Chapter Fifty-Nine: [Oliver XIV]

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    "So, how do you like Vegas so far, Oliver?" Rebecca smiled at him
    Ollie blinked. "Oh it's-it's great. . ." He saw Maverick glance.
    "Yeah?" She grinned. "You guys do anything yet? Well, besides dinner."
    Ollie blinked again. "Just hung out in the room." Milo and Maverick shared a glance.
    "Ugh boringgggg. There's so many little shops around, go check em out!"
    Maverick stifled a laugh in Milo's shoulder. Ollie chuckled, looking down. "Yeah,"
    "Uh huh." Milo giggled.
    "So, is dancing the only thing we have planned for tonight?" Sadie asked.
    "Weee couldd, visit a casinoo?" Cassidy looked at Maverick with raised eyebrows
    "Blegh, Casino's waste my time." Rebecca chuckled.
    "Not if you got Mr. Poker Winner over here." Cassidy motioned to Maverick, who sighed.
    "That so?" Rebecca questioned.
    "Wanna tell her?" Cassidy offered, Ollie looked at Maverick.
    Maverick squinted. "She calls me that because I'm unnaturally good at poker, Mrs. Simmons. Well, I'm born and raised here so it's a given I suppose."
    She grinned. "How wonderful is that."
    "Please, call me Rebecca. Already here too much Mrs. Simmons at work." She chuckled.
    "Right, right,"
    Rebecca smiled, looking out the window.
    "We ever gonna see your hand in poker?" Sunny tilted her head.
    "Mm, yeah. But not tonight." He smirked, Ollie smiled softly. Maverick discretely creeped a hand around Ollie's waist, flicking the waistline of his pants.
    Ollie moved his hand to hold his, looking back at him. Maverick looked at him, Ollie smiled softly. He kissed his cheek, returning his head to Milo's shoulder, the two also holding hands. Ollie moved to look down at his lap, thinking. He listened to his mother and cousin chat.
    "Whatcha thinking about?" Maverick then whispered near his ear.
    Ollie shook his head softly, looking at him. "Nothin' just thinking."
    "Alrighty," Maverick spoke as Ollie smiled and leaned into him. He put the arm at his waist around his shoulders.
    Macy listened to Rebecca talk, grinning wide as Spark closed their eyes, once again just enjoying as they held her hand.
    "Oh my goodness I remember this one time Oliver was riding this scooter —" She chuckled.
    "GGH. NO NO NOT THIS STORY!" Ollie said. Maverick looked over, Milo poked his head from beside him.
    Rebecca grinned at him. "And he was going to our neighborhood right?"
    "Oh god I remember this one. . ." Cassidy sighed.
    Oh god. . . I wish I wasn't here.
    Rebecca wheezed, covering her mouth. "And this little dog comes RUNNING towards him." Ollie covered his face as Cassidy reached and pat his shoulder. "I have never seen this kid run so fast in my life!"
    Macy laughed. "No way! I've only ever seen him run away from my cat!"
    "Not! Helping!" Ollie hissed as Rebecca snorted, leaning her head back as she laughed.
    "If the both of you laugh." Cassidy looked at Maverick and Milo. "I will elbow you in the gut." She squinted while Rebecca kept laughing, looking at Ollie. Milo hid his laughter behind Maverick.
    "Since we're doing that, Cassidy ate shit while running from a chicken, remember that?" Ollie snickered.
    "HEY! I was trying to help you with your boyfriends not laughing at you!"
    His mother pointed. "You ran too!"
    "What?!" Sadie stared, Sunny listened.
    Ollie laughed, pointing back at her. "You threw it at us!"
    "Because you both were being a little too quiet so I chucked it and you both booked it!"
    "He wanted to see the chickens and I told him to be quiet." Cassidy groaned.
    "You still ran!" He pointed at Cassidy
    "Yeah! After you!" She replied.
    "You were screaming!" Ollie argued back. Macy held her stomach, unable to control her laughter.
    "And?!" She propped her arms on her thighs, looking at him.
    "You were just as scared as I was!" Ollie replied.
    "Yeah, but I made sure you got away first like a 'big sister' would!" Cassidy answered.
    Rebecca raised her eyebrow. "Last I checked Oliver, you peed your pants."
    "I was five."
    "'Becca!?" Cassidy turned.
    "Oliver has a fear of chickens." Rebecca confirmed.
    "You threw it at me!
    "Relax it was funnyyyy, you two were laughing after." Rebecca replied.
    You and Aunty were laughing. He rolled his eyes with a smile.
    Cassidy looked at Ollie, then back at Rebecca as her phone rang as Rebecca pulled it out and blinked at the contact. Rebecca's smile slowly faded as she slowly answered it. Ollie turned, looking at her.
    Cassidy noticed, looking at the phone. Rebecca looked down. "Hello?" A man's voice came through the phone a bit, talking in a serious tone.
    "Yes, I'm aware." She didn't look up, inhaling. "It's just the two bottles. . ." She spoke quietly. facing away from the group. Ollie tensed, looking away from her.
    Macy broke the silence. "We're close to the Bellagio." She grinned.
    "Oh yay." Spark replied.
    Rebecca glanced at Ollie before whispering. "You can't up the dose?"
    Ollie's leg bounced a bit as he inhaled and grinned. "I'm excited to check out these nightclubs."
    "I, bet you are." Maverick replied as Ollie smiled at him.
    "I don't think y'all have ever even seen any of my dancin" Macy shook her head.
    Spark eyed her, smiling. "I know I have."
    "Besides you!" She laughed as they chuckled.
    Rebecca got off the phone, keeping her face away as she faced out towards the road.
    The driver slowed as they reached the Hotel, stopping at the front and unlocked the doors. Milo got out, standing near the door. Ollie watched Macy get out, then Spark, who stuck unusually close to her. Maverick and Maria got out after, and turned to see Cassidy and the other girls get out from the other side and walking to the others. Bandit stretched with a yawn.
    Rebecca got out last, closing the door as she adjusted her suit. Sunny fixed Cassidy and Maria's outfits before standing. Ollie took Maverick's hand and began to walk, Maverick followed behind him, arms linked with Milo as the group walked inside. Rebecca walked behind, watching them.
    Cassidy slowed until she walked at her aunt's side. Rebecca was quiet, watching Ollie now. "May I ask what the call was about?" She kept her voice low, looking at herm
    Rebecca frowned softly, glancing at her. "I'm sure you know, honey. . ."
    "I do," she replied. "But I'd still like to ask."
    Rebecca shook her head. "It was my medication. Apparently, they can't up the dose on it. . . I have the highest dose."
    Cassidy looked at her, sighing. "Mm. . ."
    Rebecca's eyes glossed over as she cleared her throat. "Don't tell Oliver please."
    "I've never told him anything you tell me, this is safe with me." She rubbed her shoulder.
    "Thanks." She looked at her, smiling softly. Cassidy smiled at her.
    Ollie walked into the Hotel, talking to his boys about his childhood now. The pair listened, smiling and/or laughing at certain bits.
    Sadie looked back at them, then made her way and held Cassidy's hand. "Cassie come onnn."
    "Okay okay hon, I'm just talking to my aunt." she laughed soft. "Oh, Rebecca, would you mind spending the night? Feel like it's cruel not, asking. . ."
    Rebecca smiled at her. "I don't mind." she nodded softly.
    Cassidy smiled, pulling her in as Sadie was pulling her towards Maria and Sunny. "Sads my goodness." Rebecca chuckled, walking in.
    Maverick, Ollie, and Milo stood by the elevators, waiting for the others. Ollie walked in as the doors opened, fixing his sleeves. Milo followed him, Maverick not far behind as he held the door for the others.
    Macy grinned, laughing a bit. "I need to get a picture of everyone now."
    "In here?" Spark questioned.
    "Yes! It's perfect."
    "I mean, alright."
    Macy pulled out her phone, waiting for everyone to come in. Rebecca stood next to Oliver, smiling. Cassidy and her girls stood in the elevator as Macy watched the doors close as she grinned. "Okay pictureeee!"
    "Oh goodness." Maverick chuckled.
    Spark rested their head on her shoulder, smiling. Rebecca wrapped her arm around Ollie, grinning wide.
    "Say cheese everyone!"
    Macy laughed, taking the picture. Spark smiled, smushing their cheek to hers. She took a couple more before nodding and looked at Ollie. "I'll send them to you so you can send them to Mrs. Simmons." She grinned.
    Ollie nodded and smiled. "Thanks,"
    Milo looked at him, smiling softly as he kissed his hair, then made a face. "Oh fUCK haiRSprAy!" Ollie laughed, looking at him before kissing his cheek.
    "Doofus." Maverick looked at Milo, who scrunched his face at him. Rebecca smiled at them, leaning her head against Ollie. The doors opened with a ding, the girls stepped out.
    "What suite are we planning in?" Maria asked when they all got out.
    "We could do ours." Sunny said, then gasped. "Or Spark and Macy's!"
    "We can do ours?" Macy spoke.
    "I don't mind which one." Cassidy replied.
    "Alright, sooo." Spark said as they grab their keyboard, unlocking their and Macy's suite, opening the door.
    Macy walked in, quietly heading to the bathroom. She walked into the Her Bathroom and shut the door. Spark eyed her, before whistling. Bandit trotted up, they unhooked the vest. Their dog ran around, skidding to a halt at the group and finally got a good look at Rebecca.
    Cassidy plopped down on the couch, her three sitting near her. Rebecca stepped in, looking around quietly then looked at Bandit as the dog stared back. She seemed to of finally noticed Spark's service dog, or at least how big she was.
    Ollie took her hand, looking at Rebecca. "She's not aggressive, it's okay. . ." Rebecca swallowed.
    "She's a service dog, Mrs. Simmons." They spoke. "She won't hurt you." Bandit stepped closer, body calm.
    Rebecca squeezed Ollie's hand a bit and stepped back, Ollie frowned softly. "She was attacked by a couple of dogs a little while ago so."  He crouched, opening his hand to Bandit.
    Bandit walked forward, sniffing Ollie and gently licked his hand. She then stared at Rebecca, head level with her waist as she sniffed, Rebecca raised her hands up, holding her breath as Ollie pet Bandit.
    Bandit sat and stood on her back legs, then stood and tapped both of Rebecca's palms with her paws, then sat down.
    Rebecca swallowed, trying to say something but couldn't. She slightly motioned her to move. Bandit ears raised, standing and booped her leg, pawing. She exhaled quickly. "Shoo." She whispered softly.
    Spark blinked. "Mrs. Simmons, she's for anxiety. . ." Bandit pressed her nose to her leg, sitting close to her body, moving her hand to rest on her head. Spark and Ollie watched Rebecca watch her carefully, laying her hand on her leg as she took a deep breath as Bandit stared up at her, licking her wrist and arm. Rebecca moved her arm again, stepping aside.
    Ollie stood and walked off, taking a look around. Bandit whined as Spark stared, swallowing. Rebecca hesitantly reached, holding her other hand to her chest as she slowly reached to pet Bandit, the dog sat still, licking her hand.
    Rebecca moved her hand again, making a face. "Mm," Bandit's head tilted. Rebecca took a deep breath, crouching as she gently held the sides of her face. Bandit looked at her, licking her smushed chops. Rebecca pet her face, slowly smiling as Bandit reached to sniff her face, gentle as she licked her forehead.
    Rebecca laughed a bit. "Egh," Bandit shuffled closer, licking again before resting her head on her shoulder as Rebecca hugged her, closing her eyes. Spark smiled soft. Ollie grinned, watching her. Bandit blinked, ears raised as she wiggled, sensing the anxiety lowering as she bowed into a playful pose.
    Ollie watched them, grinning. "Peaaanutttt." Peanut appeared. Ollie scooped her up, kissing her.
    Macy walked out of the bathroom, zipping up her bag as she smiled. "Okay what are we wanting to do now?" Bandit stood, running up and almost tackled Macy, tail wagging.
    "Woah!" Macy laughed, holding her as she stumbled back. "Careful careful." She had blocked her stomach out of instinct. Bandit sniffed around her, spinning and reared up, paws pushing into her arms as she licked her face.
    Spark smile. "Bandy! Down girl, down girl!" They laugh, pulling her off and up in their arms. Macy grinned, shaking her head.
    "You okay doll?" They look at her, glancing down before looking at her eyes.
    Macy nodded. "I'm fine." She brushed off her dress, smiling softly. Spark grunted as they set her down carefully. Bandit proceeded to run around sniffing and licking everyone's hand and wrists, before laying near Spark, calmed. Rebecca inhaled deeply, fixing her suit jacket as she put on a smile.
    "We're looking at clubs right now." Ollie remarked.
    "Found one." Maverick spoke up.
    "Oh is it our favorite?" Cassidy asked as she got up, walking to peek at his phone. Maverick slowly turned, staring at her.
    Maverick then nodded. "Yes, yes it is."
    Macy grinned. "I'm excited then."
    "You better." He grinned.
    "As am I, I'm ready to just let looooseeee." Ollie smiled.
    "Sure you are Dollsie." Maverick smiled more as he and Cassidy just overlooked the club through his phone.
    "How far is it from here?" Rebecca asked.
    "Not far." Cassidy answered.
    "Half an hour, to be precise, hell could walk there." Maverick commented.
    "Walking in heels for a half hour?" Rebecca questioned.
    "Exactly." Cassidy backed her up.
    Macy blinked. "My little legs would break."
    "I didn't mean literally." He looked at her.
    "Oh okay good because I was about to make you my personal carrier." Ollie commented.
    "I've carried you before, I think I can handle a numb arm for half an hour." Maverick responded. Milo stood beside Cassidy, also looking at the club as he listened.
    "Honestly, walking wouldn't be that bad but again the heels." Rebecca chuckled. "Though I'm pretty used to it by now."
    "Well, you do you boo but I ain't walking in no heels that far." He raised an eyebrow.
    Rebecca put her hands on her hips, looking at him with a smirk. "You really are my kid."
    "Fine, so get on my shoulder." Maverick looked at him. Rebecca chuckled, shaking her head as Ollie reached up to Maverick. Maverick rose a brow, smirking with a sigh and leaned, scooping him up one handed. "God you're easy to carry."
    Ollie grinned. "I'm only One-hundred and ten pounds."
    "No way," Macy said.
    "He's always been small." Rebecca spoke.
    "He's nothing since I and Cass' routines are much heavier." Maverick commented.
    "You work out?" Rebecca walked over.
    Maverick looked at her. "Yes ma'am, I do, why?"
    Rebecca smiled. "What's your routine? cardio, weights?"
    "I don't have a routine, and I get enough cardio from my family business. I only do weights, Mrs. Simmons."
    "Ah, I see," she nodded. "I only do cardio, required for work unfortunately but it's nice." Maverick nodded. "Though then again it would be nice to start lifting too. How much should I start with?"
    Maverick tilted his head. "Mm, I do with how much I can handle, so that's uh. . . around 300? But I'd say start with your arms, getting some muscle could be good. As for me, these arms got your son whipped." He chuckled, looking up at Ollie. "How you enjoying being tall?"
    Ollie grinned. "Good."
    "I know you are." Maverick smiled.
    Rebecca chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind."
    Maverick nodded. "Actually, Ollie let me put you down for a moment. I need to test if I can still do this." He turned, kneeling.
    Ollie blinked. "Okay,"
    Maverick shrugged him off, then stood and looked at Cassidy. "Mind if I pick you up?" Rebecca turned a bit.
    "Go for it, if you can pick me up I can do the same to you." She looked at him as he kneeld and picked her up by her thighs, standing. The pair laughed. "Hell yeah you still got it! Alright now put me down."
    Maverick scoffed. "Yeah yeah," he set her down, standing.
    Rebecca grinned, nodding. "Awesome,"
    "Love it when we got the same routine." Maverick smirked as they did a little handshake, giggling like children, hands locked as they both flexed, then giggled more. "Alright, we ready to go?" Milo looked at him. . . thinking. . .
    Macy nodded. "I'm ready."
    "Me too." Spark spoke.
    Rebecca went to the door and opened it. "Alright, let's go kids." She chuckled as Cassidy followed her.
     Macy held Spark's hand, heading out as they followed after her with a small smile. Ollie smiled and walked out.
    Rebecca waited for everyone else before walking out and shut the door, Spark locked it. "I used to be the queen of night clubs." She smirked.
    Cassidy locked it. "Guess I usurped your throne aunty."

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