Chapter 47

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Derek and I got off the SUV and headed to the elevator

- Are you ready boss? - he asks smiling which made me laugh

- I'm ready to boss your ass around at work too! - I said full on laughing now and he was too

We opened the glass doors and Derek went to say hello to the guys and I said a general hello to everyone, but called JJ  to my office:

- Hi boss!! - she said excited

- Hi JJ!! - I said smiling

- What's up, how are you doing Em? - she asked

- I'm doing great actually - I said

- How did Derek take it? - she asked because she knew I was going to tell Derek about the twins

- He was thrilled, he was so excited and has been so supportive and loving, he's a gentleman. - I said happy

- Awww I'm so happy for you!! - she said giving me a hug

- Thanks Jage!! - I said as the hug broke apart

- So when are you going to tell the rest of the team? - asked JJ

- Well that's why I wanted to talk to you, do we have a case? - I asked

- Not yet at least...- she said

-Okay so I'm going to tell them right now in the conference room, do you mind gathering everyone and I'll get Derek. - I said to JJ

-Okay I'll get everyone settled in the conference room. - she said walking out the door

-Thanks Jage. - I said

JJ left my office and I waited a little so she could set everyone in the conference room, then I called Derek to my office and he came in:

- Hey Em, ready? - he asked

- Ready! - I said as we held hand while walking to the conference room.

We entered the room together, but I saw that Aaron was missing:

- Where's Hotch? - I asked the team

- Is he coming to the case? - Asked Reid

- No, I just have an announcement to make. - I said

- Are you leaving again? - asked Penelope scared

- Not at all, you guys won't get rid of me that easily - I said and everyone laughed

-Let's me go look for him - said Derek

-No, I'll do it thanks Derek - I said as I walked out of the conference room towards Hotch's office


-Come in! - I heard his say

-Hey Hotch! - I said

-Hey Prentiss, how are you? - he asked politely

-I'm fine thanks it's just that I need to make an announcement and I would like you to be there.

-Oh! Okay... Are you leaving again? - he asks

-Noo way, why does everyone keep asking that - I said and we both laughed

-Okay I got scared there for a second!! - he said

-Don't worry it's something good. - I said with a smile

We walked together to the conference room and the Derek and I stood up.

-Everyone Derek and I would like to make an announcement...

*Dramatic silence*

-Derek and I are expecting!!! - I said with excitement putting my hands on what is now a flat belly

-OMG! Congratulations you guys! - Said Dave

-Emily Rose Prentiss why didn't you tell me sooner - said Penn while she gave me and Derek a tight hug

-Emily and Derek congratulation - said Hotch

-Em congrats you deserve it - said Spencer while he gave me a hug

-We are so happy for you two, you guys deserve it. - said JJ

-Thank you everyone for your good wishes!! - I said 

-Do you know what you're expecting? - Asked Hotch

-Not yet, I'm only one month along but we know that we are having twins!! - I said with a bigger smile

-TWINS!?!?! - They all said in unison

-Yeah!! - said Derek excited.

-This is so exciting we hope the best for you two - said Rossi

-Thank you guys so much !! - Derek and I said 

We had more hugs and kisses and then Aaron called me to his office

-Em I want to congratulate again on the pregnancy, my best wishes to you and your new family, I just brought you here to talk about some things that concern the bureau.

-Thank you sir, but what kind of concerns? - I ask now in a serious tone

-First you need to be really careful on the field, don't go all superhero on us because you have other people to consider, also you need to find a temporary replacement for you, but with someone from the team. I'll suggest David, but it's just a suggestion and you will also be out of the field when you are 6 months along since you are having twins, you can work with me or Penelope on paperwork. No field work at all after 6 months, and remember that Derek can't get all emotional and overprotective on you. - he said warning me

-Yes Hotch thank you so much and I already thought of that and talked to Derek about this, so I have everything planned. - I said calmly

-Ok Prentiss well good luck, you'll be a great mother! - he said

-Thank you Sir! - I said as I stood up and left the room with excitement and happiness coming out of my pores...

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