Chapter 44

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I don't know yet, so I told JJ to look because I just couldn't look.

-EM YOUR GOING TO BE A MOM!!! - she said in excitement while hugging me really tight 

-I AM? THIS IS GREAT!! - I said very excited 

I was so happy, but I'm not going to tell Derek yet until I confirmed it with my doctor and I need to plan how to tell him, because it's our first child together. JJ gave me another hug and we headed out of the bathroom, each of us headed to our desks and got ready to board the jet. I grabbed my go-bag, headed to the jet and waited for everyone to come in and start heading to Indiana. When we got there the police department told us that the guy had given himself up to the authorities, which meant we could go back to Quantico, so we went to the airport, got in the jet and headed home. The jet landed in Quantico at 3 pm and, while I was in Indiana, I got an appointment  with my doctor at 4:30 pm, so Derek and I headed home and I told him that I was going out to a park for a while to clear my thoughts, he didn't suspect anything because I like going to the park to think and relax.  When I got in my car I called JJ so she could go to the appointment with me. I went to her house to pick her up:

-Hey JJ - I said as she opened the car door 

-Hey Em. Are you ready? - she asked

-Yeah I'm excited and anxious too. - I said a little nervous too 

-I was like that when I was pregnant with Henry - she said trying to make me feel less stressed 

-Henry is so big already! - I said in  awe 

-Yeah and Declan too! - she said 

-I know I hope he wants a sibling because it's coming... - I said smiling 

-Yeah he will be so happy Em, don't even worry. - she said holding my hand 

We got to the hospital and headed in my doctor's office:

-Hello Emily! It's nice to see you! - she said nicely 

-Hi doctor Robbins! - I said 

-What brings you here today? - she asks curious 

-Well I think I'm pregnant, but I want to confirm. - I said nervously 

-Okay well let's check, you're going to feel cold at first but it's just the gel so I can see if we got a tiny human in there! - she said excited  


She put some gel on my belly, it was flat, you could only see the six packs but nothing else. She moved the monitor around and looked surprised at what she saw, so she called another doctor and they whispered something and then she looked at me, I was getting a bit scared with their faces but then:

-Emily congratulations you're having twins!! - she said very happy 

-WHAT!?! - I said confused and shocked  

-Yes Emily you are expecting twins!! - she said giving me time to process 

-OMG!! I'm so happy for you Em - said JJ super excited. 

Doctor Robbins cleaned my belly and I stood up, she told me the prenatal care I needed to start taking and the next appointment we have is in a month. JJ hugged me, she was more excited than I was, I was still processing the news. 

-How far along am I? - I asked 

-You are about a month along. - Dr Robbins said 

-Thank you Doctor Robbins - I said leaving her office 

-You're very welcome Emily and congratulations!! - she said hugging me 

JJ and I got out of the hospital and got in the car. Now sitting there, with a few minutes to process I was thrilled with the news.

-So, how are you going to tell Derek? - asked JJ

-I have no idea, but I'll figure something out. It has to be perfect, funny, and memorable at the same time. - I said 

- Okay, you want to get a coffee? - she asked 

- Sure let's go! - I said 

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