Chapter 62

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*Please look at the picture, that's the place where they are at*


The next day we woke up at 5:30 am to get ready before everyone got here

-Hey babe...

-Hey princess...

-We need to get up like now.

-Do we really have to?

-Yes D we have to get ready before everyone gets here.

-Okay let's get ready!

I got to the bathroom, took my clothes off and looked at my small baby bump in the mirror.

-Hey little kittens, mommy and daddy are excited to meet you and we love you so much already...

I got in the shower, then I got dressed and while Derek was taking a shower I woke Declan up and told him to get ready.

-Mommy it's still dark outside.

-I know baby, but we have to get ready so we can go on our trip.

-Okay mommy!

I went downstairs and made breakfast, we ate all together and then the doorbell rang.

-Hey guys, come in!

-Hey Em, are we the first ones? - asked JJ

-Yes Jage.

-How are you Henry?

-I'm good auntie Em, where's Declan? - asked Henry

-He is in his room you can go.

-Thanks auntie!

He ran upstairs to Declan's room.

-He's such a cutie!

-I know right - said JJ

-Hey guys - Said Derek

-Hey Derek how are you? - asked Spencer

-I'm great pretty boy thanks - answered Derek

We sat in the living room and chatted for a a while until everyone got there. We were a lot of people, it was Aaron with Jack, JJ, Spencer and Henry, then we have Rossi, Penelope, Declan, Derek and me.

We had 2 huge RV's and in each RV we had 5 people

In Rossi's RV it was Rossi, Penn, JJ, Spencer and Henry.

In Aaron's RV we had Aaron, Jack, Derek, me and Declan.

We headed to the Meadow at 6:50 am and the Meadow was 5 hours away, so with that said, we would get there at 12 pm; because I know we will have a 10 minute break at a gas station.

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