faster!

-AH... - moaned Derek

-Don't stop

And then we reached our climax together

-It felt so good

-Great sex - said Derek

And we stayed there for a while enjoying each other's company

-Round 2? - asked Derek

-But let me start

So Derek stood up and I kneeled down and gulped his dick and I went up and down slowly until he got to his climax again and then I stood up and we started again

When we were done we felt a sleep in the bathtub until the next day that the alarm woke me up

-Derek honey wake up!!


-Honey we need to get up so Declan doesn't find us here

-Okay let's go.

I went to the shower and then I got ready while Derek took a shower then I went to Declan's room and woke him up to go to school, I made breakfast and we ate all together then we brushed our teeth and headed out the house. I feeling that my head was pounding still from the explosion and my ears were killing me.

We left Declan at school and I told Derek I needed to get checked up because I couldn't take the buzzing and the headache anymore. I got to the hospital, doctor Shepard checked me up and ran a CT to see my brain. When the CT results were out and doctor Shepard told me I was fine, he gave me a medicine for my head and ears. When we were done at the hospital we headed to the BAU a bit late.

-Hey everyone

-Hey guys, where were you? - asked Reid

-I was getting checked up at the hospital.

-Are you okay Em? - asked Penn

-Yeah I'm better now, don't worry Penn.

- Okay if you say so. - said Penn with a worried face.

-Prentiss a word? - said Aaron from his office

I was  bit nervous because I thought he was going to be mad because Derek and I were late, but if he didn't call Derek then I don't know what is he going to tell me. I went up the stairs and headed to Aaron's office

I knocked on the door

-Come in !

-You needed to see me sir?

-Yes Prentiss, take a seat.

I did as he said.

-I called you here to speak to you about your promotion. You know I'm going to step up to Erin's job and I want you to fill my spot.

-I'm really honored that you chose me for the job, it's a really hard spot to fill but I'll try.

-Prentiss I know you're ready and the right one for the job, I saw you this week and I knew right away that you are ready.

-Thank you Hotch and I hope you still travel with us for the cases and everything.

-I hope so.

-Well thank you so much again and well it's going to be great honor working side by side with you.

-Thank you Prentiss.

And we shook hands

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