Chapter 15

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Derek went to get a nurse with a wheelchair so I could leave the hospital. The rest of the team helped me with my bags and with the rest of my stuff. We got out of the hospital and took an SUV from the bureau, which the team had brought, and Derek's car so we could go eat lunch. The SUV had Hotch, David, Spencer, and Penelope. In the other car we had Derek, JJ and me. We went to eat at Cheesecake Factory, and everything was delicious. I told Derek to take me home, I said goodbye to the team and left. When we got home I got in the shower and then I put on some yoga pants and a t-shirt.

-Honey, are you ready to go? - Derek asks yelling from the living room

-Yes D, I'm ready, let's go - I said walking out 

We got in the car and left to pick Declan up. We got to the house where he was being kept and I started walking up to the door. As soon as I got there Clyde opened the door and a very excited Declan walked out of the house. He hugged me really tight and I did the same; I've missed this kid so much

-How are you doing baby? - I asked him with a smile

-I'm great mommy and you? - he said smiling from ear to ear

-I'm great now that I'm with you. - I said kissing his forehead

-Declan this is Derek, he is a really close friend of mine, and will be staying with us for our protection, I hope you like him. - I said introducing Derek to Declan 

-Hi Derek, my name is Declan and I'm 6 years old - he said extending his hand towards Derek, he shook it and said:

-Hi Declan I'm Derek, I have been working with your mom 10 years already.

-So baby are you ready to go? - I ask Declan

-Yes mom let's go home!! - he said jumping in the SUV with Derek

I turned to look at Clyde and said:

-Thanks Clyde for taking really good care of him - I said very thankful

-You are welcome Em, hope you come to visit me again - he said passing me Declan's bags

-We sure will. Thanks Clyde and keep me post it on Doyle - I said walking to the car

-Okay bye Em, take care! - he said waving

-You too!! - I said waving back

I put the bags in the SUV and we left to go home.

-So honey, how are you feeling? - I asked Declan

-I'm super excited mom, I've been dreaming of this day for a long time. - he said in a bust of joy

-Well honey I'm really excited too, but we are going to live with Derek in the BAU for now because Doyle is looking for us.

-Okay mom, I like Derek.

-That's great, I'm glad you guys got along - I said looking at Derek and smiling

-Love you Mommy.

-I love you to baby.

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