(♤)♡Only yours♡(♤)

386 10 6

Tw: making out

Toya felt again his boyfriends lips on his, they were sweet, probably because of the cake that they were eating, after all it was toyas birthday and they had to celebrate it. Akito had leaned over at toya, giving him a gentle kiss after he blowed out all the cakes and took the first bite of the cake that Akito and Tsukasa had prepared for him.

Including Akiyama, they made all the cute decorations in blue and black colors matching Toyas hair. Everyone was making a big fuss about the kiss but none of them seemed to mind. Instead Toya leaned deeper to Akito, forming a big smile on his lips preventing Akito to be able to kiss him properly.

After both boys pulled away, they stared at each others eyes, Toya swore he felt like his brain would explode, he wanted to kiss Akito a bit more but that had to wait. Now they were eating his delicious cake that was made by some of the most important people in his life.

"Gayssss!!! I took a picture ~~~~"

An yelled, laughing while hugging kohane close to her. Akito scoffed while laughed a bit, grabbing toya by his cheeks and squeezing them.

"I love you, happy birthday Toya"

Toyas smile reached his ears. After akito let go of his cheeks toya continued to eat his cake with rhe rest of his friends, they were all gathered to the weekend garage, it was closed for today since they were hosting his birthday party.

Toya was extremely happy. The tenma siblings were there, his boyfriend and rest of his singing group, ena san and akiyama, obviously tono and the rest of his friends from their practices. Last but not least, shizuku, airi and the whole wonderland x showtime group.

After finishing the cake everyone recommended to do something, they started off with karaoke. Toya and Akito were singing fragile while everyone was cheering.


Later on after many many hours Toya was exhausted in a good way obviously since he had so much with his friends.

He wanted to sit somewhere but everything had stuff on that he couldn't bother to move. Akito though on the other hand, was sitting on top of some papers on an old couch the cafe had. He was a bit sweaty and his hair was messy.

Toya smiled at the sight. He walked up to him and sat on his lap, that took akito by surprise, he then hugged toya bringing their chest to meet. Everyone else was busy with doing something else so thankfully they didn't have any attention on them.

Toya laid his head on top of Akitos shoulder closing his eyes and hugging him back tight, making their bodies touch. Akito did the same thing in the opposite way. It wad too comfortable and both of them were on the edge of falling asleep. It was around 11 p.m and they couldn't finish the party like that.

Thats why after a couple minutes past Akito grabbed his boyfriend and went out of the cafe for a bit. It was a bit cold but just enough to wake them up a bit. They went behind the cafe, in a small dark alley before kissing each other.

Toya closed his eyes bringing his boyfriend closer to him, he waited too long for this and he finally received it. Akito deepened his kiss more by pushing his tongue inside toyas mouth .

The kiss was hot and messy, none of them wanted to pull out but they needed to catch their breath. After they separated their mouths Toya giggled a bit with Akitos flushed cheeks. He was very pretty toya thought.

"Can we continue a bit more?"

Toya asked his lips almost touching akitos. He just smiled gently before closing the distance between them. Toya hugged his boyfriend once again whining and moaning into the kiss.

"I love you so much"

Toya said between the kisses

"Thank you for today"

Akito couldn't help himself, he wanted to eat toya, he loved him so much. He felt like he needed to be one with him, everyday his love was growing for this young boy. Oh what Akito would do for him.

After a couple of minutes they heard Mizuki yelling their names. Shit it had been probably a long time since they disappeared without letting their friends know. Now they had to face their actions and walk towards them with messy clothes and hair, lips swallowed and cheeks red.

"God gosh guyssss at least inform us hehehe"

Mizuki joked around. Then they grabbed both akitos and toyas hand leading them inside. Everyone was sitting in a circle with some cards in front of them.

Akiyama sat down with the boys and the rest and started explaining the rules.

"So~~ since we are mostly 18 and Ans dad isnt here..."

'oh hell no, what are they gonna say now, if its something like a couple game im leaving '

"We are gonna play truth or dare!! While toya decides who will ask who~~"

"A-ah okay.. ehmmm An.. you can ask... Ena san"

"Sure sure..~"

An picked a cards and asked ena.

"Truth or dare..?"


The game went on and on for hours. Its was around 3 am and most of them had left. Only the vivid bad squad members were there. An with kohane helping collecting all the trash while akito and toya mopped the floor.

"I think that enough for now an chan.. i think im gonna pass out.."

"Yeah probably.. i will continue tomorrow morning.. thanks for the help guys and once again happy birthday Toya "

"Thank you Shirashi.. Akito should we get going?"

"Mhm.. "

Akito kissed toyas cheeks before gentle grabbing toyas hand and weaving goodbye to an and kohane. He was staying over at toyas place, sneaking this time wont be hard since his parents will probably be asleep.


Once they finally arrived both of them exhausted changed quickly into their pijamas, akito borrowed clothes from toyas closet, and fell down toyas bed.

Cuddling, toya staring deep into akitos olive eyes.

"I love you"

"I love you more"

Akito replied before leaving a quick kiss on top of toyas lips. Sooner or later they fell asleep. Both boys snoring loudly waking up toyas parents but oh well.. His birthday was only once in a year so he should enjoy it as much as he can.


also i bought akitoya plushies jejejdjdkdjd

also i bought akitoya plushies jejejdjdkdjd

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Kissin at school?!?

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