Chapter 18

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*Please look at the picture because it's Emily's mansion*


We got off the jet really tired, we have been seated for 8 hours. It was 8:30 am in Paris, France. We all had a jet lag because we were tired even though we slept in the plane.

-Hey mom is the house far away from here? - asked Declan rubbing his eyes

-Not really honey, you will love the house!! - I said excited to be back in Paris

-Is the house big? - Declan asked with curiosity

-It's really big buddy you'll love it, you will have your own room and you would go to school, meet new French friends and well, it won't be difficult for you to learn because you already know French.

-Yes mom, remember when we used to speak in French both of us in the house when I was a kid? - he asked

-Yes baby I remember. - I said rubbing his head

We got off the plane and we followed the people to the carousel to get our bags and get out of the airport.

Bienvenue à Paris
*Welcome to Paris*

You could read it almost everywhere inside the airport. It felt so nice to be in France again, I love being here.

-Derek, do you speak French? - I asked him

-I have no idea princess, but you can teach me? - he said with a wink, I just laughed and said:

-You'll learn no worries it's really easy. - I told him winking back

Before we could get out of the airport there was a police man checking passports and bags.


-Bonjour madame, je peux voir le passeport de votre famille et votre passeport s'il vous plaît?
*Hello miss may I see your family's and your passport please?*

-Bien sûr monsieur, le voici.
*Sure sir, here you go*

*Thank you*

I passed our passports, we all had the American passport, so it wasn't a problem at all; the police man gave them back to me and said bye

-Au revoir madame.
*Bye miss*

-Au revoir

We got on a SUV that was waiting for us and we headed home. France was perfect, I love it, everything was so pretty and the smells take me back to when I was a kid, enjoying life carelessly with my brother Harley.

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