Chapter 56

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The next day...

I was woken up by the doctor telling me that I could leave:

-Miss Emily you are all set to go to your house, you and the babies are better and stronger now, so you can leave now. We contacted Dr. Robbins to send her the exams and that she wants to see you in a week for your 2 month check-up.

-Okay thank you so much doctor.

-You're very welcome!

He gave me my discharge papers and Derek helped me get dressed and fixed my bag so we could get going.

-Are you ready babe?

-Yes honey I'm ready.

He brought the car to the entrance and I got in and headed to the airport to get in the jet with the team so we could head back to Quantico. We got on the jet and everyone was waiting for us:

-Hey Em how are you? -Asked Dave

-I'm much better thanks for asking.

-And the babies? -Asked JJ

-They are fine and stronger already.

-Great news! - said Aaron

I sat on a chair next to Derek and in front of JJ and Spencer

-So how are you guys doing? - I asked to JJ and Spence.

-I feel fine and relieve that we are heading home already - said JJ

-And you Spence? How are you?

-I'm feeling much better now that you are out of the hospital and my wife is save.

-Awww you're so cute together and thanks for feeling better now.

The rest of the plane ride was silent, Derek, JJ and Spencer were sleeping and Aaron came to me and told me

-Prentiss I need to talk to you in my office today, is it okay with you?

-Yes of course Hotch, but is it bad? Is it about something I did?

-No, no Emily it's about some things about paperwork that we have to fill in together because of your abduction and JJ's and Spencer's abductions because you're the boss now.

-Okay well I'll tell Derek to stay so we can head home together to Declan.

-Ok thenks Prentiss

Ready for landing, fasten your seatbelt...

-Derek wake up honey.


-We are here!

- Okay...

-Babe I need to go to the Bureau  with Aaron to fill some paperwork about the abduction. Can you wait for me so we can head home together and Declan sees us both? Please?

-Sure Em I'll wait for you.

-Thanks babe.

We got out of the jet and Hotch, Derek and I got in a SUV and went to the BAU to fill in some paperwork, and at 9pm Derek and I were heading home.

At home...

We went inside to find a running Declan coming down the stairs


He came running to hug me really tight.

-I've missed you so much baby!!

-I've miss you too mommy... and daddy.

He went and hugged Derek and then I went upstairs with him to put him to bed.

-Good night baby we love you.

-I love you too mommy and daddy.

We gave him a kiss on the forehead and headed to our room to sleep.

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