Chapter Twelve: [Macy I]

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    Macy looked up, seeing the sign for Pier Market Seafood Restaurant. Maverick pulled into the parking lot, finding a spot and parked.
    Ollie looked around. "Oh my God this smells amazing. Looks good too!"
    Milo looked around. "Gosh, now I'm starving!"
    "We getting food first or the movie?" Ollie asked.
    Macy hopped in place. "I'm so hungryyy."
    "Well, I got money to kill thanks to my father and his family." He replied. "Oh!" He looked at Ollie, "lets get our food first."
    Ollie side-eyed him, Maverick did the same to him as Ollie chuckled nervously before walking. Maverick walked to his side, opening the door for them. Ollie stepped in, looking around. Macy waited for Milo to walk in.
    Milo noticed them, snapping from his sight-seeing, and hurried over. "Sorry," Macy chuckled and skipped after him. Milo smiled, looking at her. Ollie walked up to the bar, looking around. A man turned.
    "Hey there, what can I do for ya?" The man spoke up. His badge said the name Leon; he was a big muscular lad with a wild red beard kept clean. Macy blinked, genuinely intimated. "Name's Leon, can I get you kids seated?"
    Ollie couldn't help but laugh. "She's not a kid,"
    Milo looked at her. "Can you even see?"
    "Yes, I can see!" I'm not that short!
    "I call all folks way younger than me kids," Leon answered.
    "I see," Ollie grinned. Yeah, we'd like a seat."
    Leon gave a kind smile, a fatherly one. "Would you like outside seating? Bar seats? Inside seating?" He gave the options. Ollie looked at the others.
    "I don't mind outside, it's nice out," he replied, Maverick nodded in agreement.
    "Well, I can't sit at the bar, so outside," Macy remarked.
    Ollie turned to the man. "Outside it is!"
    "Right this way," he said, grabbing four menus and heading towards the outside seating. Macy stared at him, gulping as she followed him.
    Ollie walked behind her, humming, Maverick followed.
    Leon led the four to Pier Market Seafood's outside seating area. It was good sized, large and spacious with several tall, and big metal-and-wood tables spread out amongst the outside area. He set their menus at a table. Macy climbed onto a chair, sticking out her tongue while Ollie sat down, looking at the menu.
    "Good grief." Okay, maybe I am that short. Jesus, thanks Grandpa.
    "I apologize, I can move you four to a shorter table," Leon spoke.
    "I'm fine," she opened the menu.
    Leon smiled. "Can I start you off with drinks? Appetizers?"
    "Do y'all by chance do cocktails?"
    "We do, yes."
    "Ooo I'll take a Moscow Mule. Y'all want the fries?"
    Ollie nodded. "I'll have a, uh, Negroni please."
    "Paloma Cocktail please,"
    Macy glanced at them. "A coke."
    "Can we also get the shareable fries?" Maverick asked.
    "What type?"
    "Garlic fries, please."
    "Great! I'll be back with your drinks and fries shortly," Leon walked off.
    Macy watched him before looking back at the menu. Ollie looked around, thinking quietly.
    Maverick looked at the menu. "We know what we want?"
    "Yeah," Macy nodded, looking through the menu.
    "Now that I'm here all I am craving is seafood," Milo commented. "God the lobster rolls sound delicious."
    "The salmon sounds good," Maverick spoke.
    Milo closed the menu, going on his phone. "I'm getting the lobster tails."
    "I'll just get a kid's meal." Macy spoke.
    "What're you getting Olls?" Maverick looked over. "Olls? Ollie?" he nudged his hand.
    Ollie flinched a bit, blinking a few times, and looked at him. "Hm?" he raised his eyebrows.
    "You okay?"
    "Yeah," he chuckled lightly, looking down at the menu and leaning on his arms. Maverick kept his hand near.
    Ollie inhaled. "I'll just have the grilled salmon burger,"
    Maverick nodded. "Need me to order for you?"
    "Yeah, thanks. . ."
    The door opened, and Leon walked over with their drinks and fries. "Moscow Mule for you, Paloma for you, Negroni, and Coke for you." He talked as he gave everyone their choice and drinks, then sat the fries near the middle. "We ready to order? More condiments?" Ollie took his drink, stirring it.
    Macy nodded. "I believe so, yes."
    Maverick stirred his drink, taking a sip. He made a face, then another, and sipped. "Mm. Who wants to start?"
    Macy looked around the table before looking up at the man. "Just a kid's meal would ya?"
    Leon nodded. "Anything on it? Cheeseburger? Tenders?"
    "Tenders," Macy replied.
    "Lobster rolls please." Maverick said. "He," he addressed Olly, "will take the grilled salmon burger."
    "Salmon please," Milo spoke, Leon writing.
    Leon nodded as he wrote down their orders, taking their menus. "I'll be back shortly."
    Macy wiggled her feet, Leon headed back inside, just as a family walked out and seated at one of the smaller tables. Macy watched quietly, putting her hands on the table. Maverick looked over, eating some fries. Wind blown through the restaurants pier seating. Macy closed her eyes, enjoying the breeze.
    The smell of salt, a lovely thing.
    "Mm, these are good," Maverick commented. Ollie went on his phone, eating some fries as well. Milo took a handful, dipped some in the sauce, and ate. Macy went on her phone, texting someone, then bit at her lip, putting her phone down and crossed her hands.
    "Have some fries, Mouse," Ollie scooted the basket to her.
    "Oh. I'm good." She smiled softly.
    "Before we eat 'em all," Maverick remarked.
    "You guys have at it,"
    Milo looked behind them as the door opened. Leon walked over with their food. Ollie looked up, smiling.
    "Here you guys are," he said as he set the correct food in front of everyone. "Do we need another basket of fries? Refills?"
    "I'd like a refill please,"
    Ollie looked at his food then his half gone drink. "I'd like a refill, yeah,"
    Leon nodded, taking their glasses. "Another round of fries perhaps?"
    "Eh, fuck it," he smiled. "Sure." Macy ate quietly, looking at the people.
    Leon smiled. "Great, would you like the same fries or?"
    "Hmmm," he looked at Maverick and Milo. "Same fries, unless y'all want something else,"
    "Same fries for sure," Macy spoke. Leon nodded, leaving to get more.
    The group ate their food, talking amongst each other, Ollie didn't eat much. Leon came back with their fries and refills, and Ollie took his drink and slurped it down. Maverick stared at him, eyes widening softly.
    "You, okay?"
    Ollie nodded, Macy snickered. The four continued to eat and chat, finishing off the first basket and some of the second. Milo leaned back, full as he sipped his drink. Maverick huffed.
    "M'full." Maverick grumbled. They moved from their seats after a bit more of chatting, Ollie heading inside to use the bathroom, somewhat tipsy as he chuckled. Maverick got the check, and a to-go box, putting the rest of the fries in. While Ollie was in the bathroom, Maverick paid for their meal.
    Macy now stood at the RedBox with Maverick, bouncing happily. Maverick looked down at her, smirking.
    "You're excited,"
    "I don't have friends to do this with so like obviously!"
    "Well, now you got three,"
    Macy grinned. "Yay!"
    "What movie looks interesting."
    "Oooh, The Shining!"
    "Eeehhhh, Ollie's squeamish on stuff like that."
    "Mm, The Cabin In The Woods?"
    "Hm. Sure."
    "Yes!" Macy chuckled. Maverick scrolled, finding the movie and clicked it, ordering with a swipe of his card. Moments later, the CD in its red shell came out. He grabbed it and both headed for the car.
    The door opened, and Maverick got in. Macy hopped in the back. Maverick looked over, noticing Ollie. "Hey, you okay?"
    "Just my stomach. . ." He whispered.
    Macy looked at Ollie. "We can get some medicine?" She offered while she leaned forward, looking at Maverick.
    Maverick glanced at Macy. "I'll stop by Walmart, I can't remember if we have tums at the apartment," Macy nodded, leaning back. "While we're there, you guys wanna get snacks? I might see if Cassidy can let us watch the movie at her house."
    Macy nodded. "I'm good with that." She looked at Milo and Ollie. Maverick drove, calling Cassidy. Ollie leaned his head back.
    "Hey Mavis, whatcha need?"
    "Wondering if me, Ollie, Milo, and our new friend Macy could come by and watch The Cabin in The Woods."
    "Sure! Let me inform our girls."
    "Kk, see you there! Byeee!"
    Macy watched buildings and neighborhoods come and go, them Maverick drove down a neighborhood; Twin Pines. He seemed to know the place by heart because he drove without looking at his phone.
    "Here we are guys!" He parked the car, getting out. Ollie was close behind, sort of rushing for the door. Macy got out, looking around, Milo near her.
    Cassidy opened the door, walked out, and smiled big. "Hii! Is this Macy?" She looked at her, smiling that big smile and puffy mane of pale-gold, she stepped aside to let Ollie in.
     Macy stared at her, going to say something. "Hair. . ." Oh my God. . .
    Cassidy smiled. "Thank you darlin'!" she leaned, hands on her knees. "Gosh you're a cute one," she crinkled her nose.
    Macy gulped, chuckling nervously. All she could think about was woman. "I didn't know I was into women until right now I AM JUST SAYING."
    Cassidy laughed. "Darling that's so sweet."
    "And you say darling," she whispered.
    Maverick scoffed. "Don't you steal her for your harem." He teased, Cassidy stood.
    Macy raised her hands. Take me away.
    "I take who I please Mavis." She grinned, and he matched that grin. That sick, honey-sweet smile they always wore. They both looked at her. "Well, come on in and meet my girls dear." Macy took a quick inhale, absolutely melting as she walked inside and looked around. Maverik headed in behind her.
    "Those two are Sadie and Sunny in the kitchen, Sadie's the redhead, Sunny's the dark-brown." Sadie was in view, making something, Sunny directly beside Sadie. The two looked over when Maria ran over and hugged Maverick, Sadie then joined in and hugged the tall young man as well. He held them with a short laugh. Macy stared at the pretty ladies, bunking a few times. "And, that's Maria; Maverick's twin sister," Cassidy explained.
    Cassidy whistled. "Spark! C'mere hon." There was silence. "Maverick's here!" Then came a loud noise, Spark sped into view and tackled him again. Maverick held them with ease, laughing. Macy flinched, jumping into the air a bit, and held her hands up to her chest.
    "Spark does that." A new voice spoke, walking into view. Sunny was closer to Macy's height at five foot eight, with long dark brown hair and soft honey-brown eyes. Spark looked over at Macy, smiling a big friendly smile.
    Macy looked up at her a bit. I'm in a house full of beautiful women and man. . . "I'm — oh my God you're all beautiful."
    "We're all dating too." Sunny chuckled. "The one cooking is my girlfriend, Sadie. This is Cassidy, my second girlfriend. And that's Maria, my third girlfriend. Oh uh, Spark's the token "man" heh."
    "Huh. That's very cool,"
    Ollie walked out of their bathroom, wiping his mouth a bit. Poor buddy did not look too great. Mainly just drained and did not eat the proper foods against his already upset stomach.
    Maverick looked over, eyes widening softly. "Cass do you have anything? Ollie doesn't look too good."
    "Hm? Oh, yes I do." She walked off, and Sunny followed then headed back to Sadie.
    Macy went back to looking around. Ollie leaned on the wall, sniffing as he blinked softly and watched her. Maverick walked to Ollie.
    "Do you need to sit?" Macy heard Maverick ask him, coming back into view just as Cassidy walked into view, holding a bag.
    "I've got tums, aspirin, uh pain pills, I've got. . ." She rambled about the medicine. Ollie turned to Cass, frowning softly.
    Cassidy looked at him, mimicking the frown. "Don't give me a frown, Oliver," she spoke in a low voice. "Do you want medicine or not?" Ollie looked down, holding out his hand. Maverick took his hand.
    "Ollie what do you need?"
    "Anything. . . just give me anything. . ." he kept mumbling.
    "So, how'd you meet dingus one and dingus two?" Maria asked her. She was her brother's height, standing seven foot three.
    "Oh. Through Ollie actually! He's in my art class! And I had come over to give him his schoolwork because he just didn't show up today and I gave them cookies and then they asked to watch a movie —" she inhaled. "I'm talking too much I'm sorry," she covered her mouth.
    Maria looked at her. "Hon, I hear a lot more than that, you're fine, and is that why you four are here? To watch a movie?"
    Macy blinked and then nodded. "Yes." she smiled. "I picked it out! It's Cabin in the Woods!"
    "Shit heard that one's. . . something."
    "Oh I'm very aware," she smirked. "The guys are going to SHIT themselves!" She giggled.
    Maria looked over. "Uh let's, let's go in the kitchen." Maria nudged Macy towards the other girls.
    Macy looked up at her and then looked back at them. "Okay."
    "Here, these." Macy heard Cassidy say, looking back as Ollie grabbed pills and just straight up took them. Maverick looked at him, then at Cassidy.
    "We came here to watch a movie on your TV. The Cabin In The Woods."
    "Ooo couple's movie night, we need to do a snack run?"
    "Mm, yeah think so," Milo spoke up, chilling in the dining room.
    "I wanna go!" Macy smiled.
    "You only goin' 'cuz of me?" Cassidy teased, smiling as she went and grabbed her keys while informing her girls. "We'll be back! Y'all don't do nothing dumb!" She laughed as she headed out. "Will it just be me, Mav, and Macy?" Macy looked around.
    Ollie moved to sit on the floor, leaning against the wall. "Yeah, I'm stayin'. . ."
    "I'd go but I'm cookin'" Maria spoke.
    "And I'm watching!" both Sadie and Sunny spoke.
    Macy skipped to the door, grinning. Cassidy watched her, smiling as she leaned. "Might whisk her away," she whispered to Maverick, who scoffed. The two followed her.
    Maverick stopped, turned, and headed to Ollie and kneeled. "Please be okay, alright? Do you need a better spot to sit before I leave?"
    Ollie shook his head. "I'll be alright right here. . ." he smiled faintly.
    Maverick looked worried but nodded. He kissed him softly between his eyes. "I'll get your favorite snacks and drinks, okay baby?"
    "Okay. . ." he kept smiling, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them.
    Maverick stroked his cheek, standing. "I'll get you three your favorites too!"
    "Thank you," his sister and his friends answered. He waved them off as he left.
    Cassidy got into her car; A jeep, a 2015 model. "Need help getting in princess?" She looked at Macy as Maverick hopped in the passenger.
    Macy stared up at her. "I — yeah tOtAlly." She grabbed the door, hoisting herself up as she huffed. "See?"
    "That's a good one." Cassidy slipped sunglasses on, smiling full as she started her jeep and headed out her driveway. Maverick leaned his head back, hand out the window. Loud music poured from the jeep. Macy buckled up, wiggling her feet as she looked out the window.
    I have friends.
    Cassidy blasted Lana Del Ray, her puffy hair was tied back into a scrunchie. Maverick, surprisingly, was singing with her. The rock/metal-head seemed to have a girly side. Macy watched Cassidy from the mirror, absolutely just drawn to her before looking at Maverick.

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