Chapter 34

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We arrived home early morning and we decided to tell Declan about moving to Quantico sooner that we had thought.

-Hey baby! - I said walking in his room

-Hey mommy! - he said smiling

-Derek and I want to tell you something. - I said sitting on his bed as Derek stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders

-What is it mom?? - he said kind of scared

-Do you remember the team? - I ask first as a refresher

-Yes they are super nice. - he said

-We wanted to tell you that they have offered us our jobs back in Quantico, since Doyle is in jail we can head back. What do you think? - I ask

-Well I like the idea very much mom, but will you be okay in that job? - he asked and I swear this kid is mentally older than his actual age

-Well baby, on any job I'm in I won't be 100% safe but Derek and the rest of the team will be there to have my back - I tell him reassuring him

-So bud what do you think? -Said Derek

-I like the idea, so I'm going to a new school and have new friends? - he asks kind of excited

-Yes baby and... remember JJ and Spencer? - I asked holding his hand

-Yes mommy - he said nodding

-They have a kid named Henry, he's 7 years old - I said

-He is a year older than me - he said

-Yes honey he'll be like your big brother. And remember Aaron? - I asked

-Yes mommy

-He has a kid too, his name is Jack and he is 5 years old. You are the one in the middle, and I know you'll get along. - I said

-Yey! I'm going to have play dates with them !!! - he said all excited

-Yes baby boy! - I said excited too

-Is grandma coming with us? - he asks with a serious face

-No honey, she has to stay and work, but we will visit her and she will visit us. - I said trying to cheer him up

-Okay mommy. - he said looking down and nodding

-Okay then we are leaving in a week - I said

-Okay mom, I'm so excited!! - he said jumping up and down on his bed

-Derek and I already packed some stuff you can help us with your most important stuff to take okay?

-Okay mom!! - he said getting off the bed and grabbing a suit case to pack his stuff

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