Chapter 543 Green Smoke Valley

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Chapter 543 Green Smoke Valley

  Shen Xuyao picked up the teacup, lowered his head and took a sip. Said: "Since the materials have been purchased and the parts have been refined, how about we go to Qingyan Valley?"

  Murong Jin's eyes lit up when he heard this. "Going to Qingyan Valley?"

  "Well, 80% of the eighth-level and ninth-level poisons in my hand have been sold. Let's go to Qingyan Valley to see if there are any poisonous plants. We can pick them back, refine them into venom, and bring them to Others detoxify.”

  Murong Jin looked at his partner and couldn't help but smile. "To be honest, I never thought that one day, the poison I refined with my own hands would not be used to kill people, but to save people."

  "Actually, many things have pros and cons. Poison can not only kill people, but it can also save people. Similarly, a poison refiner can not only kill people, but it can also save people. You are the poison refiner who saves all sentient beings."

  After hearing this, Murong Jin's smile deepened a lot. "Because of your appearance, there will be a poison master who doesn't like to kill innocent people indiscriminately."

  Shen Xuyao looked at his lover and showed a soft smile. He smiled and took the other person's hand. The couple stayed in the inn for another night, and the next day, they teleported directly to the south - Qingyan Valley.

  The Qingyan Valley is quite large, with purple-black poisonous gas covering hundreds of miles in radius. Shen Xuyao stood at the mouth of the valley and looked around. He found that the east and west mountain peaks were filled with poisonous gas. Obviously, there should be a lot of poisonous plants growing on both mountains.

  Murong Jin released his soul power, and he also saw many poisonous plants and many poisonous beasts on the east and west peaks and in the valley. "I didn't expect there was such a place. I thought poisonous plants were only found in the rat tribe?"

  When Shen Xuyao heard his wife's words, he nodded slightly. "Yeah, I thought there was no such place in the south? It seems that I don't know much about some things in the south! When I have time, I have to learn more about things in the south."

  "Let's go." After saying that, Murong Jin took out a mask and put it on his face.

  Shen Xuyao looked at his wife, put on a mask, and followed her into the valley.

  There are many towering ancient trees growing in the valley, but these trees are not ordinary trees, they are all highly poisonous. Murong Jin took out his sword and cut a small hole in the tree trunk, and streams of green liquid came out. Murong Jin took out his gourd of chaos, and with a flick of his finger, the green venom was collected into the gourd.

  Shen Xuyao stood aside, looking at his wife who was seriously collecting venom and couldn't help but smile. It is said that men are most charming when they are focused on one thing. This is not true at all. Every time my daughter-in-law makes wine or refines poison, she is the most charming.

  After Murong Jin collected the sap from the poisonous tree, he went to pick other poisonous weeds. Shen Xuyao followed his wife and helped pick them together. The couple stayed in Qingyan Valley for twelve days and collected a lot of eighth-level and ninth-level poisonous weeds. There were not many poisonous weeds at level ten, and they only found three.

  "We have almost finished picking poisonous flowers and weeds from the two nearby mountains and this valley. Let's go back!"

  Shen Xuyao couldn't help but smile when he heard his wife's words. "Okay, let's count the time. Fourteen days have passed, and all the guests should have arrived."

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