Chapter Ninety-Nine: [Isiah VII]

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    Isiah was fast asleep with his phone on his chest.
    Maverick was waking up, rubbing his eyes. He looked confused, on where he was, what time it was, grabbing his phone. He stared at him, sighing heavy. Need a shower. . . He thought, realizing he didn't take one at all last night as he cringed and dragged himself out of bed and to the his bathroom. Isiah shuffled to the sound, making a slight face.
    Milo eventually woke to the running shower, and also realizing no one was sleeping beside him. "Mav. . ." He grumbled, making a face. Isiah inhaled deeply and opened his eyes a bit, reaching to cover them.
    The sound of more shuffling rose, the bathroom door creaking, and it went quiet except for the running water. Isiah rubbed his face and slowly sat up. He yawned and checked his phone.
    The shower cut off after what felt like an hour, Milo leaning his head on the doorway, looking asleep. Isiah slightly peeked over, tying his hair back in a low bun.
    Milo's head turned, raising, slightly he pushed the door further, a husky voice raised in reply.
    "You gonna just sit and stare?"
    "Yes. Yes I am." Milo replied. Isiah got a slight glimpse, blinking a few times and shot his head down. Milo turned his head, and looked surprised Isiah was there. "When, did you get here?"
    He cleared his throat, rubbing his neck. "Last uh. Last, night." Milo blinked, nodding and turned back. Isiah glanced up before puffing his cheeks.
    Milo made his way to him, whispering. "Wanna watch with me?"
    Isiah shot his head up, going wide eyed. "Que?!" He whisper yelled, Milo looked at him. "You," Isiah paused before muttering. "Sure. . ." He admitted. Milo stared, a little surprised but turned and got right back in his spot, only now scooting over a bit.
    Maverick was doing his routine at the bathroom counter, leaned over it while brushing his teeth. He then stopped and rose up, fully side-facing them as he took a blow-dryer to the mirror, got a good unfogged spot, and messed with his locs, focused.
    Isiah watched him quietly, his mind traveling as he raised an eyebrow. His face flushed. Maverick had the same cherry nipple piercings like Maria did, his mind really travelling as he tried to keep his composure. Maverick looked fit, his body lean with thicker arms and a sharp jaw and handsome hooked nose. Isiah inhaled sharply.
    Maverick finished brushing his teeth, spitting it out. He finally noticed them, staring. "Didn't know I had a visitor."
    Milo waved, smiling. "Hello,"
    Isiah nodded to him. "Buenos dias, boss."
    "You staring at me like my two do, and calling me boss." He turned back to the mirror.
    Isiah looked at him up and down. "I'm just looking. Exactly the way I look at the guys in the shower room in my apartment." He raised an eyebrow. "Come on, can you blame me?"
    "No, I live with Milo and Ollie, I cannot blame you." Maverick eyed him.
    Milo listened, intrigued with a smile. Isiah raised both his eyebrows. "What's your routine?" Isiah asked.
    "Shower, brush teeth, do hair, get entirely dry and get ready for whatever day I'm gonna have, or d'you want the other routine?"
    He chuckled. "Your workout routine, boss."
    Maverick smiled. "Mm, given my job I get enough arm workouts as it is, so I mainly try and balance it. So a leg workout, sometimes arms if I've gone to long without the job." He explained.
    Isiah nodded. "Noted," Maverick nodded as well. He rubbed his chin, thinking. "Aye, boss." He waited a moment.
    "Yes?" Maverick turned his head. Milo looked at Isiah, now standing at his side.
    "Maria still into bike rides?" He looked at him.
    Maverick stared at him, eyes searching his face. "Yyes, wwhyy?"
    Isiah shook his head. "No reason."
    "No reason?" Maverick repeated, in an off tone.
    He looked at him and nodded. "Yep," Maverick blinked, making his way over but stopped. Isiah caught himself looking at his v line as he inhaled deeply. Milo on the other hand, was no-guilt staring at his v-line. "Was just checkin'." Isiah then eyed a scar under Maverick's left pec, brows creasing in confusion. Has that always been there? It looked healed, it's color lighter then Maverick's skin and looked a little warped. He knew if he touched it, it'd feel soft. He looked around Maverick more, seeing a smaller scar at the lower left side of his stomach. Where did these come from? What happened? Does Milo and Ollie know about them? Did Maria? Cassidy? Anyone?
    Maverick narrowed his eyes. "Uh-huhh. Does Cass know, you ask about my sister?"
    Isiah inhaled and looked down, crossing his arms again as he shook his head. "Nah. That was the first time I asked since. . . you know, everything." He looked back up at him, frowning a bit.
    He crossed his arms as well, face frowning in a suspicious expression. "Al,right then." He turned away.
    Isiah inhaled and stepped away, rubbing the back of his neck and went to sit on the couch. Milo watched Isiah, then looked back at Maverick, blinking, who finished up, then left the bathroom to get dressed, Milo going in the bathroom to show and get ready as well.
    Isiah texted Maria about his bike, rubbing his chin. She read them and was slow to text, he waited patiently.
    "Damian could drive you there" she offered. "Or I could take his truck and drive you there"
    "Yeah, true can you text him for me?"
    "Yeah sure"
    "Thank you" he got up and adjusted his shirt. "Okay, I'm off." He waved to them before putting his hands in his pockets.
    Maverick looked over, waving back. "I'll tell Milo you said bye."
    "Alright, later boss." He headed out, Maverick nodded.
    Isiah walked down the hall, quiet. The suite door to the right of Maverick's opened, Maria made an appearance.
    He turned, face softening a bit as he smiled lightly. She looked more, smiling and gave a little wave, walking over. She wore a soft pale salmon color cropped shirt with white edges and stripes on the short sleeves, wearing high-waisted pale blue denim jeans and white sneakers with a matching salmon colored backpack slung on her right shoulder with gold jewelry.
    Isiah kept his hands in his pockets. "You're beautiful. . ."
    "Thank you," she smiled more, stopping in front of him. He looked at her up and down and nodded.
    "You're welcome. . ." He smiled faintly before looking down.
    She looked at him, raising a brow with a smirk. "Checkin' me out?" She cocked her head.
    He nodded. "Yes, I am."
    She chuckled. "You're sweet."
    He chuckled as well and moved his hands before reaching to hug her. "I'm. . . not sure if I'll see you as much as I want to today. I've, got somethings I have to take care of. . ." He closed his eyes.
    Maria put her arms around him, accepting the hug. "Aww, what things?"
    He sighed softly. "House things, then errands."
    "'Could come with you." She offered. "But I'd have to ask Cassidy, of course."
    "If I'm free tonight, how about you can come by?" He moved to look at her. She looked at him as well, hands resting on his shoulders.
    "I could do that."
    "Yeah?" He smiled a bit. She smiled back, lifting a hand and held his face. "It's a plan then." He said as he leaned into her touch. She nodded and kissed him softly.
    "It's a plan," she agreed as he kissed her back before pressing his forehead against hers, she closed her eyes, then turned. "I'll see ya tonight, yeah?"
    "Mhm," he moved back, putting his hands back into his pockets. She moved back as well, nodding and headed back into the suite to grab something. He watched her with a raised eyebrow. She came back out with Cassidy at her hip.
    Cassidy looked over, mimicking Maria with a greeting smile and wave. "Hi Isi," she wore a soft cream-ivory shirt with an assortment of butterfly species on the front, with low-waisted pale blue denim jeans and converse, with orange-tinted glasses on her collar. Two thick strands of her hair were pulled back and fastened by a gold butterfly clip, framing her pretty face beautifully.
    Isiah straightened up, blinking as he cleared his throat. "Buenos Dias." He nodded to her.
    She slowed as she neared him. "Marmar tells me you got errands."
    "I do, yes," Isiah replied. Maria smiled, hands cupped behind her back.
    "Don't let us keep you waiting dear." Cassidy smiled again, beginning to walk away. "Damian's waiting also, come on!"
    Isiah walked behind her, messing with his keys in his pocket. Cassidy then pulled him in and to Maria's side as she walked to the elevator. He blinked a few times before walking next to Maria, who looked surprised as well, her free hand slipped around his shoulders as she struck a conversation with Cassidy.
    He looked at her, blinking softly. He watched her cheery smile paint her face, giggling. In that moment, this man fell harder than he had before.
    His expression shifted as Maria was pulled towards Cassidy, almost entirely not touching Isiah as she was smothered in kisses from that conversation, giggling more, her hand around his shoulders left to mess with Cassidy, smiling big. Did she forget I was here?
    He blinked a few times, face softening as he licked his bottom lip and put his head down.
    Maria moved closer, regaining her footing to not trip either both of them or herself, resting a hand on his shoulder. Her hand slid to hold his, now looking at him. "Hey, you okay?" Her smile was now half a smile, then softened and faded to a soft concerned look.
    Isiah glanced at her before tucking his hair back and faced back down. "Yeah, just tired." She stared, blinking. Maria intertwined her fingers with his and squeezed as Cassidy pushed the elevator button down.
    Cassidy waited, looking at the two before looking back at the elevator. Maria rubbed his hand with her thumb, then leaned to whisper something in a questioning tone to Cassidy, who looked over, leaning in. She eyed Isiah for a moment, nodding and whispered back. "Keep your location on. . ."
    "I will. . ." Maria reassured in a whisper.
    Isiah closed his eyes and scratched his forehead, thinking to himself quietly. Cassidy pulled them in as the doors slid open, he stepped into the elevator, scratching his arm.
    Maria pulled him into his space with her hand hooked around his waist and leaned to whisper. "Hope you don't mind me staying the night."
    He glanced down at her hand, still thinking. "Not at all. . ." He whispered back. Ahe smiled soft, sneaking a cheeky kiss on his lips before her attention turned to the numbers, neck in perfect view of his lips. He breathed softly, looking at her neck with soft lips. The urge just about took over.
    Maria kept her attention on the numbers, blinking as she stood closer to him then she did to Cass, though her waist was occupied with one of Cassidy's hands.
    He swallowed, reaching a hand to hold around her stomach. He closed his eyes, moving to hide himself. Oh of course. Of fucking course.
    Maria looked down at his hand, face spreading a sweet blush while she stared at both of their hands around her, swallowing as she looked back up at the numbers, legs slightly closing.
    He looked up at the numbers, praying it went down. Maria inhaled soft, slightly she pulled herself and Isiah closer to Cassidy while also moving his hand lower on the other side of her waist.
    Cassidy glanced over, smirking and went back to her phone as he exhaled slowly, clearing his throat. She looked over again, glancing. She noticed his hand, eyebrows raising as she eyed Maria. She stood up as the elevator stopped, and the doors opened after a minute.
    Isiah headed out fairly quickly. Maria followed him, Cassidy at her side.
    Cassidy walked faster when she saw Damian's truck. He followed behind her, shoving his hands into his hoodie and hid it.
    Damian unlocked the truck as Cassidy hopped up in the front seat.
    "Hi dad!"
    "Hey daughter!"
    Isiah got in, glancing between the two as Maria made her way in the back with him. He leaned back in the seat, tying his hair up. "Hello, Damian."
    Damian looked through the rearview mirror then turned to look at him. "Hey kid, Maria told me you'd be joining us."
    "Yeah, I need to get dropped off at my place. . ."
    "Got it, mind me getting the address?" Damian asked. Isiah said the address as he put it down in his phone, nodding. "You lot buckled?"
    Damian nodded again, starting to drive. Maria glanced at Isiah, glancing lower as she looked away with a small smile, he looked out the window, fiddling with his fingers. He seemed nervous. She reached a hand to hold his as he held it back, looking down at their hands.
    Maria looked down as well, then up at him. Isiah glanced at the two in the front before moving her hand over him as he inhaled slowly. A blush spread over her face, hand tense as he looked back at the window, slightly moving a leg. She slightly  moved her hand, fully grasping him in her palm. Isiah tensed, moving an arm to lean on the door as he covered his mouth slightly.
    She moved further away, then tugged his arm, mainly she was hiding from Damian's gaze, swallowing. Isiah moved his arm, looking at her. She looked at him, motioning her hand as he tilted his head.
    Maria huffed. "C'mere," she whispered. Isiah leaned forward as she frowned and grabbed his arm and pulled him to her.
    He blinked a few times, letting her as he watched. She looked at him, letting go as her hand sneakily returned to the bulge. He glanced down, parting his lips a bit. "Hey, D, can you turn on some music? It's a little, quiet, I can hear my own thoughts." He chuckled.
    "Mm? Uh, alright, what kind?"
    "Uhhhh, maybe some uhm. What is. . . oh, alternative, I remember."
    "Uh," Damian looked at Cassidy. "Kid, what-what is that exactly?"
    Maria curled her hand, cupping him tighter as she looked out the window. Isiah bit at his lip, thinking. "Rock."
    "Alright," Damian turned on the radio, switching channels and got to the rock, turning it up.
    Isiah watched him before turning his head to look out the window while her hand moved up, quietly a finger slipped past his pants waistline. He leaned back, really about to drop all his errands as she smiled, hand trailing further down, travelling under his boxers and curled her hand. She still faced the window.
    Isiah's breathing picked up as he adjusted his position a bit, looking at her. He took off his jacket and laid it in his lap, laying his hands in his lap as a way to hide her hand. Maria glanced, moving her other hand and quietly unzipped his jeans for more access, smiling.
    He glanced at her, smiling a bit as he leaned and whispered. "God I can't wait for tonight. . ."
    She smiled more, hand reaching further, lightly the tip of her index finger rolled around the tip. "I know you cant. . ."
    "They're going to catch us. . ." He murmured, eyes glancing at her lips then back to her eyes.
    Maria looked at him, smiling as her eyes glance to his lips. "Well. . . wanna save it for tonight. . .?"
    He nodded. "Yes."
    "Aww. . ." She toyed with his tip more, then her hand left his boxers and zipped him back up as he exhaled slowly, closing his eyes. She smiled, patting it through his jeans before putting her hands in her lap as he looked forward, raising his eyebrows.

    [TW: This next scene depicts acts of violence, sexual harassment and assault.]

    Damian slowed as he neared the complex, parking. Isiah looked towards the apartment, inhaling as he rubbed his cheek and started getting out. "Thanks for the ride."
    "You're welcome."
    Isiah got out, glancing back before turning and looked at Maria. "See you later." He smiled.
    Maria nodded, smiling back. "See ya later," he stepped back and shut the door, biting at his lip, turning towards the gate as he put his jacket on.
    Damian watched, before putting the truck in drive and drove off. Isiah sighed a bit, shaking out his hands before walking through the gates silently and as quietly as he could, making his way towards his apartment.
    Isiah heard faint talking as he stopped at the stairs, listening. He cursed under his breath, knowing it was coming from near his apartment. He rubbed his lips, looking up. He inhaled deeply, taking out his key and just went for it.
    A man turned, beer in hand as he grinned. "Well there he is. Where you been buddy?" He tilted his head.
    Isiah put his head down, ignoring him as he walked straight towards his door, but another man moved to stand in front of it, leaning on the door. Blocking him. "Yeah, we've been waitin' for you. Who else is supposed to do our laundry huh?"
    Isiah stopped, not lifting his head as he spoke quietly. "Was busy."
    The first man walked up behind him and held his arm with his free hand and wrapped his other arm around his shoulder, relatively close to his face. "With what? I didn't think you could be busy."
    He blinked softly, glancing at the can and moved him off. "I'd like to go inside now."
    The man blocking the door crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "Why?" He then reached and held his chin, lifting his head. "We haven't seen you in a little bit and we missed you."
    Isiah closed his eyes, tensing. "I didn't, I'd like to go inside."
    He kept his eyebrow raised. "What's the magic word?"
     Isiah hesitated before whispering and moved his face away. "Please."
    The man behind him wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him close. "Awww, come on Isiah. You have plenty of time to talk to us."
    Isiah moved to hold his arm, clenching his teeth as he exhaled slowly and shakily. "I have shit to do."
    "Lieeeeees, you said that last time and you disappeared! Come on, just for a couple minutes." He tightened his arm around him.
    Isiah closed his eyes, holding his forehead as he swallowed again. "Guys come on. . ."
    The man in front stepped forward, reaching to tuck his hair behind his ear. "Did you forget what happens when you don't give us what we want? You remember our deal, correct?"
    He opened his eyes to look at him, blinking softly. "I don't want to right now. . ."
    "Oooo got a right now, alright." He reached a hand around him, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "My laundry is waiting for you. . ."
    Isiah closed his eyes, pushing them both away before quickly moving to his door and opened it shakily. He stared at them before stepping in and slammed the door in their face.
    Isiah breathed shakily, holding the door closed before locking all three locks. He heard chirping. His bird, a Rose-Breasted Cockatoo specifically, turned his head to him and hopped in his cage. He looked over at Guerrero, exhaling slowly. "Hey buddy. . ." He walked over to him and opened his cage. The bird moved out, reaching for his arm before hopping onto him and did a little dance.
    Isiah watched him with a soft smile, putting him on his shoulder and started cleaning.

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