Chapter Ninety-Eight: [Rebecca VII]

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    Rebecca kept watching the hospital before dropping her head down and messed with her necklace. Damian noticed, reaching a hand, resting it on her knee. She closed her eyes as he rubbed her knee, keeping his eyes on the road.
    Maverick leaned on Milo, face still having that soft sad look to it as his hands curl, pressing to his legs to keep the tears down and gone.
    Macy glanced over at his hands, blinking softly before reaching and gently held it. He flinched a little, looking at her as his hands relax, looking back down. Milo leaned his head on his, putting a hand on Maverick's other hand.
    She just held it and looked out the window, Spark was falling asleep against her, the driving a soothing rocking. They were out in moments.
    Damian slowed as he made it to the Bellagio. Rebecca looked towards the hotel, sighing quietly as he parked the truck near the front, looking over at her and then looked in the rear view mirror; Maverick, Spark, Macy, Sunny, all of them, fast asleep. He smiled soft. "How're we gonna do this. . .?" He whispered.
    Rebecca looked back as well, blinking softly as she whispered back. "I can carry Macy in one arm and Sunny with my other. . . if Maria and Isiah are still awake, they can carry who ever you can't. . ." She looked over at him.
    "They were in the bed of my truck, they're awake." He replied as she nodded, quietly getting out and went towards the side to where Macy was. "I'll take Maverick and Spark." He got out as well.
    Rebecca opened Macy's door carefully, peeking in as she reached and gently pulled her in, holding her like a small child as Macy inhaled deeply, rubbing her eyes before laying her head on Rebecca's shoulder.
    She waited a moment before stepping aside. "Get Spark and Mav. They're right here. . ."
    Isiah jumped down from the side of the truck, turning and opened his arms for Maria. Maria carefully made her way down into his arms. Damian nodded, carefully getting them out as Spark grumbled. He held Spark like a baby, Maverick like a drunk friend he's trying to take home. Spark put their arms around their dad, sighing while Maverick leaned on him, sighing heavy.
    Isiah held Maria and set her down onto the sidewalk as Rebecca reached and carefully grabbed Sunny, watching Macy's head.
    Maria smiled at him, then looked over. "We can, get her, or someone."
    Rebecca looked over, speaking quietly. "Milo and Calypso, Isiah." She nodded.
    Isiah nodded and walked over, Maria not far behind as Rebecca held both Sunny and Macy now, heading inside. Maria looked in and carefully brought out Milo. Maria waited for Isiah nearby, an arm slung around Milo's shoulders. Isiah grabbed Calypso, cradling him then stepped back.
    Isiah huffed a bit, adjusting them before looking at Cassidy and Sadie. Damian made an appearance. "Psst! Hey! Come on!" He yelled in a whisper.
    Isiah turned and headed inside, she followed. "I'll come back, get Cassidy,l."
    "I'll come with ya, get Sadie." Damian replied, Isiah blinked, then turned back around, carefully putting Calypso on his back before grabbing Cassidy and Sadie.
    Calypso inhaled and held onto him, resting his cheek against his head.
    Maria looked over. "Isiah, Isiah we'll come back!" She called after.
    He waved her off, adjusting the teo girls before shutting the door and made his way after them. "I don't lift for nothing, Maria." She blinked, then rolled her eyes, smile-scoffing and went back inside.
    The group made it up to the rooms, Maria grabbed her keycard from her pocket and slid it in her suite door, unlocking with a short grunt. "Just, put Cass, Suns, and Sads on the bed." She instructed them.
    Rebecca stepped in, walking towards the bed and laid Sunny down carefully. Isiah stepped in as well, workin' up a sweat and did the same thing.
    Sunny made a face, but in a half-sleep state she crawled further up the bed and relaxed, out like a light with Sadie and Cassidy near her. Isiah reached and scooped Calypso up, walking towards the couch and laid him down carefully.
    Maria looked at Damian, sighing soft as she checked Milo's pockets for a keycard, sneaking a hand and found it. She seemed to freeze for a moment, making a face, and nodded. She walked to the room beside hers, sliding the keycard in, unlocking that one too and put the card back in Milo's pocket. Damian walked in, her not far behind. Rebecca watched for a moment before taking Macy to hers and Spark's room.
    Rebecca stepped into their room, sighing softly as she stroked Macy's hair, walking towards the bed and laid her down slowly. Macy muttered a bit, making a face before turning over.
    Rebecca moved her hair out of her face before stepping back as Macy's kitten meowed a bit, jumping onto the bed and made her way towards Macy, laying down near her face and purred.
    She heard Bandit's claws tip-tap as she followed Damian into the room, who slowed to stand beside Rebecca and carefully unlatched his son, laying them with Macy.
    Spark grumbled, hands finding Macy and wrap them around her, huffing as they snuggled up to her, head buried in the back of her neck. Macy breathed softly, fast asleep.
    Rebecca watched them quietly, rubbing her cheek before closing her eyes and turned, leaving the room. Damian patted the bed, Bandit jumped up. "Lie down," he whispered as he turned and followed Rebecca.
    Rebecca stood back out here, rubbing her face again. Damian stood at her side.
    Maria sighed soft. "What now? We all just, split?"
    Rebecca inhaled softly. "For now, yes. . ." Maria nodded, stepping back.
    "I'll, see ya tomorrow." Madia spoke, then stopped. "Isiah, where'll you be staying?" Damian looked at him.
    Isiah turned, blinking. "Oh uhm I. . ." He shook his head, shrugging a bit. "Wherever," Maria looked at the other two, then back to him, tilting her head. "I'm. . . honestly okay with wherever." He nodded, putting his hands in his pockets.
    "You could, stay with the boys. Don't think Cass would like a man sleeping over, except with her permission." Maria made a teeth-sucking noise, a smile behind it.
    Isiah inhaled and nodded. "I agree, okay." Maria nodded, walking over and kissed his forehead then hurried off to her suite, closing the door behind her. Damian looked at them, raising a brow. Isiah watched her.
    Rebecca smiled softly. "That's our que. . ."
    He puffed out his cheeks and turned to them, nodding a bit. Damian nodded, nudging her. "Ladies first, have a nice night Isiah." She waved and started walking.
    "Yeah you two, sir. . ." Isiah watched them before making his way into the trio's suite.

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