Chapter 22

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We got to Quantico at 2:30 am, I missed Declan already but I knew it was for the best. There was a SUV waiting for us so we got in and drove to the BAU.
When we got to the BAU we walked in the elevator and it felt like we never left, we opened the glass doors and got up the stairs to the conference room.

-EMILY!!!! - yelled JJ and Penn

They came to hug me while Derek said hi to the guys, then I got hugs from them.

-We have missed you guys so much!! - said Penn hugging us again

-We have missed you guys so much too!! - I said

-Well let's get to work - said Hotch.

We started to get ready so I could go talk to Doyle, gain his trust and get information.

-Are you ready Prentiss?? - asked Hotch

-Well as ready as I could be - I said as I exhaled sharply

- That bad you feel about this? - he asked

-What? - I asked confused

- That's your tell, when something really sucks - he said laughing

I laughed and then said:

- Well you have one too, I'm just not going to tell you because then you stop doing it. - I said

- That's fair I guess - he said nodding his head and giving me a small smile.

I walked to the interrogation room to find Doyle sitting, chained to the table.

-Weren't you dead... Lauren? - he asks sarcastically

-Well Lauren Reynolds died, I'm Emily Prentiss, nice to meet you. - I said sarcastically too

-Emily...Where is Declan? - he asks quietly

-Not going to tell you that, until you tell me what you did, until you give yourself up to the law. - I said looking staright at him

-Emily is he okay? - he asks genuinely concerned 

-He is... don't worry. - I said softly

-Okay, I did shoot you and I shot Sia.

-Okay... it's progress...

-Am I going for life?

-You are, with what you've already said you have 60 years to life.

-I'll be back Emily, the North Koreans couldn't keep me in their highly secured prison, neither will you! - he said camly

-You will never see the light of day again Ian, I can promise you that - I said fiercely

- Keep dreaming!! - he said yelling as he jumped over the table towards me, grabbed me by my arm, got on top of me and stabbed me in the leg while we were in the struggle.

-Shit!! - I yelled as Aaron and Derek came in, detained him, and helped me get outside.

-That's all I needed Lauren!!- screamed Doyle

Aaron handcuffed him again and left him in the room. Doyle had managed to get out of his previous handcuffs and hide a house made knife, so they'll be transporting him soon.

-Emily are you okay? - asked Derek

-Yeah I'll be fine, it's not that bad - I said putting pressure on it

Then the paramedics got there and took me to the hospital.


We all got in the SUV and headed to the hospital while Aaron and the police took care of Doyle. They electrocuted him with a teaser, so he passed out and then they took him to prison. We got to the hospital to find Emily being stitched up because the wound didn't touch any mayor arteries.

-Emily are you really to go? - I asked her

-Yes honey, I'm ready to get out of here - She said and continued -Where is Doyle?

-Don't worry Em, Hotch and the police transferred him to prison - said JJ

-Oh okay great! - She said relieved

-He won't come back for you honey - I said kissing her forehead

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