Chapter Sixty-Five: [Damian I]

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    The pair had taken the gentle moment to something else, Rebecca sat on the counter, body pressed close to Damian's as they shared a deep kiss. She moved away from the kiss and started kissing his neck, one hand holding his arm and the other hand holding his cheek. He inhaled sharp as she then slid her hand from his arm to his bulge, softly squeezing.
    He choked on air, "Becca. . ." But she squeezed more in reply before messing with his belt. "You can't wait can you?"
    She shook her head, breathing softly against his skin. "I need you. . ." She whispered softly, holding his belt loops.
    "How so dear?" He reached his hands to hold hers.
    "In me. . ."
    He picked her up. "Oh you'll get that. . ." He left the kitchen and headed for a hallway to his bedroom, she bit her lip with a grin.
    "You'll get it any day, everyday when you're mine again. . ." He said as he opened his bedroom door, walking in. She went back to kissing his neck, humming.
    His bedroom was large, dark, and cozy in perfect shades of black, brown, and white. His bed king size, black and white and soft. There was a large closet to the right of his bed with a mirror on it. To the left of the bedroom door was his bathroom.
    He walked to his bed, kicking off his shoes with little effort, still holding her as he crawled to the front of the bed, setting her down. She looked up at him, unbuttoning her shirt as he sat up, undoing his belt and tossed it off, in a hurry as he took off his pants, swallowing while he did the same to her, hands practically dancing as he leaned in and kissed her cheek, throwing off both of their pants.
    She bit her lip, grinning as she moved her shirt apart and raised her chest, reaching to take off her bra, and again he denied her, doing it himself and tossed her bra, hands rounding her breasts as he inhaled. "Fuck how I've dreamed of this. . ."
    She watched him, breathing softly as she leaned her head back. "You actually make it enjoyable. . ."
    "I've always made it enjoyable for you. . ." He replied, pushing down his boxers, hand reaching into her underwear, pulling them off slowly, she hummed soft, closing her eyes. Slowly, burning in desperation, he pushed in. His eyes screwed close, lips parting. "Fuck how do you feel, so much better then, then earlier. . ." She closed her lips, moaning as she bit her lip as he held her sides, body slowly rocking against hers. She gasped softly, raising her chest as she moaned softly. He watched her, then looked down, staring as his face flushed red.
    "God. Oh god this looks. . . oh fuck you look amazing taking me. . ."
    "You-you feel so fucking good. . ." She huffed, holding his face as she looked at him. "Faster. God please, go faster."
    He nodded, going faster as he huffed. "Fuck. I've really missed fucking you in a bed Becca. . ."
    She moaned out, furrowing her eyebrows as she wrapped her arms around his neck, puffing. "Fucking hell."
    "Becca. . . good god woman you feel so good. I love you." He spoke, leaning to kiss her jaw, repeating "I love you" over and over as he picked up the pace.
    She moved to hold his hands, moaning and whimpering as she raised her chest again. "Fuck. I love you too." Suddenly, her phone started buzzing.
    He looked over, panting as he went back to kissing her jaw. "You got an alarm set or somethin'?"
    She looked over, huffing and nodded, "My meds," she reached for her phone, tapping it before wrapping her arms back around him.
    "Ah," he replied.
    A man's voice ever so faintly came over the phone, but neither could hear as Damian fucked her harder, groaning into her neck.
    Rebecca moaned louder, furrowing her eyebrows more as she clenched her teeth. "Fuck yes!"
    "God you haven't changed a bit. Always liked it rough."
    "Oh absolutely. Fuckkkk!"
    "Rebecca Janet! What the fuck are you doing?! Becca! You fucking bitch, answer me!" A man's voice rose.
    Neither answered him. Damian looked at her, smiling as he rose up, hands tight to her waist before moving to grip the sheets, grunting. "Fuck!" She leaned her head back, throat getting red as she kept moaning. Tears of pleasure rolled down her face.
    "Rebecca?! You lying ass bitch you better fucking respond to me!" If they both could head him, neither bothered to reply, or even acknowledge him.
    "There's that angle I love. God you really haven't had good dick since we last fucked, have you? How long ago was that? Twenty years, give or take?" He panted, looking down. "God you're so beautiful under me." She could hardly talk, moans were the only thing escaping her lips. He smiled. "God I know that bitch hasn't given you a good time. You're on my dick moaning like you did as a teenager, and fuck it's amazing." He leaned, kissing her neck as he groaned.
    "Who the fuck are you with?! Hello?!"
    She huffed, holding his hair. "I-I fucking — fuck! Oh fuck, Damian!" She moaned heavy.
    "FUCK YOU, If you can hear me you better come home ASAP!"
    "Fucking hell 'Becs." He swallowed, "Fuck I've missed you, so much! Just avoid that whiney bitch of a man, stay with me. I can treat you so much better Please Becca please!" He begged.
    She gripped his hair, moaning into his shoulder. "Wish — fuck I wish I could." She gripped his hair more. "Fuck I'm so close, fuck fuck."
    "Holy fuck I'm close too."
    "Cum in me. Please." She begged.
    "Oooo just you fucking wait you fuckin whore, as SOON as I see you! Rebecca Janet! Becca! Fucking hell babe just ANSWER ME!"
    "I always do. It's a wonder my son isn't yours." He grinned. "Or Ollie isn't mine."
    She nodded. "I-I know."
    Damian then grabbed her phone, staring. A cruel grin spread on his face. "Becca," he looked at her, then faced the phone her way. "We have a visitor You enjoying the audio porn you whiney bitch?" She then went wide eyed, blinking a few times, huffing.
    "You fucking ASS!"
    He looked at her, smiling. "'s not my fault my dick's better, huh 'Becs?" She nodded, closing her eyes as she huffed out a moan.
    "Fuck you! Lemme talk to her!"
    "Kind of hard for her to talk right now."
    "Damn it Damian! Get your fucking dick outta my wife and let me talk to her!"
    "Sorry, don't wanna. But here," he lowered the phone to Rebecca. "Here doll, I'll slow down." She huffed, taking the phone as she looked at him.
    "Rebecca. You have some serious fucking explaining to do."
    She exhaled quickly, shaking her head. "I don't." He did indeed slow down, but continued at that heavy pace.
    "The fuck you mean you don't? You weren't going to Vegas to see our disappointment of a son, you were going there to fuck that dick of his!"
    She shook her head. "Oops,"
    "THAT'S IT?!"
    "I was an added bonus." Damian spoke as she grinned.
    "Fuck you Damian I ain't talking to you."
    "Once I get back, I'm calling it off. So pack your shit." Rebecca hissed.
    Damian smiled. "My dick is in your wife, I kinda can talk to you."
    "Oh, FUCCCKK YOU!"
    He laughed. "You threw me off my rhythm Marty. . ."
    "You pack your shit, bitch! I ain't going anywhere! QUIT TALKING TO ME DAMIAN DAMN!"
    He smirked, looking at her. She moved the phone, laying it on the bed. "I'm done talking to him." she smiled at Damian.
    "Aye! I ain't done!"
    "I can give him some disgustingly close audio." He whispered as he grinned at her, chuckling.
    Rebecca grinned, shrugging. "I'm not seeing an issue."
    "God fuck you."
    Damian started up again, grabbing the phone, and then leaned the phone down to their waists, biting his lip. Rebecca huffed, putting her hands above her head as he straight up hung up. He laughed.
    "Aww, I didn't get to tell him I might've gotten you pregnant, hm. Should I call him again?" There was a childish, mischievous smirk on his face. "Or would that make him more mad?"
    "Don't tell him. He'll try something." She huffed, melting in pleasure.
    "Mm, could also fuck you pregnant again, but I don't want you to suffer more." He spoke, leaning and turned his attention to her breasts, licking, biting, sucking, pinching, every and anything.
    She groaned and whimpered, holding his arm. "Fuck," as he sucked a hickey around her nipple, lips curled, thrusting harder until he pushed closer, cumming as his face scrunched. She came with him, moaning out as more tears rolled down her face.
    He moved his head from her chest, lifting and gently kissed her tears, licking them up like he needed them to survive. "Your pleasure tastes nice."
    She grinned as she nodded. "God I feel, so good. . ."
    "I know you do. . ." He looked at her, then made a pouty face. "And now you have to leave me. . ."
    She held his face, looking in his eyes. "I promise, I promise I won't be long. . . a day at least. . ." He looked at her, moving his head and wrapped his arms around her in a hug, kissing her lips while he rolled over onto his back, she laid on him, hugging him back.
    He traced lines in her back. "I don't want you to go. . ."
    She rested her head into his neck, quiet for a moment before whispering. "I know. . ." He kissed her hair softly. "I really do promise I won't be too long. I'll stay the night with you tonight, and then you can take me to my motel room tomorrow?"
    "All I've ever wanted is you falling asleep with me. . ." He sat up, holding her lower back as he looked at her. "I'll take you to your motel room tomorrow." He agreed.
    She smiled softly, looking at him as she ran her nails run through his hair. "Sounds good. . ."
    He smiled, kissing her cheek. "We outta shower." He laughed softly.
    "Together?" She tilted her head.
    He rose a brow. "Well of course."
    She slowly grinned and nodded. "Okay,"
    He grinned back, pulling out, she kissed his cheek softly. He chuckled. "C'mon blondie." He got up, pulling her up with him as he walked to his bathroom, she giggled like a child, walking with him.
    Damian flicked on a light, closing the door behind them. "Do you want to bathe while I shower, or we can shower together?"
    "Uhmmmm ooo. . . choices." She grinned, nodding. "I think I would like to relax, so bath."
    "I'll start the bath, you just sit on the counter and look pretty." He smiled with a joking manner, walking to the bath and ran the warm water. "You want bubbles?"
   "Yes please."
    He nodded. "The uh, foaming soap is in the cabinet closest to you; Dr. Teals Rose." He looked at her, standing. He watched her turn, walk to it and open the cabinet, grab the soap, and close the cabinet.
    He opened a hand to her as she handed it to him. "Thank you Tills." He popped the cap, pouring it in near the faucet so the bubbles got around. "The water's really warm."
    "Oooo I can't wait." She grinned, taking out her hair.
    He chuckled. "Remember when I'd sneak you over and we'd, well, do things and shower together after?" He looked at her, smiling.
    She nodded. "Yes. Oh Lord my mother found out I snuck out one time and I never heard the end of it." She chuckled. "She never told my dad."
    "Don't think I could've handled the wrath of your dad back then." He smiled.
    "Back then noooo." She shook her head, smiling. "They're calmer now. Mom actually, still asks about you. . ."
    "They aren't too fond of Martin which," she scoffed, "do NOT blame them. Though they. . . don't know anything, that goes on between us. And yeah, of course."
    "Well, why don't you tell them?" He asked.
    "Oh god no! My mother she's. . . got a weak heart, I can't tell her he's. . ." She shook her head, waving her hand a bit.
    He looked at her. "You don't have to tell her that but say you'reeee, seeingg me??"
    She nodded. "I could yes. . ." She rubbed her cheek. "She knows I'm still with Martin though." She frowned a bit.
    "Hmm, divorce? Could say that."
    She nodded. "I could,"
    He nodded back. "Alright, in the bath missy." He pointed.
    She smirked. "Yes daddy." She got in, inhaling with a grin and got in fully as she relaxed. Damian rolled his eyes, smiling. she closed her eyes, sighing softly. "So relaxingggg. . ."
    "I bet." He replied as he started the shower, she got her hair wet as he stepped in, door closing behind him. Rebecca looked towards the shower, rubbing the soap along her arms.
    "Maybe I can give my mom a call and you can talk to her that way." She smiled softly.
    "I won't mind, uh actually. . . I think I hear your phone, but I could be imagining it."
    She turned, huffing. "Let me check." She got out, grabbing a towel and wrapped it around herself and quickly went to get the phone. Damian watched her through the glass, whistling. She chuckled. "Oh quit!" She called.
    "I never did as a teen, I won't now!"
    She laughed, shaking her head as she grabbed her phone and looked down at it. She inhaled, biting at her lip before answering and headed back to the bathroom. Damian listened through the shower walls. "Hello?"
    He heard Rebecca's husband scoff. "You fucking answer this time, woah."
    She raised her eyebrows. "I'm busy right now."
    He opened the shower door. "Tills?" he spoke quiet.
    "Well this is more important, hear me bitch? I don't care about whatever you're busy with."
    She leaned on the doorway, raising her eyebrows to Damian as she sighed. "Yeah you never did." She moved her phone to show Damian
    "Mm," he replied quietly, rolling his eyes.
    "Whatever the fuck you're trying to prove, isn't doing anything. How do you think this will affect Oliver huh?"
    She straight up laughed. "Don't you dare pull that card, the boy doesn't give two shits about you, I hope you know."
    "Right. We'll see. Cut the act, Rebecca. You're only being bold because you're with that prick."
    She inhaled. "No, I'm just over your shit. Been over it but never had a chance to say anything."
    "And he's not a fucking prick, thank you."
    I do with my dick. He thought, snickering.
    "Fucking —" Martin huffed angrily. "You know what Rebecca, let's go back in time shall we?" Her face shifted, Damian looked at her, cutting the shower, he looked worried, confused. "Who was there when you were crying because of that ASS because he broke YOUR heart? Huh? Me. I held you. That was me. Not him. Who gave you a place to stay when your mom was practically dying? Me. He was never there."
    She gripped the phone, clenching her fists. "That's because I didn't have anyone else, bastard."
    "Oo, she bit back."
    She moved the phone from her ear, scowling as she put it back to her ear. "Don't you ever, disrespect or throw my mother into our arguments ever again or else I swear to the god above, Martin, I will make sure you never speak again."
    Martin chuckled. "I'm intimated."
    "You fucking ass." She whispered, tensing up slightly. "I would never in a million years ever say shit like that about your fucking mother who is rightfully dead."
    "Oh fuck you!"
    "Yeah don't like it for you?"
    "My mother was a good woman!"
    "Fuck no she was not! She raised you."
    "Every man you'll be with will be JUST like me because no one wants to deal with a mouthy bitch like you." She then straightened up, face shifting again. He scoffed. "Yeah, feel bad now don't you?" She moved to look down at the phone, blinking. "Becca."
    Damian watched as she hung up, just looking down at the phone, he got from the shower. "Becca?
    She looked up at Damian, inhaling. "You just witnessed one of our arguments." She chuckled lightly. "How'd you feel?"
    "Like I wanted to call the guy I know." He replied, she just smiled, taking off the towel and got back into the bath.
    Rebecca went to set the phone down but before she could she got another phone call. "Oh my GOD!" She started getting annoyed as she answered it. "The hell do you want now? Let me be." She put it on speaker. "Trying to enjoy my damn night."
    "Well hello to you too, honey." It was her mom. Damian froze hearing the voice.
    She blinked. "Oh shit hi mom." she pinched the bridge of her nose as Damian looked over, eyes wide.
    "It seems I may have interrupted something?"
    "No no no not at all!" she chuckled.
    "Well i just wanted to say hi, dear."
    "Hey mom." She chuckled. "Hey, guess who I'm with?"
    Damian swallowed. "Becca!" he whispered.
    "Oooo, my grandson?"
    "Noooo." She grinned, looking at him.
    "Oh? Juno?"
    "No sadly, Damian!"
    "Oh! My, I was wondering when you two would rekindle!"
    "Would you like to say hi?"
    "Yes! Let me tell your father one moment!" Her mom spoke as she waited, smiling softly.
    Damian looked at her. "You're evil."
    "I love you too." She whispered, he rolled his eyes.
    It took her a moment before coming back. "He says hello! Alright, where is this Damian boy?" She held the phone towards him.
    Ollie stared, clamming up. "H-hello, Mrs. Tillie." He spoke like a nervous boy.
    "Awww, hello darling! How are you doing?"
    "I'm. . . doing okay." I'm freaking out.
    "Oh wonderful, what are you two up too hm?"
    "Uh —"
    "We just got back from the club like an hour ago so we're getting ready for bed." Rebecca cut him off.
    "Aww okay."
    "Yeah, it's very early mom, what're you doing awake?"
    "To take my medicine."
    He looked at the phone. "Ah okay, shit that reminds me —"
    "Are you taking yours? You taking care of yourself?"
    She swallowed, glancing at Damian. "Yeah,"
    "Okay good, you keep taking care of yourself now. How's Oliver doing?"
    "He's good too, he's. . . got a partner now."
    She gasped softly. "Oh my, boy or girl? If it's a girl I will be shocked."
    "Mom!" She face palmed, Damian chuckled.
    "What? It was a serious question!"
    He chuckled. "A boy, two actually." Rebecca replied.
    "Oh my, even better!"
    She chuckled, shaking her head. "Hopefully soon you can meet them. Make sure to talk to him, okay?"
    "Of course, darling. I should head on to sleep, put your father back to bed and all."
    "Okay mama, I love you."
    "I love you too honey, loveee youuu Daaamiaannnn."
    "I love you tooo." Damian replied.
    "Oh gosh," Rebecca mumbled before smiling.
    "Bye bye," she hung up.
    She exhaled, laying the phone down before going back to relaxing. "My my. . ." Damian sighed, walking over. She leaned her head back, closing her eyes as he looked at her, leaning on the tub. "Yes?" she smiled softly.
    "Can't I look at you doll?"
    "Mmm, sure," she turned and looked at him. He smiled and then climbed in, sitting in front of her. She reached out her hands to him. He moved closer, hands at each side of her legs and leaned on her, hugging her waist. She grinned as she watched him, he looked up at her.
   She ran her fingers through his wet hair, examining his face as he breathed softly.
    "I really want you to stay. . ."
    She nodded softly. "I know. . ."
   "Once I handle Martin. . . we'll be together okay? But, you know I still have my job to do too."
    "I don't care. As long as I, I have you. . . like I did when we were younger. . ." She smiled softly, leaning to kiss his head. He smiled as she rubbed his back with her nails. He closed his eyes, burrowing his face to her chest. "Fuck. . . I've missed this. . ."
    She kissed his head. "I missed being loved on. . ."
    "He really didn't love you? All those years?"
    She frowned softly. "Before Oliver. . ." She inhaled and whispered softly. "Oliver wasn't supposed to, happen. I got intoxicated and he. . . yeah." She leaned her head back, looking up at the ceiling while nodding as she inhaled, shrugging softly. He sat up, looking at her. He reached his hands to hold her face, gentle. She then started tearing up, like she was ashamed to look at him.
    "Tills. . . hey. . . look at me." He spoke, she slowly looked up at him with her eyes. His hands tense, before going soft, remembering he was holding her face. "My sweet woman. . ." He whispered, swallowing. "That, I'd — I will never do that to you. . ."
    She closed her eyes, inhaling shakily as she furrowed her eyebrows. She fought her tears, exhaling quickly, squinting her eyes shut. "I never, thought I'd, have to say that sentence out loud."
    "Oh, my love. . . I never thought, this would happen to you, I am so, so sorry. . ."
    She bared her teeth, breathing through them as she seriously fought herself from crying. He pulled her in, hugging her tight.
    "I've got you. . . I've got you." She leaned into him, finally letting herself cry. She melted into him, covering her eyes. He turned, draining the bathtub, picking her up, and stepped out.
    She shook her head. "God," she inhaled sharply, wiping her eyes. "Sorry."
    "Darling. . . don't be sorry." He replied as she groaned, furrowing her eyebrows as she wiped her face. "Let's get ready for bed, okay? I can dry you off, if you want me to. . ."
    "I've got it, I'm fine. . ." She sniffed, forcing herself to stop crying as she nodded. He set her down, drying off with his towel. Rebecca grabbed the towel, drying herself off as she ran her hands through her wet hair. Damian dried off his thick hair that, not in a little bun, reached his shoulders, much like his child's.
    She sniffed, wiping her eyes with the towel as she exhaled slowly. "I didn't mean to get all personal." She chuckled softly.
    "It's alright." Just gives me more leverage to call Maverick. He thought as he fully dried off. She dried off her hair, wrapping the towel around herself as she grabbed her phone and headed out. He followed her, towel around his waist.
    Rebecca stretched, suddenly feeling tired as she exhaled slowly. Damian walked up behind her. "You can wear some of my pajamas." He offered.
    She turned to look at him, nodding. "Yeah okay."
    "My closet is just right there beside the bed, the mirror wall." He watched as she walked over to it and opened it slowly, he followed her.
    He watched while she examined the clothes, inhaling his scent as she smiled softly. He looked down at her, raising a brow. "You're acting like you've walked into a candle store."
    She looked up at him, smiling more. "Pretty much did."
    He smiled. "I see you haven't changed."
    "Not at all." She shook her head.
    He reached and kissed her cheek, hand rounding her belly. "Get comfy dear, I'll be waiting." He said as he let his hand drift against her, tossing off his towel, and crawled into bed. She watched him before grabbing a shirt and dropped the towel. He got comfy, face squished in a pillow as he watched her.
    He watched her slip the shirt off, grabbing the towel, and properly dried her hair again. She heard him inhale heavy. She turned, making eye contact with him, smiling softly as he relaxed, continuing to watch her. He smiled at her.
    "I forgot how good you look in my clothes." He commented. She chuckled, laying the towel near the bathroom floor, walking over quickly and crawled into bed, she hasn't been this excited to sleep in a while. He opened his arms, pulling her in. "I missed when you'd smell like me."
    She giggled softly in reply as she got comfortable against him as he rubbed her back, sighing as he hugged her. She breathed softly, getting comfortable as he listened to her, blinking slow as he drifted off.

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