Chapter 58

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We got out of the doctor's appointment and we were really happy to hear that the babies were doing just fine and that the abduction didn't cause any damage to the babies. We got in the car and I had a text from Declan asking me how the babies were doing and I had a text from JJ saying to arrive ASAP to the Bureau.

I answered Declan:

-The babies are fine honey, they are doing really well. Have a great say at school. Love you!

Then I texted JJ telling her we were on our way to the BAU. Derek and I arrived to the Bureau and opened the glass doors to find lots of people in there, I could identify CIA, Interpol, Scotland Yard, some FBI units. I ran to the conference room to find the team and have an update of what's going on:

-Sorry I'm late, update me please.

-Some hackers have "Hacked" the computers that have information from all of the organizations you saw out there - Said Penelope

-How could this happen? - I asked concerned.

-Maybe someone let a new server in, or a file with an undetectable virus - said Penelope.

-But our information is incripted in one of the highest levels of security.

-We are trying to figure this out go with Hotch and take a hold on this - said Penelope.

-Okay thank you!

I ran out of the room and headed toward Hotch:

-Hey Prentiss, thank you for coming, I'm really glad to see you.

-I'm glad to see you too Hotch, this place is chaos!

-I know and all of the organizations are going nuts in here and the tech analyst's are occupied trying to know what is going on. I just can't understand how this could happen.

Suddenly the phone rang in my office, so Aaron and I went upstairs and I answered while putting it on speaker.

-Agent Prentiss.

-Good afternoon SSA Emily Prentiss, you are speaking to the president of the United States of America, How is everything holding up?

-Good afternoon Mr. President it's an honor. The tech analysts are doing what they can to prevent the leak of the information and are trying to get the information back to safety.

-Great news, I'll be there at the BAU in about two hours.

-Okay Mr. President will be waiting for you.

-See you then.

-See you.

I looked at Aaron in shock

-What just happened?

-I can't believe the president is coming, this must be a really big leak of information.

-It is Hotch, the information of this country is in the wrong hands.

-We need to act quick or we will start the Third World War...

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