Chapter 7

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As I was in the ambulance with Emily; she lost a lot of blood and the paramedics were doing the best they could rushing through traffic as fast as they could to get to the closest hospital and save her life. I called Hotch and he answered right away:

- Hotchner - he said

-Hotch, it's me, Derek - I said in a rush

-Where are you guys? You were supposed to be here at the police station an hour ago. - he says kind of pissed

-Hotch, Prentiss got shot in the side of her vest, but she lost a lot of blood on the scene, we are in an ambulance right now heading to the nearest hospital... -  There was a long silence on the other side of the line

-We are on our way to the hospital, don't worry. - he said in a comforting tone

-Okay, I'll see you here - I said as we pulled into the emergency bay of the hospital

As the doctors opened the ambulance doors I said:

- I'M SSA DEREK MORGAN FROM THE FBI AND I NEED HELP ASAP!! - I said getting off the ambulance when the doctors approached us

They put Em on a stretcher and the doctors rushed her into surgery, that's when they asked me what had happened to her, but I wasn't listening, I was just numb.

- Agent Morgan, who is she? - The nurse said to me while shaking me.

- Uh? I didn't hear what you said. - I said distracted

- Do you know who she is? - she asks again

- Yes, she is SSA Emily Prentiss, from the FBI... Is she going to be alright? - I asked concerned

- We will do our best to keep her alive - she said in a neutral tone

- Thanks... - I said drifting away in my thoughts

I sat down in the waiting room and waited for Hotch and the team to show up.


I could hear voices, all around me, but I couldn't open my eyes, I also could hear crying and someone saying my name, but I zoomed out for a moment and then I just couldn't hear, move, do anything, basically everything was white.

Then I saw Tsia approaching me...

- Emily, what are you doing here? - she asks me concerned

- What do you mean? Where are we? - I said looking around to see absolute nothing

- Somewhere you don't want to be at. You are supposed to be in a hospital bed, fighting for your life, not here... You need to fight Em, you need to get back to your team, and kill that son of a bitch of Doyle, he can't get away with it... - she says angry at me 

-But I feel fine, I'm not in pain, and I don't need to worry about him if I'm here - I said trying to savor the moment of peace

-This is an illusion Em, this is not real, your brain made this up, but hear me out, you need to fight, don't let your guard down and save your ass. You still have a life to live if you want it, you just need to wake up, because your brain is suffering while you're just dreaming. - she says leaving me in the middle of a white room

I started saying to myself that I needed to wake up, Emily wake up, let's do this, do it for you and Derek, to finally tell him you love him...

5 hours later...


The family of Emily Prentiss - called the Doctor out.

- We are here - said the team; they had red puffy eyes and had been waiting to see her friend.

- Your friend is miraculously alive, but she hit her head pretty hard on the asfalt so she is in an induced coma so her brain can recover and get the swelling down from the concussion she suffered. We are hoping she wakes up in a couple of days,but we can't really be sure - said the Doctor.

The team was devastated by the news, they knew what a coma meant, they didn't know when their friend was going to wake up, and if she woke up would she remember them? That was the big question they couldn't answer right away... The only option they had was to wait and pray that their friend is going to be the same Emily, but what the team didn't know is that her shooter was her ex-fiancé, that she has a "kid" and that she wouldn't be the same old bad ass Emily...


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