Chapter 88

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I showed Savannah the office and told her which desk was hers. Then I went to JJ's office because she had texted me that she wanted to see me.

- Hey Jage what's up?

- Hey Em, I wanted to talk to you about the new agent. So you want to go for coffee?

- Sure let's go.

So I told Aaron and Derek that I was going out and JJ picked me up at the lobby.

- So what do you want to talk about?

- Don't tell me you haven't seen how Savannah looks at Derek.

- I did see that and I'm not liking it at all, but I know Derek and he wouldn't do anything to harm me or our family so I trust him. But I do not trust Savannah. That's why I got closer to him in the conference room but she didn't care at all.

- I know Derek loves you but we don't know Savannah, and I don't want to judge her, but she might be trouble.

- Yeah let's see what happens...


I was fixing my desk and it was really far from Derek. He is such a hot guy and I want him with me.

- Hey...Derek right?

- Yes nice to meet you.

- I'm Savannah nice to meet you too.

- Ready for this job?

- Yes I'm ready!

- Be ready to lose and get hurt and feel like you are worthless sometimes.

- Wow! Really?

- I love my job, and I wouldn't change it for anything. In this job is where I met the love of my life, but I have also lost a lot.

- The love of your life? Who?

- The Unit chief. We are getting married and we are having a twins.

- Congratulations!

- Thank you...

Then he walked away. I can't believe he is getting married to Emily Prentiss. How? I mean he should be with someone like me not her. Let's see what happens because I could change somethings around here.

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