Chapter 86

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I was running down a dark aisle, it was dirty and dark; I could feel a cold breeze touching my body. Where am I? And then I heard it.

- Mommy please help us!

It was Declan and then:

- Mommy where are u?

It was a little girl and I could hear another girl crying. I knew now who was asking for my help. My kids were kidnapped and I started running towards their voices.

- Kids where are you?!?! Mommy is here!

- Mommy please help us!!

And I got to the room and...

- Emily wake up, it's just a nightmare

- Help them please!!!

I kept scream and then I opened my eyes and saw Derek in front of me.

- What happened?

- You had a nightmare and you kept scream about the kids. Want to talk about it?

- Sure...

So I sat down and Derek held me tight, I told him about the nightmare and he just hugged me and told me that nothing would happen to our kids. He was right, but I was still shaken up.

- Lets go back to sleep baby girl.

- Okay...

We snuggled together and I was so tired I felt a sleep immediately.

Next day...

We woke up at 6:30 am I took a shower while Derek started  making breakfast. Then I got dressed and he came up and took a shower while I went and woke Declan up.

- Hey baby wake up!

- Uh?

- Its time to wake up honey!

- You are here!!! Yay!!

And he hugged me really tight

- Yes honey I got here last night.

Declan hasn't seen me like in 2 days because I was in the hospital and I stayed late working.

- Can I stay?

- No baby we all have to go to work and you have to go to school but I promise we will do something this weekend

- Okay mommy...

- Now go get ready that daddy is waiting for us to eat breakfast.

- Okay mom.

He run out the room and I went down stairs to put the breakfast on the plates and get the table ready. Then the boys came down and we sat like a family to eat. After that we all finish getting ready and we all left the house. We left Declan at school and we went to work.

- You ready?

- Yes let's go.

We went in those glass doors and I headed to my office to finish some paperwork because for now we didn't have a case.

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