Chapter 59

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Hotch and I were still on amusement of what just happened...

-What should we do now Prentiss?

-I seriously don't know, there is no protocol for this situation and I have never experienced this in any of my other jobs.

-Me either, in the Bureau there has never been something this big going on.

-Well let's just give a conference of what going on and ask them if they have any new leads.

-That is a really good idea.

We got out of the office and since we were already upstairs Hotch grabbed everyone's attention.



Everyone turned and face Hotch and stayed quiet at that moment.

-Good afternoon everyone, Agent Prentiss and I wanted to update you on some stuff -Said Hotch

-The update we have is that the President of the United States of America is coming to the BAU to get a hold of the situation.

-We wanted to ask you if any of you had any new leads on the situation - said Hotch

A CIA agent raised her hand and started talking when I looked at her:

-We have a new lead on this situation... we think that ISIS is involve with the burglary of the information

Then I saw Penelope on the corner of my eye running to me.

-Boss lady I need to talk to you in private


-Hotch I'll go talk to Penelope in my office.

-Okay go ahead.

-I excuse myself.

Then I left to my office with Penelope

-Penn what's going on?

-We got the information to safety.

-That's great news!

-Wait let me finish because the ending it's not so great.

-Tell me...

-They made a copy of the information, not complete, they have 40% of the info which means that they have the information from the CIA because is the first one in the list

-They won't be happy about this, but is it ISIS the one responsable for all of this mess?

-They are, we tracked them down.

- Okay well let me update the people and let's wait for the president to arrive.

-Okay Em.

-Thank you Penn you guys did a great job!

-You are welcome Em it's my pleasure.

I went outside to find Hotch talking to the agents still.

-Hotch I have an update

-Okay go ahead

-Everyone we have a new update which won't make everyone happy

-What is it?

-We have confirmed that ISIS is behind all of this and we got the information in safety again... it's ours

*Great... Yey... woo-hoo...*

-There's a but in all of this, they made a partial copy of the information, they still have a copy of 40% of the info which means they have the CIA's info


-I'm sorry we couldn't shut the download quicker.

-Well the rest of us are really grateful thank you!

-You're welcome... And I'm sorry to the CIA the president will arrive soon and we will figure something out, still, our tech analysts are working on it to get it back

I was super tired this has been a really long day I haven't slept in 24 hours

Then Derek came to me and said:

-Great job out there Em you did great controlling the people and the anger.

-Thanks Derek!

-You look really pale, have you eaten anything since this morning?

-I haven't slept in 24 hours and since this morning I haven't eaten I'm sorry.

-Let me bring you something to eat.

-Thanks hun.

Then I got a text from the president that said that he was 20 minutes away from the Bureau.

-We will be waiting for you Mr. President.

That was my reply...

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