Chapter One-Hundred and Four: [Oliver XXIV]

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    Ollie was properly sitting up with out the headboard, chattin away with a grin. Maverick stood near his grandfather, solemn faced and quiet as he listened to the two. His ears and eyes picked up movement, looking up at the door. The doctor knocked before opening the door. He still had a smile as he stepped aside.
    Macy stepped in first, grinning. Maverick's solemn face broke, but he still kept it in the way his face creased and hands folded together.
    His grandfather, Leon Blackwell, known as "Mr. Blackwell" by many, looked up, smiling. "You," he started, leaning on that same silver-stag-head cane and Maverick to stand. "Ah, I know most'your faces."
    Macy looked at Leon, her smile slightly shifting as she stared, quiet. Mr. Blackwell stood half of Maverick's height at six foot three, wearing a soft looking black hat, leather gloves, and a blue-grey shirt with a silver stag head sewn into the pocket with darker blue pants belted by a black belt. He wore a warm, inviting smile on his face, while Maverick was the opposite, frowns and cold looks occasionally broken by warmth and friendliness. Calypso skipped over to Leon, hugging him tightly as he smiled, putting an arm around him.
    Ollie watched them all walk in, sitting up straight as he grinned more. Milo walked over, kissing his hair, then grimaced. "Boy you need a shower." He whispered with a small laugh and fake gag. "Did Maverick say hi at all when he came in?"
    Ollie chuckled and looked up at him before nodding softly. He took his hands, kissing his knuckles. "He said hello, kissed my forehead and cheeks." He said, continuing. "He's been right there ever since."
    Milo looked up over at Maverick, studying his face and body. "Is he, is he always like that. . .?"
    Ollie glanced at him. "No. . ." Maverick kept his spot near his grandfather, his expression was softer, but still stern, watching them all. Macy blinked softly, swallowing before stepping back and straightened up with a slight smile.
    He slowly let go of Calypso, noticing Rebecca. "Well. . ."
    She smiled at Leon, waving softly. "Hello, Mr. Blackwell."
    "Hello Rebecca, it's been a while, yeah? How you been?"
    She walked over, laying Ollie's clothes on the bed. "I've been. . . I've been okay." she nodded, facing him. Leon looked at Damian for a moment, then back to her. "You?"
    "Mm, same old same old, keeping up with my grandchildren's busy lifestyles, looking after family and family business, the usual."
    Spark tugged Macy closer, a finger around her belt loop and around around her lower back and side.
    "Ahhh, alright." She chuckled. "Yeah, you know that's good."
    Leon nodded. "Busy grandkids and an even busier grandfather, hmph." He made a scoffed laugh, again leaning on the cane to sit down. Macy looked away from Leon, tucking her hair back. Rebecca laughed softly, taking a seat.
    Ollie leaned into Milo, smiling at them all. "We're missing two." Just then, the door  opened. Ollie looked over, holding Milo's hand with a smile. "There's oneeee." He said as Cassidy walked in, then Isiah, who stepped in after her, staying near the back. Maria stepped in after him, looking in, then to her grandpa. She smiled and hurried over. "Papa!" She leaned to hug him, not wanting him to get up.
    Cassidy made her way to stand next to Maverick. Isiah caught a glance at Leon, quiet and in the corner.
    "How're you doing hon?"
    "I'm doing okay papa, you?" She smiled, kissing his cheek.
    "Mm, same old —"
    " — same old." She finished his sentence, laughing a little before giving a little bye and looked to Isiah. He looked away and down at his hands while she leaned and sat beside him.
    Macy talked with Ollie. Isiah glanced at her then at Leon, Maria looked at her grandfather too. Spark sat with Bandit near the girls, Bandit curled up watching everyone, but mostly Ollie, ears perked.
    Ollie looked at Spark, eyes lighting up. "Oh! Look what I learned!" He raised his hands and signed to them. "Hello, I'm —" He paused before spelling out his name with a grin. Rebecca's face lit up as she placed her hand on her chest.
    They look up, smiling and signed back his name slow. "O.L.L.I.E"
    Ollie grinned, thinking before going again. "I learned. . . for you."
    Spark smiled more, looking at Macy for a moment. "So did Mouse." Macy grinned, leaning into Spark.
    Ollie tapped his chin, making a face. "It's hard."
    "Ha! Loser! It was easy for me." They make a face, laughing soft "I'll teach you more."
    Ollie grinned. "Cool,"
    Spark nodded, then set Bandit aside to get up. They then signed "How's the hospital treatin' you? Y'know when you're allowed to leave?"
    Maverick watched them, opening his mouth. "They're asking how's the hospital treating you, and if you know when you'll be discharged." He translated, looking to Ollie with that usual soft look.
    He looked between them, shaking his head. "No. They haven't told me yet. . . but, what I do know, isss. . . I'm able to move around." He smiled.
    Maverick smiled. "That's good," Milo nodded in agreement.
    Ollie nodded. "So now, I can do." He moved a bit, getting off of the bed slowly as he stuck out his tongue a bit. Rebecca stepped forward, holding her hand out.
    "Be careful." He looked at her, smiling before moving into her and hugged her properly. Rebecca teared up and hugged him back, placing her lips against his head and furrowed her eyebrows. Maverick smiled soft, looking back at the monitor. Damian smiled as he watched them.
    Ollie buried his face into her, hugging her tightly. "Phew, finally."
    She held his head to her, closing her eyes and swayed softly. "My baby. . ." She whispered quietly.
    Ollie moved a bit before looking at Maverick and walked towards him slowly. He reached and grabbed the IV stand for support and pulled it with him, walking to Maverick, and hugged him tightly. Maverick stared, eyes getting glossy as he hugged him back just as tightly, though a little gentle, mindful of his stomach.
    Ollie held the back of his shirt, putting his face into him as he exhaled shakily. "I've been wanting to do this so bad. . ."
    Maverick rubbed his back. "I have too. . ."
    He looked up at him, reaching to hold his face as he chuckled lightly and sniffed. "Hello my handsome boy. . ." He spoke in a whisper.
    Maverick looked down at him, smiling soft and leaned his head to his touch. "Hello my handsome boy. . ." He repeated in a whisper. Maverick knelt, albeit awkward, he did so, when Ollie closed his eyes and moved his head to press against his forehead, a single and small tear rolled down his face. Ollie turned a bit to look at Milo, motioning him over. Milo made his way over, he opened his arms for him.
    Milo gently pulled him in, hugging as Ollie hugged around his neck, burying his face into it. He rubbed his hair, grimacing just a bit but held his composure. He frowned at Maverick, who stifled a silly face to his grimacing.
    Ollie looked up at him, smiling softly before squinting. "Aye, what's with the face."
    "You need, a bath, honey. . ." Milo whispered.
    He blinked. "Shit, am I really that bad? Oh god, this is embarrassing." He hid his face behind his hands.
    "No no, no." Milo now felt bad bringing it up. "No," Ollie groaned, Maverick looked between them.
    Rebecca chuckled softly. "Well, I did happen to bring you a change of clothes."
    "I or Milo could bathe ya." Maverick offered.
    Isiah spoke up, rubbing his neck. "They have tubs and clothes for "Bed Baths."
    He looked between his mom, Maverick and Isiah before nodding. "Yeah alright."
    Isiah stood. "I'll go ask for a tub." He stepped aside and headed for the door. Maria got up and decided to follow him.
    Maverick looked at him. "Which of us will have the honor."
    Ollie tapped his chin before poking Milo. "Since heeeeee had somethin' to say." He smirked. Milo frowned, then smiled.
    Macy had been quietly watching Leon and messed with her bracelet, while Leon still sat in his same spot, just looking at the three. She bit at her lip, thinking to herself before getting up and cautiously approached him. Leon looked over, Maverick instinctively reached a hand in view for him, to which he gladly took it and stood. She rubbed her knuckles and looked up at him, swallowing.
    "Yes Ms. Hicks?" He spoke up. Ollie looked over as Macy inhaled slowly, blinking softly as she parted her lips, about to say something but stopped, moving her head to look down.
    Ollie looked at her, blinking then looked at Leon. "You, know each other?"
    She looked back up at Leon, face soft. "Thank you. . ." She spoke quietly, holding her arm.
    "Helped her with family business back in San Francisco, and you're welcome dear." He smiled soft. Macy inhaled softly again, walking closer before hesitantly hugging him, and he hugged her back.
    Maverick watched them, glancing at Spark, who was also doing the same. Macy slowly hugged him more, slowly getting comfortable.
    Leon leaned more so on his cane to keep him standing as he patted her back while she sniffed and slowly moved and looked up at him. He looked down at her.
    She wanted to say something, fiddling with her fingers. "Can. . . I ask you a question. . .?"
    "Yes, you may. Private question?" He asked, she nodded.
    "Need my help grandfather?" Maverick asked.
    "I can walk just fine. I'll be fine a moment, son, don't fret." He then motioned his cane. Macy stepped aside, heading out and held the door open for him. Leon nodded his head in thanks and left the room.

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