Chapter 65

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We were sitting together, he was hugging me and we were there watching the sunset, when Derek got on one knee on front of me and said...

Emily Rose Prentiss, I've known you for more than 10 years and I have loved you since day one, I just didn't realize I was falling for you everyday more and more, until I got the courage to express my feelings to you hoping you would feel the same way *Exhales* And you did, that day I was the happiest man on earth. I didn't know I would found happiness from then on, you have brought light to my life, Declan has brought happiness and craziness to my life and I wanted to thank you for letting me be part of his life and your life.

*Pause* *Breaths in*

I didn't know either that you would make me even happier when you gave me the news that I was becoming a father but not for the first time because I take Declan as my kid. Emily I love you so much that words can't even express how much, when I met you I fantasized about having a lifetime with you, about having a family and growing old together and I hope we can do that together, I choose you to be extraordinary together instead of being ordinary apart.

Will you marry me?

I was crying, I was so surprised and moved by his speech, I love him so much, but I couldn't even move my mouth, I think I was taking to long because he made a face.


We kissed and he hugged me, he seemed so happy and I was do happy too, we were still on the tree crying/laughing together and hugging.

-Emily I love you so much, you just made me the happiest man once again.

-I love you too, and I just became the happiest woman on earth once again.

And we kissed with so much love, we were finally happy and where we needed to be, in feel so happy and proud of where we have made it.

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