Chapter 70

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We were still sitting in the living room when I heard small footsteps


-Hey baby come here!

He came running to me and buried his head on my chest

-Say hi Declan

-Good morning - said Declan quietly

-Good morning young man - said Derek's dad

-Hey honey - Said my mom

He is a really shy boy and he doesn't know Derek's family so well, so that's why he is like that. He got close to my ear and said:

-Mommy I'm hungry

-I'm hungry too buddy!

I looked at everyone and asked:

-Do you guys want to go eat brunch since it's 11 am?

-Sure! - said everyone in unison

But I got a text from David that said

-Hey Em do you want to eat brunch with your family here at my place? Bring everyone!

-Well that would be great my family and I were going for brunch but we will definitely go there. Sure we can all go? We are a lot of people.

-It's fine just tell me how many am I expecting.

- Well we are 8 people

-Okay then we will be waiting for you guys

-Is the rest of the team going?

-Yes of course!

-Okay then we will head there now, thanks David!

-Guys David invited us to brunch at his house

-All of us?

-Yes mom, he said it was okay, the rest of the team is going too.

-Okay then let's get ready.

Everyone stood up and headed different ways, Declan went to his room and took a shower while Derek and I took a quick but dirty shower together, my mom and Harley were staying in the babies room which had a bathroom and Derek's parents were staying in the basement which was really comfortable for the three of them. We were all ready in 30 minutes and grabbed 2 cars to go to Rossi's mansion. When we got there Derek's parents were amazed with the mansion, imagine if they were amazed with our house imagine with David's huge mansion, now their jaws dropped, they are not use to this luxury because they come from the countryside and the farms.

 When we got there Derek's parents were amazed with the mansion, imagine if they were amazed with our house imagine with David's huge mansion, now their jaws dropped, they are not use to this luxury because they come from the countryside and the f...

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The mansion was amazing, it was gorgeous and it was marvelous. It had 10 rooms and 12 bathroom, and it had everything you dream in a house of this magnitude. We park the cars in the garage and knocked on the door.

-Hey Em come in, wonderful family you have there!

-Thanks Rossi.

-Salut, comment vas tu david? -asked my mom in Italian
(Hey how are you David?)

-Salut david, ravi de vous revoir. - said my brother to Rossi.
(Hey David, nice to see you again)

My mom and Harley said and shook hands with Rossi. Then we got in and Derek introduce his family formally to Rossi because he didn't get a chance yesterday.

-Mommy can I go see my cousins?

-Sure baby, are they here already?

-Yes look at auntie JJ over there.

-Oh! Okay then go ahead just don't get lost in this big house.

He ran of...

-Hey Em how are you?

I turned around and Aaron was behind me

-Hey Aaron, I'm good thank you and you?

He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

-I'm doing better!

-How is Jack?

-He is really happy now and we have been much better, we are looking forward now.

-Well that's great Aaron that you and Jack are moving forward.

-Yes... and how are you with Derek and the family?

-We are doing fine, his family is just really quiet and they are still trying to cope with the fact that Derek lives here in a city.

-And in a really big house-  Said Aaron

-Yes and in a really big house!


-And how are you with the pregnancy?

-I'm doing fine, just feeling a bit tired but that's it.

-Oh! Okay but you look great!

-Thanks Aaron!

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