Chapter 51

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I was looking at the window when all of the sudden there was smoke where Emily and Spencer were and then I saw a van heading there and picking bodies up. I started running down the stairs to find no smoke at all and no Emily or Reid anywhere, I saw Hotch right behind me:

-Hotch they're gone, he took them!! - I yelled in anger

-What?! - he said in shock

-I saw him in a white van taking Emily's and Reid's bodies. - I said with hands on my head just wanting to scream

-Derek are you sure it was a guy? - asked Hotch

-Yes, but he had a baseball cap on so I couldn't see his face! Shit!!! - I kept yelling

-Okay let's head back inside and help you remember. - said Hotch trying to calm me down

-Hotch, Emily is pregnant, with twins, with my babies, I should have protected her, I should have ran right behind her. This is all my fault!! - I said now in the verge of a meltdown

Hotch came closer and hugged me, he never does that, but I needed it.

-Shhh, don't worry Morgan we will find her and the rest of the team, don't worry, Emily and the babies are going to be okay. - he simply said

We headed inside to the PD and started investigating every detailed we had, but we couldn't find the solving puzzle piece. Then Hotch said:

-Everyone we need to rest this case up, we are too tired that we can see this case clear enough to save our friends so let's head to the hotel and rest. - said Hotch

We were really tired but all I could think of was Emily and the babies.


I woke up and the lights hurt my eyes, but after a while they started getting use to the light and I saw I was in a cell chained to the wall. The place was filthy and it looked like a basement with a small window and a metal door. I turned my head to my right and I saw JJ in the same position as me (sitting), and then I turned my head to the left and saw Spencer laying down still unconscious.

-Em are you okay? - asked JJ

-My head hurts, how about you JJ? - I asked her

-I'm fine, what do you remember? - she asks me trying to get as much detail as possible out of me

-I was in the park with Spencer then I saw a lot of smoke and I blacked out, I can't remember anything else. - I said trying hard to remember

-Okay, Em you have a cut on your forehead! - said JJ

I touched my forehead and then saw blood on my fingers

-I guess that's why my head hurts... - I said almost sarcastically

-Spencer is waking up - said JJ

I turned my head too fast and I felt dizzy

-Spence, Spence are you okay?-Said JJ

-I'm fine. - He said

-Spencer? - I say

-Emily, are you okay? - he asked worried

-Yes I'm fine, are you chained? - I ask

-No why? - he said in a very confused tone

-Because we are - I said trying to figure out why the unsub would do that

Then the door opened and the Unsub came in

-Well, well, well, you're awake and ready to play!! - he yelled and as soon as I looked up to look at him I knew who he was and now I was panicked

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