Chapter 50

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We couldn't find anything that could be a connection between the crimes, the places were different, the people, the MO, everything was different and we just couldn't see something that we were missing from the very start. I was very tired and I was going to tell the team we could head to the hotel and rest this case up but then I saw that JJ wasn't anywhere to be seen.

-Guys where is JJ?

-She went to the bathroom a while back - said Rossi

-22 minutes and 30 seconds to be exact - said Reid

-That's too long to be in the bathroom - I said worried

I ran to the bathroom and saw that a window was broken and there were signs of a struggle in the room. I ran back to the team I couldn't really breath I was scared for JJ, that I just told them.

-Jennifer is missing - I said trying to catch my breath

-WHAT!! - they all said panicked

-They took her... - I said quietly trying to process what was going on

Reid ran to the bathroom, saw the scene and then came back with tears in his eyes

-We need to call her - said Spencer who was in shock and wasn't processing everything correctly right now

-Already tried, voice mail - I said with hand on my head pacing around

-Try again!! - yelled Reid

JJ ' s POV

I went to the bathroom of the Cleveland PD and when I came in the door I felt one hand on my mouth and the other one with a knife close to my back

-Be quiet or I'll kill you, that little ass of husband you have, and your bestie. - the unsub said

-Please don't do anything to them!! - I begged

-Awww, I'm sorry. I WASN'T ASKING YOU!! - He screamed at me really loud and I thought someone maybe had heard him and would save me, but I was wrong, everyone was so worried on finding him that didn't know he was in the PD

Him and I jumped out of a window and he threw me inside a van and started to drive, I was really scared because I knew who he was and he was out of his mind and determined to get us.


I was dizzy, scared and I just felt numb for a minute thinking JJ needs to be okay, we need to find her and bring her back safely. I was trying my best to keep it together because after all I was the unit Chief and had to calm during these types of situations; nevertheless, I was very worried about JJ. I saw Spencer run out of the police department to a park on front, I followed him there, we needed to be there for each other, he is my best friend and JJ is too.


I saw that Emily wasn't feeling so well, but at work we couldn't show affection:

-Prentiss, are you okay? - I asked her

-Yes I'm fine thanks you Morgan. - she said not sounding very convincing

I knew she was really worried about JJ and then I saw her go out of the police department with Spencer, I was going to follow her but...

-Don't Morgan, they need to be with each other in this situation, Emily, JJ and Spencer are like the 3 Musketeers. - said Hotch holding me back

-Okay then, thanks Hotch. - I said


I ran to Spencer and hugged him really tight

-Spencer we need to find her! - I said

-But how, I have no idea how! - he said desperately

-We need the team's help, we need to get back to the PD and figure this out like we always do - I told him

We were heading back when all of the sudden there was smoke everywhere and then I blacked out...

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