Chapter 3

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Everything in the BAU was going great until I got a call from my friends from interpol Tsia and Clyde.

- Prentiss

- Hey Emily it's Tsia and Clyde - they said on speaker

- Hey guys, it has been a really long time since we talked, what's up? - I asked knowing it wasn't just to chat

- Well... - Tsia said

- What happened? - I asked worried

- Emily, we think Ian Doyle escape from prison and it's coming to D.C to see you. We have some Intel on where he is and we had surveillance right now and we need you to help us get arrested him - Clyde said, but Tsia interrupted

- We need your help Em, if not he will walk away with it - she said

- But if I help you when he gets out he will kill me. Let me think about it... - I said

- Please Em we need your help and he will never get out of jail - Tsia said

- I'll tell you tomorrow - I said trying to be calm

- Ok bye Em and take care - said Clyde

- Bye guys I'll call you tomorrow - I said and hung up

I was worried when they told me he had escaped but at least they know where he is we just need to arrest him; however, he thinks Lauren Reynolds is dead he doesn't know Emily Prentiss.

- Lauren Reynolds is dead - I said to myself as a reminder

- What did you say Em? - asked Reid when he heard me

- Oh nothing Reid, sorry to interrupt you from your reading - I said trying to convince him

- Don't worry Em - he said and went back to reading

I need to tell my brother about this because I don't know what to do.

Hours later...

I finished my paperwork and headed home. When I got home my brother was already there.

- Hey Em, how was work? - he asked as I walked in the house

- Hey Harls. Work was okay, but I got some news from Interpol - I said

- What happened? - he asked worried

- Doyle escaped from prison - Harley interrupted me

- WHAT?!? - He yelled

- Let me finish Harley, they know where he is already they just need to arrest him and get a confession, if I help them and they lock him up, but when he gets out he will kill me, so I don't know what to do" - I said worried

- He will never get out of jail sister, he is probably being sent to super secure prison, he's not getting out - he said

- And that's the problem, he already escaped once, what is stopping him from doing it again? I just need to call Tsia and Clyde to tell them I can't help them... - I said running my fingers through my hair

- That's great sis, however, I know you couldn't live with yourself knowing you didn't get help catch Doyle and that he is out there looking for you - Harley said

- You are right; nevertheless, I need to to find Doyle's kid first and then we can arrest him when he is safe so Interpol doesn't use him as a pawn- I said

- So what are you going to do? - asked Harley

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