Chapter 6

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- Hello? - He asked on the other side of the line

- It's me, Emily - I said to him

- Hey, what's up Em? Thanks for calling me back so quick  - He said

- I'm good Clyde, sorry I couldn't answer sooner, I'm working a case, so what's up? - I asked him

- I wish that I was calling for good news but... - he trailed off

-But what? - I asked concerned

-I'm going to put you on speaker, I'm with Tsia. - he says out loud

-Hey Em, I've miss you. - said Tsia

-Me too! - I said to her

-Ian escaped from jail -said Clyde.

-WHAT?!?! How?!?! - I almost yelled

I was really scared of Ian, he will forever hunt me. I thought he was going to be in jail for life, but I guess the cards have changed and now he is coming for me.

-You have to be very careful Em, please, we can't lose you. - said Clyde

-I know but...Where is he? Wasn't he in Kwalliso? I know the government shipped him to North Korea - I said

- He was but he escaped, we've received a security camera video from a small airport in LA, and we think he is coming back to D.C so he can go after you. - said Tsia

-Is my team in danger? - I asked worried

-They are if you tell them about who you were at Interpol. This time around we don't have the advantage that he thought you were dead, so be careful and don't say anything unless is mandatory.- said Clyde

- You guys need to be careful too, it wasn't only me involved with him, Tsia do you remember the apartment we used to live in? Go there and don't let anyone see you, if you guys are separated is better. - I said

-Okay Em I'm heading there, it's almost sunrise I'll have to move quick. - she said scared

-Yes Tsia and be cautious. - I warned her

I hung up and slept for a little while so JJ wouldn't see me awake and ask questions.


We woke up by the sound of my phone, it was Hotch.

- Prentiss. - I said groggy

- Hey Prentiss, we need you girls to get ready and be at the police station as fast as you can. - he said quick

-What happened Hotch? - I said worried

-There's a body, but it looks like is an isolated case. - he said

-Okay... - I said and hung up

I was worried, what if it was Tsia? No Emily don't think like that. I woke JJ up and we got ready really fast and went to the LAPD. Hotch assigned us in pairs again and me and Derek went to the crime scene. It was an isolated case because when we got there it was the condo I told Tsia to go to and the M.O was a bullet through the head. We went upstairs to the crime scene and I was really quiet and stressed out, when we got there, there was Tsia's body laying on the front door, she didn't even get the chance to go in the apartment. I felt sick to my stomach but I couldn't show any emotion because I know Derek would profile me and I don't need him to get in this hot mess.

-So... What do you think? - asked Derek

-Do we know who she is? - I asked trying to keep the poker face

-Not for now, do you think it was an armed robbery? - asked Derek

-No, I think it was organized, they knew she was coming and they were prepared. They didn't even let her open the door. - I said trying to hold back the contents in my stomach

-Yeah you are right. Are you okay? - asked Derek looking straight at me

-Why wouldn't I be? - I said kinda angry

-No nothing, forget it. - he said moving away

I receive a phone call from Hotch, he needed us to go to this address 3609 West Street. Derek and I went to that address, parked the car in front of the house, but we saw some strange movement and then a group of men came out with masks on. We got off the car and followed them to there SUV without making a sound, but they saw us and they started shooting at us. While Derek and I seeked cover, I got so close I shot one of the unsubs in the stomach and he died, but while doing so another unsub that was shooting all over the place hit my abdomen right in between where the Velcro of my vest meet, I fell back and hit my head on the side of the sidewalk where as soon as my head was down I passed out.


Emily and I were getting closer to the unsubs, she was even able to kill one but the other one was shooting all over the place and we didn't have good cover, I turned to look at Emily for one second and what I see is one bullet hitting her side, then she went down, and wouldn't move. I yelled her name but she didn't answer, I kept moving to where the unsubs were getting into a van and one of them lifted his face mask and looked straight at Emily for a few seconds before they left.

I ran back to where Emily was and said:

-EMILY WAKE UP! STAY WITH ME! - I said putting my hand on her side to keep pressure on the bleeder

I called 911 and requested an ambulance, they got there in 5 minutes and took Emily to the nearest hospital. On the way I decided to call the team to let them know what was going

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