Chapter 23

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The doctor came in my room and told me:

-Emily you are all set, the stab wound didn't hit a mayor artery so you are fine, it will hurt to walk for a while but that's it and for now don't run or stand up for too long okay?

- Okay doctor, thank you, but when can I go back to the field?

-You can go back to the field in a couple of days when you feel like the leg doesn't hurt to walk anymore. These are your discharge papers, show them at the door and you'll be fine - he said handing me the paperwork

-Thank you doctor!

-Bye Emily and take care.

Derek brought the SUV to the front of the hospital and the team and I hopped inside and left to the bureau. When we got to the BAU we found Aaron waiting for us.

- Prentiss, can I have a word with you in private? -he said with a stern face

- Yes Sir - I said

I walked slowly up the stairs to his office while he held the door for me. When I walked in he closed the door behind him and told me:

-Prentiss I'm sorry. - he said with a concerned look on his face

-For what?? - I asked confused

-For putting you in such risk, I should of known when he said he was ready that he was lying and had something under his sleeve.

-Don't worry Aaron at least he is in prison and won't come out, plus whatever happened in there was not your fault at all. - I said reassuring him

- Okay, well as confort he was sent to an ultra secured prison.

-Thanks Aaron, have you called Clyde?

-Oh no! Sorry...

-It's okay I'm going to call him right now.

I grabbed my phone and it started to ring


-Hey Clyde it's Emily, how are you doing?

-I'm fine, did you catch Doyle?

-Yes, a small struggle but he is out for good.

-What struggle?

- He managed to hide a small knife and stab me in the leg, that's it. - I said with a sarcastic laugh.

-That's it?! - he says concerned

-Yes Clyde, no worries I'm okay and Doyle is in an ultra secure prison. There is nothing to worry about.

-Okay Em, that's great, take care.

-You too bye.


I walked out of Hotch's office to find the team waiting for me.

-So Em and Derek are you guys staying now? - Asked JJ

-Well we would have to go back, talk about it as a family, and we will decide.

-Okay we hope you come back - Said David

-Yeah us too, but we need to talk about it.

-Sure and when are you going to Paris again? - Asked Hotch

-Tomorrow - said Derek

-Oh! Well let's go out for drinks since we are kids free. - said JJ

-Sure let's go! - I said pumped

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