Chapter 8

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It's been a 3 days that Emily has entered a coma. The doctors are always checking on her brain activity, so they can know that she is not brain dead; in addition, they also have given us hopeful news that she will be waking up soon because the swelling in her brain is almost completely down. I miss her so much, her jokes and her smile, I want her to wake up and tell her I love her because I can't wait any longer.

I was holding her hand when I felt it move:

- Em, Emily, can you hear me? - I asked softly

She fluttered her eyelids and opened her eyes

- Em, you are awake! - I said excited

- Who are you? NURSE?!!! - Emily yelled almost in panic

- Em, it's me, Derek - I said trying to not be upset

- I don't know you! - she said scared

She was screaming and then the nurse came in and told me not to worry she might be overwhelmed so she wasn't really thinking.


I was overwhelmed, I had a headache and I didn't remember what happened.

- Miss Emily, your team wants to see you - said the nurse

- Okay, but one by one, please. - I said to the nurse, so she went out and called one of the team members:

- Hey Em - she said walking in and sitting next to my bed

-Hey, I remember you, how are you Jage? - I said smiling at her

- I should be the one asking you that, how do you feel? - she asks

- Overwhelmed kind of sums up everything - I said

- No worries you'll remember , just don't try to hard - she said as she came and hugged me

She was so happy and I was happy too, she is my best friend, we know each other since I started in the bureau and we have become so close in the past years. JJ left the room so she could let someone else from the team come, it was an older guy's turn:

- Hey, Em is David... Rossi - he says trying to be patient with my memory

- Hi... - I said still trying to organize my thoughts

- We usually go on road trips when you need to figure yourself out... remember? - he said softly

- I'm having some flashbacks with you in them but I don't have a clear memory yet - I said with a sorry look

-Okay - he said softly and left while I was still trying to piece my memories with him

Then a younger guy came in:

-Hey Em, its Spencer, we know each other from college.  - He said and continued talking about percentages of memory loss, but I wasn't really paying attention because I was trying to remember him.

- Yes I remember you, not like perfectly but mostly, thanks for the percentages talk that really triggered my memory - I said laughing.

He seemed relieved that I remembered him and it's mostly because I know him the longest. When he was about to say something else, a tall strong guy knocked on the door.

- Hey Em, do you remember me? Please remember me - he said desperately

He came in and sat next to me looking at me with sad eyes. I couldn't remember him, that made me feel very overwhelmed and I started hyperventilating, so Spencer called the nurse and they sedated me, intubated me, and after that everything went black...

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