Chapter 84

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Meredith stitched me up again and I got a blood transfusion so I could get stronger, Dr. Robbins said that the babies were fine which made me happy. Four hours have passed and Meredith came in the room:

- Emily you have a visitor

- Who is it?

- Penelope Garcia

- Tell her to come in

- Okay

I heard Penelope's high heels tap on the hospital floor

- Emily Prentiss you had me so worried

She came and hugged me

- I'm sorry Penn, it took way longer than I expected

- Have you called Derek?

- No! Did you tell him?

- No!!

- Okay... how is the team doing?

- They have no new leads so they are kind of stuck

- Okay then let's get going

- Where to?

- The office

- But you are not okay Em.

- I'm fine Penn let's go, Meredith already gave me my discharged papers

- Okay then... if you say so!

I got up from the bed, said bye and thank you to Meredith, Derek and Arizona, and headed out the hospital with Penelope. We got into my office and called the team:

- Guys update me!

- We are stuck, we have no new leads and we are running out of time because he kidnapped a woman 24 hours ago. - said Spencer

- Shit!

- Emily I think all we can do is wait - Said Derek

- No we can't just wait and let her die

- We don't have any leads on him, we are stuck. It sounds wrong, but there is no other way - Said Rossi

- I'm heading there then

- Emily nothing is going to change if you are here or there and you need to rest! - Said Derek a little pissed off

I stayed quiet and thought of something, and then I got it. Tried to run out but couldn't so I walked towards Aaron. He was in this case when it became cold 5 years ago.

- Hotch?!

- Prentiss you shouldn't be here

- I need to work and I need your help

I briefed him on the case and he helped us out with really good leads. Twenty four hours later we rescued the woman who was held by the unsub and he died while arresting him. It was a nice case because we got to save that woman's life.


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