Chapter 48

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I came out of Hotch's really happy, I went to my office and worked on my paperwork.

Knock knock...

-Come in!! - I said

-Hey Em, Penn and I are going to lunch, you want to go? - asked JJ

-Sure let's go! - I said

I grabbed my coat and headed out of my office

-Hey babe, where are you going? - asked Derek

-I'm going to eat lunch with the girls. - I said

-Oh! Okay babe take care. - he said softly

-I will hun. - I said as I left

We went out of the building and walked to Chipotle to eat

-So how are you feeling Em? - asked Penn

-I'm doing great Penn thanks.

-Hey Em, would you like to go with Spence and I to the new Waterpark close by with Declan on Saturday?

-Sure I'd love too, I'll ask Derek and we will meet you guys there, also we should tell Hotch so he can take Jack if he wants.

-Do you want to go too Penn? - Asked JJ

-Sure! I'll ask Kevin so we can go together. - she said excited

-How are you and Kevin doing? - I asked intrigued

-We are doing great, we are really planning on moving in together so we are looking for apartments.

-That's great Penn congrats!

-Thanks Em

We finished our food and went back to the Bureau to finish the paperwork


-Prentiss can we head home now? - Asked Reid as he popped his head in my office

-Are you done with the paperwork Reid? - I asked

I hated being formal, but at work I was the boss and needed to act like it.

-Yes ma'am - he said

-You can leave then Reid, and tell the others that they can leave too once they turn in their paperwork to me. - I said and he nodded and tried to leave but JJ came along

Knock knock...

-Come in

-I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but we have a case Prentiss.- said JJ

-Okay then tell everyone to meet me in the conference room - I told JJ

-Reid I guess you can't leave... - I said to Reid


We went to the conference room and Penelope presented the case

-Well crime fighters you are heading to Cleveland, Ohio because we have a serial killer...

-Recreating crimes we've solved- Said Spencer

-Yes I was about to say that - said Penn being sassy - this unsub has killed at least 3 victims but they hadn't made the connection because it's not the same MO or victimology until one POF the retired detectives recognized the cases and told the Cleveland PD to contact us. 

-Okay, wheels up in 30

I went to my office, grabbed my go-bag and headed to the jet to analyze the file and try to build a preliminary profile

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