Chapter 39

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We got on the jet and headed to Detroit

-So let's build a profile -Said Hotch

-He is meticulous, he knows the families and their addresses, he's ready before he even starts. - I said

-That's right Prentiss. - said Hotch looking at me

-He has an specific type and an MO, which can make him vulnerable if it doesn't go as planned - Said JJ

-Spencer you and I go to the police department. Prentiss and Morgan head to the crime scenes. David and JJ you go and talk to the families we need to catch this unsub before anything happens. - Hotch said

-Agreed... - We all said in unison

I was sitting right next to Derek and in front of me I had Hotch and David. I could feel the tension in the room because everyone is worried about me. We landed and headed to the places Hotch told us to be. Derek and I went to the crime scenes:

-Hello we are SSA Emily Prentiss and SSA Derek Morgan, we are with the FBI. - I said shaking the detective's hand

-Hello I'm sheriff Steve Johnson - he said

-Can you take us to the crime scene? - asked Derek

- Sure. - he said

We started walking down an alley until we found a big green trash can.

-This is were we found her

-God this smells really bad! - I said covering my nose

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-God this smells really bad! - I said covering my nose

-Hell yeah! - said Derek doing the same as me

-How many girls did you find here? - I ask turning to face the sheriff

-We found parts from 3 girls mixed inside some bags because the rest of their parts were found in their families homes.

-He is a sadist, probably a sociopath, he is social and can mix in the age range.  - I said trying to build the profile

-Yes he is Prentiss. - said Derek walking back to the car

Ring... ring...


-Hey, it's me Reid, we have a geographical profile. - he said

-Okay we are heading to the police station then. - I said

-Okay bye.


I hung up the phone with Reid and turned to face Derek.

-Morgan we need to leave now, they built a geographical profile already.

-Okay let's go Prentiss.

We are really professional at work so no one, other than the team, notices our relationship. We got on the SUV and headed to the police station:

-Morgan and Prentiss come here! - yelled Hotch

-Coming Hotch! - said Morgan

-This is his striking area. - said Reid showing us a red circle on the map of the city

-It's not that big. - I said surprised

-No and it's almost the same places and patterns every time. - said Spencer

-Well we should set up a trap. - said Hotch

-I totally agree, I could be there and help catch him. - I said

-Prentiss I really think you shouldn't put your life at risk for this. - said Derek sternly

-Yes I agree with Morgan on this one - said Hotch

-Thanks Hotch. - said Derek

-Okay then what are we going to do? - said JJ

-I need coffee and then we can discuss. - said Spencer, who looked tired.

-I'll go - I said volunteering

-Okay thanks Prentiss - said Reid

I went out the Detroit Police Department and headed to the closest café. When I was almost there BANG!!! And I blacked out...

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