Chapter 21

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Derek and I got out for work and went to pick Declan up from school early.

-Hey mom, is something wrong? - he asked concerned while we got in the car

- Nothing is wrong baby, Drek and I have to travel to the US again. - I said as Derek started driving towards my mom's house

-Why mom? Did they found him? - he asks with mixed emotions

-Yes honey, and we are going to catch him! - I said trying to reassure him

- Okay mommy, but am I going with you?

- No baby, you are staying here with grandma. Is that okay?

-Yes mommy, I love grandma.

-Okay good because... - he interrupted

- When do you leave?

- We are leaving today.

He interrupted me again.


-Yes baby so we can catch Doyle faster.

-Okay mom. - he said in an understanding tone

-We are leaving and we will come back when we catch him.

-Okay mom.

-We are going to take you to grandma's now, I brought your favorite toys, your books and everything you need to stay at grandma's.

-Okay thanks mom.

The rest of the car ride was quiet until we got there. We got out of the car and pressed the bell. I kneeled down to Declan's height and I told him:

-I love you baby, always remember that and be nice to grandma I will call you every night I promise. - I said giving him a kiss

-Okay mommy I love you and be safe, you too Derek. - he said hugging us

-We will baby, we love you. - I said

-We love you buddy, give me five- said Derek

We all hugged and my mom was standing by the door.

-Hello mother.

-Hello daughter.

-Thanks for taking care of Declan.

-It's my pleasure honey, I love my grandchild.

-I love you too granny - said Declan

-Okay bye honey, be nice. - I told Declan

-Okay mom, love you! - he said

-Yes baby we love you too - I said as he ran inside the house

I turned around to face my mom:

-Bye mom.

-Bye Mrs. Prentiss - Said Derek

-Bye you two, be safe.

-We will...

And with that we hoped on the car and went straight to the airport.


Maybe it wasn't a great idea...

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