Chapter 41

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-What are we going to do? - I asked Hotch trying not to sound too concerned

-Emily you need to be always with someone, and try to stay indoors. - said Aaron

-I'll try but what are we going to do about this unsub? - I asked

-Well we don't really know where to look. - said JJ

-Yes we do - said Spencer

-Where? - I asked

-There is an abandoned warehouse close by, I think he should be there, plus is within the target zone.

-Let's go then - I said walking toward the SUV

-Prentiss you're staying - said Derek

-No, I'm not, he wants me, he gets me, I'm not going to let him win. - I said sternly

-Okay then... let's go, but you'll always be by my side. - said Derek, in a very concerned voice.

We got in our SUV and headed to the warehouse, we opened the door silently and started to search for the Unsub. I went upstairs with Derek to look for the guy; I opened a door and there he was with a grenade in his hands.

-Emily Prentiss nice to meet you! - the unsub said with satisfaction

-Nice to meet you too, what's your name? - I asked calmly

-You don't need my name to remember me. - he said

-Why would I remember you? - I asked

-Because of the explosion. - he said enjoying it

-I have been in worst explosions! - I said antagonising him

-I wasn't talking about that one. - he yelled angry

I started to run away from that room and then...


We all flew off, but I was fine and everyone was fine except for that guy, there was no guy, there were only pieces of the guy.

-EVERYONE OKAY? - Said Hotch

-YES -Said JJ

-YES -Said David

-YES -Said Spencer

-PRENTISS AND MORGAN? - yelled Hotch

-WE DON'T KNOW YET - said Reid

-PRENTISS?? ... MORGAN?? - yelled JJ

-HERE -Said Derek

-WHERE'S PRENTISS? - yelled Hotch again

-I'M FINE! - I yelled back


When I stood up from the floor my ears were buzzing even more and my head was hurting, but I tried to forget that. We went outside to find the police ready to arrest the guy and when they saw us empty handed and all dirty they knew the guy was dead.

-Thank you so much for your help

-Your very welcome, call us if you need anything- Said JJ

We got on the SUV and left to the airport because the jet was waiting for us

In the jet I sat next to Derek

-Em are you okay?

-Yes Derek I'm fine.


-Yes I'm sure thanks babe.

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