Chapter One. [Oliver I]

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    Ollie sat beside Maverick. Both had just started dating the month before, and seeing they were both accepted into their dream college they nearly jumped out of their skin in excitement realizing they wouldn't have to do long distance, especially so shortly into the relationship. Ollie was going to this College for Finance and Business; Maverick going for Environmental Science and Study of Astronomy. He looked up at Maverick as he stretched an arm around his shoulders.
    "Gosh I'm nervous." He whispered, Maverick looked at him as he started to tap on his knee with his fingers, his boyfriend just smiled. Ollie looked up at him.
    "Did you get everything you need?" Maverick asked as he looked around again.
    "I think I did."
    "I got everything I need and more." He squished him, laughing softly. "We can buy back what you don't have, if it can be bought." Ollie smiled at his reply, resting his head on his shoulder. It wasn't long before the bus stopped and Maverick looked up, nudging Ollie as the bus lady called out the name of the college as he grabbed their belongings from the compartment space, handing Ollie his as they got off the bus. Ollie thanked the lady, the lady just gave a short nod as others followed them, the doors closing as she drove off.
    San Francisco Institute of Grand Pursuits stood before them; tall and large, ivory white with its signature colors: Black and soft purple. Banners of the college colors drifting in the wind. A black tiger outlined in white on a purple field, lying down with its mouth open in a yawn, mouth different shades of purple, ranging from nearly white for the teeth and grey-ish for the gums, dark purple to black for the tongue and throat. Ollie remembered Maverick telling him there was a live female tiger on campus named Catrina, much like Louisiana State University.
    Ollie stared in awe. Woah. . . will I see the tiger at all?
    "Nervous?" Maverick nudged his boyfriend's shoulder, Ollie looked up at him.
    "Very." He responded, Maverick just stared up at the giant place.
    "I wonder," Maverick started, "I wonder what part is our apartments. . ." He wondered, Ollie nodded in agreement, moving closer as he held to his arm.
    "Now, we just gotta get our official IDs and our dorm room and we can do whatever," Maverick explained, Ollie listened and nodded along. Maverick walked, Ollie at his side.
    The two walked, Maverick seeing what he believed was the front, studying. "We're at the front," he commented, Ollie looked nervous as he stopped for a minute, Maverick stopping with him.
    "Hey, hey." Maverick set their bags down, lifting Ollie's face. "You got this, I'll be there every step of the way, okay?" He reassured him as Ollie gave a shaky nod, latching to his arm. The pair continued their walk, bags in hand. They walked to the front, luckily the line was shorter than it was when they walked up.
    "Want me to go first, or you?" Maverick asked.
    You. "Definitely you." He replied as they walked to the office. A woman greeted them with a smile.
    "Welcome to San Francisco's Institute of Grand Pursuits," she spoke the full title, taking a minute, Maverick looked confused. "I have to welcome new people with the full title. Assuming you two are here for IDs?" She questioned.
    "Yes, please." Ollie replied.
    "Gotcha! Maverick Blackwell and Oliver Simmons, correct?" She asked, the two nodded. "You can drop your bags off here, we'll tag them and you can get your picture and ID taken at that room right there. We also have the students apartment across the road; you both are sharing a room with a man called Milo Rogers. Floor four, room forty-four." She explained and stretched over the counter to point at a room with a plague beside it labeled. "ID and Picture Office."
    Ollie's heart pounded, his nails dug as Maverick winced. He gave the lady their bags as he moved from the line. He knew eventually he'd have to get his picture taken, but so soon? With his ID?
    "Hey, hey Ollie."
    "Huh — what?"
    "You okay? I can go first."
    "Yes, yes. I'm — yeah," he reassured, letting go of his arm.
    "Alright, well would you like to get yours done first or me?" Maverick offered again.
    "Me," I want to get it over with. Ollie replied. Maverick mumbled a "Got it" as Ollie walked to the door just as it opened, moving back when a young man walked out. For a moment, he thought the young man was Maverick, somehow, through the quick glance Ollie noted they both looked similar; tall black young man, facial piercings. Ollie didn't glance any tattoos though. The man just stared at him, grabbed his bags, and left. Ollie stared at the door, breathing getting heavy.
    Holy fuck. "I think I'm gonna puke."
    "It's okay Olls, you got this, it's just a picture honey, it's okay." Maverick encouraged as Ollie exhaled and walked in, Maverick watching as the door closed behind him.
    Ollie stared around the room, a man looked at him. "Oliver Simmons correct?" The voice pulled Ollie from his sightseeing as he nodded.
    "Yep." He responded, walking over. The man instructed him to sit in a chair.
    "Okay, your birthday is June Twenty-seventh, Nineteen ninety-four right?" (June 27th, 1994)
    "Got it. Position yourself in front of the camera for me. We have to document students here with files, it helps us keep track of what they need, who they are, yadda you get it." The man talked, typing into a laptop. Ollie watched him nervously. He looked over. "Ready?"
    "Yeah," Ollie replied. The man counted off as Ollie forced a smile, the camera shuttered and blinded him as he took a moment, blinking rapidly and groaning.
    "Hurt my eyes first time here too." He held a card printed with Ollie's picture and full name. "This card is good for your entire time here. Do you have anything we should know about? Mental illness? Dietary restrictions? Medication? Allergies?" He asked.
    He nodded, taking it. "Yeah uh. . . medication?" He looked at him, rubbing his neck.
    "Medication as in anxiety meds, bipolar, adhd, depression, also there are pills for small issues, small allergies, big allergies. We've got every medication for every illness, allergy, condition or disorder." The man explained.
    "Just for my anxiety and bpd?"
    "You got it, we have a pharmacy on campus, unfortunately you'd have to bring your own pills, but we do free refills. Everything's paid for by the college, which means the medication too. Let me put this on your file and you're good to go." the man replied.
    "I have," he pointed to the door, "my uh, own, prescription. . ." his anxiety rushed through his body, heart pounding at a rapid pace as he forced himself to calm down.
    "Your own?" he looked over. "Alright, you can get free refills at the pharmacy. Like I said, everything paid for." Ollie nodded slowly.
    He nodded. "We strive to have our student's interests in mind, which means refills too."
    Ollie nodded in reply. "Right."
    The man looked back at the computer, typing more, and then turned. "Alright, your file is ready to go. Here is your card, Becca will give you your lanyard and you can grab your bags and go to your dorm." He smiled, handing the card to him.
    He smiled faintly. "Thanks." He took it, walking out quickly. That was the worst!
    "Anytime," he replied.
    Maverick looked over at Ollie once he emerged from the room. "How was it?" He asked, Ollie walked over. He stared at him, showing him his ID.
    "That was the worst experience ever," Ollie replied, Maverick looked at his ID.
    "Aww, but that's a good picture." Maverick answered, moving to stand straight up again and smiling softly at Ollie.
    "No," he looked at it, "MY EYE IS LOPSIDED!" He showed him again. Maverick bowed once more, squinting.
    "Well you can't tell from this distance, and if it's lying against you I don't think anyone will notice." He replied. Ollie groaned softly.
    "Where did he say the lanyards were?" He scratched his head, now forgetting.
    "Lanyards right here sir." Becca spoke up, sliding a big box of black, purple, and white lanyards with the college's name on them. "Take which one you like."
    Ollie turned and walked over, taking a purple one with the college in black outlined with white and patterned in tigers heads, walking back to Maverick. "Guess I gotta get my picture. I'll be right back, k?"
    "Yup," Ollie nodded, looking up at him. He smiled faintly, giving him a light cheek kiss before entering the room. Ollie waited, fiddling with the ID.
    It felt like forever until the door clicked, and Maverick walked out with his ID.
    "See? Told you I'd be right back." He laughed a bit. Ollie turned, smiling. Maverick smiled back at him. He walked to the bag area, Becca grabbed his attention as she gave him their dorm key, he thanked her, grabbed their bags and handed Ollie his. "Ya ready?"
    "Yep!" He said as Maverick grabbed a lanyard, setting both it and his ID in a bag pocket, grabbing his stuff. "She said the apartments across the street right?"
    "Yes," he started walking, Ollie not short behind.
    Ollie followed after Maverick as they made their way to the apartments directly across the college. He walked side by side with Maverick, watching other people come in or out of their dorms, his boyfriend slowing as they reached their dorm.
    "I guess, yeah."
    Maverick opened the door, staring into the apartment. Ollie's eyes widen. THIS is our dorm?! It IS an apartment! He stared around; the kitchen and dining table were to the right of him, the living room in front. He walked further into the apartment and saw there was three bedrooms. One was separated from the other two who shared door space and a wall. Ollie noted a bathroom, washer and dryer, making a surprised noise when he nearly ran into someone.
    His breathing sucked from him as the young man from earlier, Milo was it?, looked at him with a surprised look. He was much prettier up close. Ollie felt goosebumps shudder up his back, just staring and stepped back to Maverick, feeling he was intruding on personal space a little.
    The young man looked at them both, before holding out his hand. "I'm MiLo." He introduced himself in a broken voice as he started over and cleared his throat. "Sorry, Milo. It's Milo."
    "Maverick." His boyfriend replied, studying Milo, but shook his hand nonetheless. Ollie kept staring.
    "Oliver," he did a small hand wave. Milo gave a short wave in reply as Ollie smiled, and then walked off to another room.
    He turned into the room to his left, eyeing the very comfy looking queen sized bed, desk to the far corner in front of the ceiling to floor window, and a good sized Roku TV across from the bed, a desk beside the bed. He set his bags on the bed, opening the other door in the room, a closet. He nodded, and left the room, seeing Maverick in the neighboring room and walked in. This one was larger, Maverick's bed at the window, his closet across from the door with a desk beside it, and it even had it's own bathroom!
    "Lucky!" Ollie complained, Maverick smiled at him while currently unpacking as Ollie curled up on Maverick's bed. "I wonder why Milo didn't pick this room, he was here first. I'll unpack later."
    "I don't know Ollie, maybe he wanted to be nice. And you know I don't like having my stuff in bags for long," Maverick responded, Ollie scoffed as Maverick paused. "Olls."
    "Olliee." He turned to face him.
    "Yess, Maverick?"
    "Oliver, where are my jackets?" He raised an eyebrow as Ollie stared, making a face and slowly turned around.
    "In your bag. . ."
    "Yep." Ollie responded, pulling the covers over himself. Maverick squinted, smirking. He walked over, leaning over Ollie.
    "Where'd my jackets go, babe?" He asked in a soft voice.
    Ollie smiled up at him. "In my bag," he whispered.
    "Which one?"
    "A bag." He taunted, Maverick scoffed.
    "You're no help," he left his bedroom and headed to Ollie's, searching through Ollie's bags. Ollie poked his head from the wall, looking at Milo's room, wondering why he's in there. Wouldn't he want to meet his new dorm mates? Maybe he could go over there at some point, try and at least be friendly.
    "These blankets are quite comfortable." He spoke up as as Maverick walked in, holding his pile of jackets in his arms.
    "Are they now? Can't be more comfy than my jackets you thief." Maverick sneered, Ollie just giggled.
    "They're comfortable!"
    "Uh huh, why do you think I bought them?" He laughed, folding them and putting them in his closet. He walked over to Ollie, falling to his side, and stealing the covers. Ollie groaned, and Maverick laughed, laying on top of Ollie.
    An hour later, Ollie and Maverick had showered and gotten dressed down into boxers and a sleep shirt, curled up together watching Netflix on Maverick's bedroom tv.
    "Hey, Olls."
    "I'm, obviously, scheduled night classes for Astronomy studies."
    "Got it, I got it."
    The door opened as both young men were about to fall asleep, awakened as their dorm mate walked in, dropping food near Maverick's door. When did Milo even leave? He didn't say goodbye. "Brought food," Milo spoke, saying nothing more as he went back to his bedroom. He had ordered his roommates' each miso ramen and Thai tea, for himself Ollie didn't know.
    "Thanks," Ollie spoke, Maverick sat up. Ollie took his meal, eating and sipping the tea. "This shit is SO good!" Ollie spoke with his mouth full.
    "Swallow, then talk to me." Maverick responded, rolling his eyes. Ollie stared and did so.
    "Right. Sorry, uh I said this shit is so good."
    "I know," Maverick replied, looking at him. Ollie stared, laughing confusedly, Maverick huffed.
    "I understood you with your mouth full, Olls, I just wanted you to be a polite man." He pointed the chopsticks at him. Ollie blushed, looking down with a smile. Maverick smiled, touching his foot with his.
    Maverick finished his food and tea, lying down. Ollie finished soon after, setting the bag at the edge of his bed and crawled onto Maverick's body, laying his head on his chest. Maverick wrapped his arms around him, softly breathing as Ollie soothed himself to sleep to Maverick's soft breaths and chest moving up and down, his warm arms and hands around his back. Maverick fell asleep quickly, breathing softly.
    Ollie woke up after what felt like hours, hair messy and clothes wrinkled, his boxers slightly rolled as he fixed them the best he could, grumbling. The floor to ceiling window showed it was dark outside. Dinner. . . He thought, stomach growling in reply. He looked at Maverick, who had now put Ollie at his side. Maverick's hair was everywhere, his hands lazily around Ollie. Different kind of dinner. . . His stomach growled nonetheless.
    Ollie nudged Maverick, who groaned. "Mm?"
    "I'm hungry," Ollie responded in a sleepy voice. Maverick sighed heavily, pulling Ollie in, squeezing him, and turning over. "Maverick. . ." Ollie huffed.
    "Okay, okay. . ." Maverick let him go and sat up, Ollie's body moved with his, cheeks flush against his chest and turned pink at how husky his boyfriend's voice was. "What're you hungry for?" Maverick looked at him, half awake and eyes half open. He yawned and stretched, Ollie eyed his sharp canines as his boyfriend yawned like a dog.
    "Chinese." Ollie prompted, Maverick made a face.
    "Not the mood." Maverick replied, Ollie made a face.
    "Could go for burgers. There a burger place 'round here?"
    "Think I saw one on the way here, Old Man's Burgers, or something." Ollie replied, watching Maverick get dressed. He was dressed in a red plaid crop shirt with rolled-up sleeves over a cream turtleneck tucked into tan pants that fell to his ankles, dark reddish brown boots, and a gold pentagram necklace. Ollie's face flushed red as he stared at him, shuffling his legs and pressing his hands onto his crotch, Maverick turned to look at him.
    "This a good outfit?"
    "Fuck me in that."
    "What?" Maverick stared, eyes wide.
    "What?" Ollie replied, eyes wide too as he realized he just spoke aloud instead of in his head.
    The two turn, hearing their other dorm mate Milo get up. The sound of something shuffling with him. "Shuttle bus stops driving around ten p.m. I've got a gig. Cya." and closed the door.
    Ollie got up, deciding to get dressed too, he went to his room and rummaged through his bags, regretting not unpacking earlier. He threw on a comfy sweater with several dull colors and greys, tucking it into high-waist blue jeans with a brown belt and black boots, four thin silver necklaces that conjoined into a single chain around his neck. Maverick put his phone and wallet into a matching red bag that was slung over his chest and fell at his waist, Ollie put his wallet into the bag and his phone in a back pocket.
    They were about to head out when Maverick went, "Oh! One last thing," and went off, coming back with red-tinted glasses framed in gold. He smiled at Ollie, grabbed his hand, led him out, and headed to the bus station.

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