Chapter 28

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Code blue, Code blue... get a crash car...


-Doctor, what's going on? - I asked panicked

-I need to go Derek. - he said while running away and leaving me there worried and panicked

All the doctors and nurses went to Emily's room and I just thought, she died, this can't be happening, she survived that plane crash for a reason, I want to grow old with her and have kids even grandkids. I was crying and time stopped I couldn't move or hear anything, I just kept on thinking about Em.

-DEREK! DEREK ANSWER PLEASE!! - yelled the ambassador while shaking me out of my thoughts

-WHAT? WHAT'S GOING ON? - I asked confused



The ambassador just slid down the wall and sat on the floor with a plain expression like if she wasn't even here, just like Emily does in one of this situations. She was just there in body but in mind she was somewhere else, in a safe place were everything was okay. Both of our bodies shut down to protect us so we were on our own world just wishing Emily would be okay.

-Derek... Ambassador? - said the doctor standing in front of us

-Hum?!... - we both said in unison.

-Emily is fine she just hyperventilate and crashed. I think her sedation finally dropped and she was scared. - said the doctor

-Thanks you Doctor - Said the ambassador as she stood up to hugged him while asking - Can I see my daughter?

-Yes she is waking up. I think you should both be there and be patient with her, she is going to be annoyed and scared and maybe she will have other reactions we don't know, so just be patient because we know now for sure that her sedation is out of her system. - said the doctor

-Okay thank you Doctor. - I said

-Let's go! - said the ambassador to me

We entered Emily's room to see a pale almost blue body laying on a hospital bed, I grabbed her hand and all I could feel was the cold on her skin...


I was in my own world in a happy place where I couldn't get hurt, I needed to be okay, I can't show the team that I'm broken. I'm badass Emily not the broken little Emily. I'm fine, I'm totally fine...

-Hey Em, How are you feeling? - asked Derek while holding my hand

-I'm fine D, I'll be fine. - I said softly

-Sure? - he asked in disbelief

-Yes I'm totally sure, I just want to go home. - I said honestly

-I'll ask the doctor to check on that. - he said

-Thanks - I said

Then my mom came in I didn't want to cry, so I put a straight face.

-Hey mom! - I said

-Hey honey, how are you feeling? - she asked concerned

-I'm fine mom... - I tell her so she doesn't worry

-Does it hurt? - she asks looking at my fractures and state of my body

-Not really... - I lie

-Don't act all tough on me. - she said sternly

-I'm not mom, really. I'm fine as I could be after a plane crash. - I tell her and hopefully she believes me

-Okay baby the doctor suggested for you to go to a psychologist, is it okay with you? - she asks knowing the answer

-Well even if I didn't want to, you would make me go, but yes mom I'm okay with it. - I say sarcastically

-Okay honey - she says rubbing my hair

And we hugged, it was emotional to see my mom look at me with pain in her eyes, but I had to be strong for my family and I...

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