Chapter 85

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We saved that woman's life so the team was coming back after a week of being gone. Derek was really worried about me, imagine if he knew what had happened. I was waiting for them while they were getting off the Jet.

- Emily!!!

Derek ran down the jet and towards me, I wanted to do the same but I could barely walk so I waited for him with my arms wide open

- Derek!!! I've missed you so much

- I've missed you too princess

We hugged and kissed for a while. I have missed him so much. He carried me and  tried to spin me around but I whined in pain.

- Emily what's going? You should be better by now.

- Yeah I know!

- Then we should ask Meredith.

- Derek don't make such a fuzz about it, don't worry.

- I worry about you and you don't look better.

- I'll be fine, no worries.

- Are you hiding something from me?

- No babe don't worry I'll be fine.

- Okay so let's go home.

- Okay then.

We said bye to the team and headed home, we were all really tired so we went to get rest. We got to the house and Chloe, the babysitter had already put Declan to bed, so I went to his room and gave him a good night kiss, even though he was already at sleep. In the living room Derek was paying Chloe and then I went downstairs and said bye to her and to drive save.

Derek closed the door.

- Babe I'm going to go take a shower.

- Mind if I join you?

- Yeah I do mind, I don't want you to see me like this, all bruised and stitched up, sorry...

- Don't worry Em, but you'll always look beautiful to me!

He got closer and hugged me.

- Thanks for understanding honey!

- I love you

- Love you too

I went upstairs trying not to whine in pain and then went inside the bathroom. I took my clothes off and watched my reflection in the mirror. I didn't liked it at all. You could see all the bruising and stitches on my pregnant belly and I just placed my hand on it.

- I'm sorry for putting you through a scary situation. I'm suppose to protect you not to put you in danger little kittens. I love you and I'm sorry.

I looked at myself again in the mirror and saw a tear rolling down my cheek. I got in and took a quick shower then I got out, put on my PJ's and brushed my wet hair while Derek took a shower. After he got ready we ate dinner and went to bed.

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