Chapter 72

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We had a blast at Rossi's house yesterday, we stayed there until 7pm, the kids had fun in the pool, and they were so tired that they felt asleep at Rossi's house. Today our families are leaving back to their home state, so we went to the airport to say goodbye.

-Emy please call me, and tell me everything about the babies and how you are feeling, you know I love you.

-I love you too Harls, I'll keep you post it.

-And be careful... - Said Harls with a warning face.

-Yes honey be really careful, you are almost in your third month so be careful - said my mom, concerned.

-Okay guys, don't worry about me, I'll be fine, I have Derek. Call me or text me when you get there, and mom say hi to the President for me okay?

-Okay I will, love you, bye honey. - she said

-Bye mom!!

She gave me a tight hug and had watery eyes, then my brother came, hugged me and twirl me around.

-I love you Em, keep me post it okay? - said my brother once again.

-I will, love you!

I waved goodbye to them while they were getting in my mom's private jet.

Then I went inside to find Derek waiting for me:

-Ready Em?

-Ready honey!

We got home to find Chloe, our babysitter sitting playing with Declan in the backyard

-Hey guys!!

-Hello Miss Emily, Mr. Derek.

-Chloe you know you can call us by our names, you have work for us long enough.

-I will Emily!

Then I heard Declan scream

-Mommy you're back!!

He came and hugged me

-Yes baby I'm back!

-I woke up this morning and you were gone, I got scared and I went downstairs to see Chloe so I didn't feel scare anymore.

-Sorry baby, we had to leave early to leave your grandparents in the airport.

-Okay mommy.

He went back outside with Chloe, she is such a sweet girl, I'm friends with her mother and I know her since she was a little baby, now that she is 16 she needed a job, so I call her every time I have a case, which is almost everyday, and she takes care of Declan.

Derek was hugging me when my cellphone rang


-Hey it's me, Hotch, we have a case.

-Okay will be there in 10.

-Okay bye.


I hung up

-We have a case right?

-Yes D


-I know, but is the job

-I guess

We went to say bye to Declan and told Chloe that we had a case, so that she is in charge.

-Okay Emily I'll take really good care of Declan.

-I know you will.

I bend down and told Declan:

-Declan, honey, you be nice and be good to Chloe

-Okay mommy, I love you.

-Love you too baby boy.

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