Chapter 19

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*Please look at the picture, that's Emily's view from the balcony in her room*


We got home and it was beautiful, I didn't remember how beautiful it was. I haven't been in this mansion for years but it's perfect.

-What do you guys think?? - I ask the boys

They both had a surprised face, and their jaws could hit the floor.

-I love it mom, this house is awesome!! - said Declan jumping up and down

-Emily you never told me you own a mansion this big, it's beautiful. - said Derek in shock

-Thanks guys, I didn't remember it was this big either. - I said opening the door to find our butler Elliot

-Miss Emily may I help you with you bags? - he asks

-Yes thank you Elliott. - I said giving him a hug

-Miss Emily it has been a long time. - he said as we pulled apart from the hug

-Yes Elliott, way too much time, let me introduce you to my boyfriend Derek and the kid that went running inside is my son Declan. - I said

-Well nice to meet you Mr. Derek hope you have a great time here. - said Elliot shaking Derek's hand

-Thank you Elliott - Said Derek.

-Miss Emily your room and Declan's room are ready with everything you need; however, if you need anything else please let me know.

-Thank you Elliott. - I said nodding

Derek and I went inside the house. The house was a Mediterranean design, I love this mansion, and the view from my room is the best.

-Derek let me show you my room or our room. - I said guiding him upstairs

-Sure! - he said excited

We went upstairs and I showed him the balcony, the view from there is the most beautiful of the city, I have a front row seat to watch the Eiffel Tower every day.

-What do you think? - I ask him

-This view is amazing I couldn't wish for more. Now I can wake up with this view and a beautiful woman by my side.

I blushed a little and said:

-Awww thanks I love you.

-I love you too.

We stayed there until Declan came in.

-Wow mom I love this view, look Derek, the Eiffel tower.

-Yes buddy how cool is that?!! - Derek said

-Maybe tomorrow we can go baby. - I told Declan

-Okay mom! - he said and left

-I hope we catch Doyle. - I said to Derek

-I hope so too because I don't want anything to happen to you or Declan. - he said as he gave me a sweet kiss

We stay in the balcony for a while until Declan came upstairs and said:

- Mom this house is huge!! - he said excited

- Yes baby, it really is - I said to him

We went downstairs so I could show Derek the rest of the house and the Elliot has told me that lunch was ready for us at the dinning room. We are lunch and chilled at the house in theodolite for a while and then at night we decided to do a movie night. Declan fell asleep so Derek carried him to his room and then we both got into bed:

- Honey I'm thinking that since Declan really liked you I'm going to tell him about our relationship - I said

- That's fine Em, if you feel he is ready then go for it, I'm okay with it - he said hugging me

- Okay then, I love you D - I said drifting off

- I love you too Em - he said as we fell asleep

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