Chapter 55

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I told Derek to tell the team to come in the room. Then he came back and told me that Spencer and JJ wanted to talk to me in private first.

-Okay tell them to come in. - I said worried about them

-I will. - Derek said

Knock knock...

-Come in!!

-Em how are you feeling?

-I feel fine JJ, how are you?

-I'm fine.

Spencer was looking at me with guilt and shame in his eyes.

-Spencer come here.

-I feel so bad Emily, I couldn't save you or JJ, I just made you feel pain, I'm so sorry Emily. I know you are in pain, but you don't say anything because you don't want me to feel bad. I hope you can forgive me.

-Spence don't worry, this is not your fault, you had to do this to us because if not you might have ended up dead. The Unsub is the one that is guilty and responsible for this not you. Don't punish yourself because this is not your fault. Thanks to you my babies are okay, you knew the I was pregnant so you didn't hit me in the stomach. Spencer I don't need to forgive you, you didn't do anything wrong.

-Thanks Emily, for what you just said, I felt so guilty when you were unconscious in that bed laying like a piece of paper connected to machines...

He took a deep breath

-I felt really guilty, but now I fell a little better.

-Well I hope you can feel completely better soon, because you did nothing wrong.

-Let's hope so... did you get a lot of stitches?

-Yes, but I'll be alright.

-JJ, Spence, come here.

The 3 of us hugged, we were broken but now we are fixed.

-Bring the rest of the team in.


Spencer went to the waiting room to get the team and I asked JJ

-Jage, how are you and Spencer doing since the abduction?

-Well we are figuring things out because he feels like a bad husband that hits his wife, he knows I'll have scars and I bet he is afraid to see them every time we are in bed together.

-Well let's hope for the best and that you both can move on from this as quick as possible.

-How are you and Derek?

-It's different because he wasn't there to torture us, he feels a bit guilty for not being there taking care of me and protecting me, and I bet from now on he will be super overprotective.

-Yeah, let's hope we can move on from this and live our life's like "nothing happen".

The rest of the team came in and asked how I was feeling, how were the babies doing, and normal stuff. The team knows what happened there, but doesn't want to talk about it because Spencer will feel bad so we don't want that.

10 pm

I'm really tired and the team is still here.

-Guys I think Emily wants to rest so we will see you guys tomorrow

-Okay bye Em!! - They all said.

-Bye guys!!

They left the room and Derek obviously stayed with me at the hospital

-Thanks Derek, I'm really tired.

-No worries, now get some sleep.

-Love you...

-Love you too Em...

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