Chapter 49

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I was in the jet analyzing the file, and I thought "This is going to be a hard one." It has been like 10 minutes when Derek came in the jet

-Hey Princess!

-Derek we've talked about this...

-You said that it was when people are around, but I don't see anyone around.

-Okay... - I said and he gave me a small peck on the lips

- What's going on Em?

-There is one thing that bugs me about this new job and that is that I have to treat everyone so formal and I don't like that because I have been friends with the team for about 10 years.

-I know Em it must be hard, but you'll get use to it and the team knows you have to be like that; it's not a choice you made.

-I know Derek you're right.

-I'm always right.

-See, there I disagree. - I said as we both laughed

We started looking at the file when Hotch came in the jet

-Hotch? - I asked confused

-Prentiss, do you mind if I join you and the team on this case? - he asked

-You don't need to ask, come on in! - I said excited to have him back

-I figured you guys will need help on this case, plus some of the crimes are before you and the rest of the team joined the Bureau.

-Okay well thank you for coming along, we need all the help we can get.

-Thank you for letting me come.

A while later the rest of the team came in and they were surprised that Aaron was flying with us because it's being a month without him

-Hey everyone, I can see your faces and I'll explain. Hotch is coming along with us to help us because some of the recreations are before we joined the Bureau and he was there to analyze these cases and study them closely. - I said to the whole team

-Oh! Okay well, welcome back Aaron - said Dave

-Thank you guys. - said Hotch politely

Everyone took there sits and we headed to Cleveland, Ohio. We have a 1 and 33 minute flight so we couldn't waste our time sleeping, so we started discussing the case.

-Hotch have you caught of all these serial killers that did these crimes? - I asked trying to see if we were dealing with a family that might have been mentored by one of these killers

- Not all of them, some are unsolved because they went cold; however, most of those that went cold the unsubs should be in their 70's or 80's - he said

Aaron selected some pictures and told us that they solved those cases and that some of those serial killers are dead because they were sentence to death penalty.

-Okay so let's make a list of the killers we are missing and let's see if this cases have something in common.

Everybody started working and I was with Spencer and Aaron looking for connections, Derek, JJ and David started figuring out what we know about the unsolved cases. This case is going to be a long one...

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