Chapter Thirty-Eight: [Oliver VIII]

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    Ollie took off his shirt, stretching as he rubbed his face. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who knows something is seriously wrong with Macy?"
    "I think I've noticed." Milo replied.
    "I've noticed," Maverick replied, raising his hand.
    Ollie looked at them. "It's seriously bothering me, I don't like seeing her so — I don't know like. . ." He snapped his fingers, trying to find the word.
    "Quiet? Paranoid?" Maverick offered.
    "Sad?" Milo offered as well.
    "All of the above." He shook his head. "She's not, not giddy or bubbly. . . more secluded."
    "Maybe something's going on? She's changing? Did you see anything weird when Spark and her came back? I heard them come back."
    Milo sat up, listening to them.
    "I don't know. When I went up to tell them dinner was ready. . . her smile was just, off. . ." Ollie rubbed his lips. "She better not be — oh god I don't want to think about it." Ollie held his forehead. "I wish she was just honest about how's she's feeling. . ."
    "She better not be, what, Ollie?" he leaned forward, having been on the edge of the bed. Ollie stared at him, exhaling shakily as he raised his eyebrows. Maverick stared. "Ah. . ."
    Ollie shook his head. "I can't witness that again. Can-can either of you try and talk to her? Please? Tomorrow or something?" They both nodded. "Thank you. . ." He frowned, turning away and brushed out his hair with his hand.
    Maverick looked at Ollie, sighing softly and laid down. "Oh!" He then sat up. "You wanted to talk to me?"
        Ollie turned, blinking before inhaling. "Oh shit, yeah. . ." He rubbed his forehead, looking at Milo. "Can I. . ." He pointed to Maverick. Milo nodded, getting up, and left the room. "I'll call you in when I'm done. . ."
    "Got it."
    Ollie inhaled, watching him before turning to Maverick. Maverick was looking at him with a confused look. Ollie fiddled with his hand, biting at his lip a bit.
    "So. . ." He chuckled nervously. "You knowww, how like. . . I've got this. . . thing." He looked down. Damn how do I even word this. . .
    "For Milo? Yes I'm aware."
    "Yeah, well. I just. . . wanted to know, how like. . . you really like, you know," he shrugged quickly, dropping his shoulders. "I don't know. . ." He mumbled.
    Maverick looked at him. "Is there, something I'm not understanding, hon?"
    Ollie sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "I want to know how you actually felt about it." He kept looking up.
    Maverick stared at him. "Olls I told you the day you confessed; I would forget it, if you didn't. . ." He quieted. "Are you. . . are you breaking up with me?" He squinted, head tilted slightly as he continued to stare at him.
    "No I'm not breaking up with you!" he quickly stared at him. "Fuck no! What the fuck?"
    "Oh. I'm sorry for panicking but it sounded like that. . ."
    "I'm. . . I'm-I'm just saying like — if — fucking hell this is fucking difficult." Ollie covered his face. "I'm trying to say I'm poly. Polyamorous." He moved his hands, staring at him. "I didn't wanna say anything because like. . . it's heavily looked down on and like, I don't know I didn't want you to see me differently." Maverick just stared at him, he looked like he was processing this, quiet. Ollie stared at him, his heart racing. "Nothing?" He whispered, chuckling nervously as his eyes grew glossy.
    "No just. . ." Maverick huffed. "My only question is; Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
    Ollie blinked, sniffing. "I-I don't know I was afraid to. . ." He wiped his eyes quickly.
    Maverick walked over, holding his hands. "I won't, hate you, Ollsie. . . you're to precious to me. . . I hope you know that I accept you. . ."
    Ollie looked at their hands, exhaling shakily as he nodded. "Yeah, I know I just, I have no idea. I'm, used to just, getting kinda. . . rejected."
    "Oh baby, no I'm not doing that to you. . ."
    Ollie pouted, keeping his head down. "Now I feel kinda dumb." He chuckled, sniffing again as he wiped under his nose. "Does-does it make sense now?" He slowly looked up at him.
    "Yes hon. . . yes it does," Maverick smiled. "But I can't believe you didn't realize I was flirting with you, to him." He laughed.
    Ollie blinked before quickly looking up again. "Eh?!" Maverick snorted, looking away to stifle his laugh. "You were?! How-how did I not notice?!"
    "Because I hid it hon! I was testing the waters with you." He smiled more. "I flirted as much as you did!"
    "No. . . WAY!" Ollie laughed, covering his mouth. "You ass!" He lightly punched him. Maverik wheezed, laughing more.
    "You seriously think I put my boner against his ass that one night because of shits and giggles? I did it because of you!"
    Ollie snorted, shaking his head. "I thought you hated him! So I started backing off a bit! Fuck, I should have known when you fucking asked if he was moody again! Asshole!" He kept laughing. Ollie pushed him a bit. "I thought you were just toying with him!" He grinned, shaking his head.
    "Oh I was toyin' with something!" Maverick's eyebrows raised as he cackled. Ollie leaned over and laughed more. "And yeah, I did hate him at the start, but I warmed up after a while hon. . . and you really should've known when I asked if he was moody again." He snorted.
    "Are you two alright in there?" Milo's voice raised from behind the door.
    Ollie turned to the door, grinning. "Yeah, we are." He looked at Maverick and rolled his eyes.
    Maverick grinned, whispering. "He's not prepared."
    "Absolutely not," he whispered back.
    Maverick smirked, walking forward and yanked him closer, kissing his jaw before moving away. "You wanna tell him to come in?"
    Ollie grinned up at him then turned to the door. "You can come in!" Maverick smirked, moving quietly and hid in the corner behind the door. It opened a moment later, Milo walked in, Ollie put his hands behind his back, leaning on his hip.
    "Where's Ma —" Milo turned as the door closed behind him. "JEsus, you scared me!" Ollie smiled softly.
    "That was, kinda the point." He laughed, Ollie chuckled. Maverick walked past Ollie, laying on the bed. "Hey y'all think we should head back tomorrow?"
    Ollie nodded. Yeah probably,"
   "I won't mind, mostly cuz I like my own bed space. " He tilted his head at them
    Ollie raised his eyebrow. "Right."
    Maverick rolled his eyes. "Oh please," Ollie slowly got into bed, getting comfortable as Maverick reached for him, Ollie rolled over into his arms, smirking at Milo.
    Milo looked at Ollie. "Why are you smirking at me?" He narrowed his eyes.
    Ollie shrugged softly. "No reason. . ." he whispered.
    "Uh huh, sure," Milo replied, Ollie motioned him to bed. Milo stared at him, then look at Maverick, then back at Ollie.
    Ollie nodded, still motioning him over. "Come on, Mill,"
    "What's wrong Miles?" Maverick spoke.
    "Miles?! Okay! What's gotten into you two?"
    "Oh nothingggg. . . come on, sleepy time."
    Ollie looked at them. "No, something's going on with both of you, why are you acting so. . ." He tried to find the word.
    "Sweet?" Ollie offered. "Flirty? Lovingg?" Ollie rolled to one side, staring at him as his right leg rose up to his chest. Milo stared at his, eyes slightly wide. Maverick grinned.
    "What's wrong, Milo?" Ollie gave him that same flirty look he's given him before. Milo looked at Maverick for help, but the man was just watching with a grin.
    "Well, something wrong Milo?"
    Ollie smirked, his eyes on Milo like a predator hunting it's prey.
    "I don't — uhm I well you see I don't GOD FUCK!" Milo stammered.
    "Awww, I made him stutter."
    Milo stared. "I dislike whatever the fuck you two are doing."
    "Your growing boner says otherwise."
    Milo stared, eyes wide as he looked down, then frowned. "Fuck you," he mumbled.
    "Gladly," Ollie smirked still.
    Milo looked back up. "I didn't mean YOU!"
    Ollie tilted his head. "Right, your dream you had a few weeks ago might of said otherwise," he winked.
    "Oh? What dream?" Maverick eyed Milo.
    "Should I repeat some of the things you said?. . ."
    "No! No. No." Milo hissed.
    "Oh do tell me." Maverick smiled.
    "Why are you supporting this?! Your boyfriend is flirting! With me!"
    "And? I did it too,"
    Ollie bit his lip, smirking as he closed his eyes. "Oh Ollie. . ." He imitated the noise's Milo was making in his dream, keeping eye contact with him. Milo stared, looking down. He just stood there, not really frozen in place but if he left it'd be so much more worse.
    "You had a dream about my boyfriend?" Maverick sat up, staring at him. Ollie looked at him before sitting up.
    "Oh okay yikes, I thought we were just joking." He chuckled nervously.
    "This, seductive little man wiggled into your dreams?" He looked at Ollie, cupping his jaw.
    Ollie stared. "Oh shit you scared me." He whispered before grinning.
    Maverick stared at him, smiling. "I got that affect on you." Ollie blushed, melting into him. "Such a sweet man you're in another man's dreams. I'm impressed darling."
    Ollie grinned, staring into his eyes as he turned to look at Milo. "Thank you,"
    Ollie smirked at him. "Getting hard for me." He bit his lip a bit. smirking.
    Milo frowned and turned. leaving the room in a huff. "Fuck the both of you,"
    Ollie watched him, looking at Maverick. "You think I could fuck him straight?"
    "Honey I think we both could."
    Ollie smiled. "Should I get him or?"
    "Yeah, but I don't think we should, well fuck 'em. This is Macy's room. . ."
    "Well no sHIT." Ollie got up, slipping on a shirt. Maverick's hand slipped around his waist and up his shirt, kissing him behind his ear.
    "Go get him puppy." Ollie shuddered before grinning and nodded before standing and quickly left the room.
    Milo was sitting outside in backyard in one of the porch chairs. Ollie opened the door slowly, having seeing him as he closed it quietly. "Hey," he held his arms, walking over as he sat in one of the chairs.
    Milo looked over. "Hi,"
    Ollie rubbed his arms, looking around before looking at him. "I didn't like. . . piss you off. . . right?"
    "No, no you — I just." He sighed. "I was being serious when I asked you both what the fuck you were doing."
    Ollie examined his face, swallowing. "I had, told Maverick about me liking you. . ." he spoke quieter. "And how I'm polyamorous, and I basically got the go ahead to. . . you know. . . and I wasn't exactly expecting that reaction considering we've already flirted a bit." He chuckled. Milo looked at him, looking down.
    Ollie's smile slowly faded. "You don't actually like me, do you?"
    "I-I do, Ollie."
    Ollie shook his head. "You don't have to lie Milo, because right now I'm not really feelin' the connection."
    "I'm saying the truth, Ollie."
    Ollie frowned. "Then why the fuck have you being so fucking cold to me? Or been angry and moody? What'd I do?"
    "Because I just. . . I'm afraid it won't work." He replied.
    Ollie blinked a few times. Wh — "Why would you think it wouldn't work?"
    "You know why, Ollie."
    Ollie examined his face. "No. I don't. Tell me." He leaned forward, looking at him.
    Milo looked at him, eyes glancing around his face. "Maverick. He's the reason I'm, distancing myself from you, why I react so, rude."
    Ollie stared, quickly standing. "Maverick doesn't care! Why do you think I'm so open about me flirting with you?!" He pointed his hand towards him. "If he was not okay with it, I would have stopped ages ago!"
    "I don't fucking know! I thought you were just, doing whatever the fuck you wanted!"
    Ollie just stared, shaking his head. "No! I don't do whatever the fuck I want! I was being genuine! I'm not going to fuck with someone's feelings, that's fucked!"
    "How was I supposed to know?!" Milo sat up.
    Ollie's eyes got glossy as he scowled and raised his hands a bit. "I don't, know! I wouldn't be fucking around with someone's feelings for FUN! That's the dickiest move if I've ever seen!"
    Milo stood. "Well sorry, for the shit I've been causing you."
    Ollie scoffed, staring up at him as he dropped his hands to his sides, examining his face. "I've literally been trying to find a loophole to fucking be with you." He pointed at him as his eyes began to water.
    Milo stared at him. "What?"
    "Yeah." He held his arms, sniffing. "I have been. This whole fucking time. I've made sure to involve you in everything, I've made sure you and Maverick got along, I even asked Cassidy for advice." His voice cracked as he looked away from him. Milo just, stared at him, unsure of what to say. Ollie bit his tongue a bit, trying to keep his lip from quivering as his eyebrows furrowed. "Now I just feel stupid." He whispered, moving to look down.
    Milo lifted his hands, but put them back down. "You're, not stupid. . ." But Ollie didn't answer, facing away from him and closing his eyes. "Hey. . ." Still Ollie didn't look at him, inhaling shakily as he furrowed his eyebrows again. "Ollie, look at me." Ollie slowly looked at him, squeezing his arms. "You are not stupid, don't call yourself stupid because I'm-I'm oblivious to, to your flirting to, I-I don't. . ." He inhaled. "Don't call yourself stupid because I can't take your flirting as genuine and not some, joke."
    Ollie's lip quivered as he listened, quiet. He looked down again. Fuck. Fuck fuck! He's making this — I shouldn't of said anything this is more difficult then I damn imagined.
    "Ollie." Milo walked over, reaching out his hands and held his face. Ollie blinked a few times, looking at him as he lightly put a hand onto his. Milo just, stared at him. He had a response, another thing to say, but it seemed trapped in his throat. Ollie examined his face as the urge to move closer itched his skin, yet he waited for Milo to say something.
    Milo's eyes flicker to his lips for a meer moment, swallowing. "I am, so sorry. . ."
    "For?" he whispered softly.
    "This. . ." Milo closed the distance between them, locking his lips with Ollie's.
    Ollie's eyes widened for a moment before closing and kissed him back. Milo's eyebrows furrow as his hands tighten, inhaling heavily through his nose. He pulled him closer, leaning into him.
    Ollie moved his hands to hold onto his shirt, exhaling slowly through his nose as he lightly gripped onto his shirt, he felt Milo's body tense, before relaxing as he pulled away, looking into his eyes. Ollie slowly opened his eyes, looking at him. He could tell Milo wanted to go back for more, but he slowly let his hands drop from his face, looking at him. Ollie was quiet as well, then he moved forward and hugged Milo without saying a word.
    Milo stared with his arms lifted, before wrapping them around him and hugging tightly. Ollie closed his eyes, pressing his cheek into his chest and breathing softly. Milo closed his eyes as well, never loosening the hug, keeping that tight grasp on Ollie. Ollie listened to his heartbeat, moving a hand up and down his back. Milo opened his eyes, staring at the ground, then looking up and around them, a little worried but his worry lightened when he saw it was just them both.
    He's soft. . . like a teddy bear too stuffed with, stuffing. He's like Maverick! He kept rubbing his back before slowly looking up at him. "Come to bed. . ." He spoke softly.
    Milo looked down at him, breathing softly before nodding as Ollie moved, gently taking his hand before guiding him towards the house, Milo followed him. Ollie opened the door, stepping in and waited for Milo. Milo walked in after him as Ollie closed the door, heading towards the room. Maverick heard the door open slowly, looking over at Ollie as he sat up. Ollie smiled softly at him, walking into the room with Milo.
    "It worked out I'm assuming?" Maverick asked, and Ollie nodded, taking off his shirt and got back into bed as Maverick smiled. Milo looked at the two of them, before getting back into bed. Ollie got under the covers, looking at Milo before scooting into Maverick, then opening his arms for Milo. Maverick put his arms around him, looking at Milo as well.
    Milo got under the covers and scooted closer, sinking into Ollie's arms with a soft sigh. Ollie held him, smiling softly as he got comfortable and looked up at Maverick, mouthing. "I did it."
    Maverick smiled, kissing his cheek. "I know you could." He whispered softly. Ollie closed his eyes, still smiling as he moved his head and put his face into Milo's hair as he started drifting to sleep. Maverick put an arm around the both of them, just listening. He breathed softly, soon, fast asleep.
    "Do we have to leave so early?" Milo complained the next morning.
    Ollie shook his head. "I'm just getting my stuff packed, I wanna have breakfast and stuff like that. He turned to Milo, smiling.
    Maverick looked at him, eyes half open. "It's eleven am."
    "And, yeah that too." Ollie replied. Milo made a face, sighing heavily as Ollie walked up to Milo, pulling him out of bed. "Come on, come on." Milo's arm tensed, flexing as he instead pulled the man closer. Ollie crashed into him with a startled noise, laughing "Ass! It's time to get up!"
    Milo smiled sleepily. "Mmm,"
    Ollie smiled at him, looking at Maverick as he wrapped his arms around Milo, trapping him. "You get up too, Mr. Blackwell."
    "I'm up, Mr. Blackwell." He grinned. "I'm just watching y'all."
    Ollie grinned, looking back at Milo. "You awake now?"
    "Mmph, fine fine." Ollie tippy tapped his cheeks, grinning. "Look here little drummer boy." Milo sat up, hand still tight around him.
    Ollie kept grinning, still doing it. "What?"
    "Do that again, I will turn you over and fuck you in front of Maverick." He spoke in a sleepy tone, smiling.
    Ollie went wide eyed, immediately turning red as he melted a bit. Oh shit. He slightly closed his legs.
    Maverick eyed them, grinning. "Done it now Olls."
    Ollie examined Milo's face, scoffing. "You're all talk buddy."
    "Am I?" Milo leaned closer, looking at him with those same eyes he locked on him at the bar that one night.
    Ollie slowly smiled. "Yeah. You are." HE raised an eyebrow.
    Milo tilted a hand farther down his back, looking into his eyes as his nails curl into his ass. "Wanna bet?"
    Ollie inhaled deeply, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Alright then, bet." He tilted his head. "When we get back, and you know me. I never lose a bet." He winked, smirking
    "And I never fail at getting what I want." Milo winked back.
    Ollie grinned. "We'll see."
    "Can you two stop flirting so we can get ready?" Maverick tilted his head.
    Ollie turned his head, slowly getting off of Milo and smirked. "Why of course," Maverick smirked, reaching. He pushed Milo down and away before kissing Ollie square on the lips, laughing. Ollie grinned, kissing him back.
    "Can you, get your hand off of me?!" He hissed, Maverick's hand was on his face.
    Ollie turned to Milo, still grinning as he leaned and kissed his cheek. "Relax, tiger."
    Milo huffed. "Tiger," he rolled his eyes. "Your boyfriend just had his hand on my face."
    Maverick grinned. "What? Did you want it somewhere else?"
    Ollie tilted his head. "I know I do," he chuckled.
    "I can help that." He grinned, leaning into Ollie,s space with a hand pressing into his thigh.
    "NoT IN HeR RoOM!"
    "If you two start fucking."
    "WelL NOT In HeR RoOM!"
    Ollie laughed, moving away from the both of them as he turned and undressed. Getting an outfit out for the day. Maverick watched him, biting his lip. "So glad I fuck that ass." Milo slowly turned to stare at Maverick, eyes slightly wide.
    Ollie turned. "Well by what it sounds like, Milo's gonna be glad too." He raised an eyebrow before smirking. "Though, again, he issss all talk." He turned back away, slipping pants on. Maverick rose an eyebrow, looking at Milo with a smirk.
    Ollie bent over, slipping his shoes on. Maverick walked over, smirking as he pushed his ass to his waist. "I'll fuck him if you're all bark no bite."
    Ollie turned his head to them, smiling as he stood up. "Your boner is staring at me again," Milo rolled over, groaning loudly as Ollie quickly moved, grinning as he climbed onto his back and sat on him.
    Milo moved his head. "And, what're you doing?" he looked up at him.
    Ollie put his hands near Milo's head, leaning down as he whispered. "You get very shy, it's cute~"
    Milo's eyes narrow, body twisting as he rolled over, now pinning Ollie's arms and body to the bed. Ollie lifted his leg, staring up at him with a smirk. "Oooo~"
    Milo grinned at him, a hand lifted to hold his leg. Ollie examined his face. "If we were at our apartment, I would have dicked you down already~. . ." Ollie spoke quietly.
    'Would you?~"
    Ollie nodded. "Absolutely."
    Milo leaned closer, hands tightening around his wrists. "You sure about that, sweet boy?~" he mocked Maverick.
    Ollie stared, getting butterflies as he bit his lip a little. "Very sure." Milo smiled as Ollie whispered. "You'll see. . ."
    "Alright~. . ."
    Ollie reached, kissing under his jaw before looking back at him. Milo stared, eyes wide, before smiling and sat up.
    Ollie sat up with him, smiling innocently before getting up and walked back to his clothes and slipped on his shirt before reaching to Maverick and kissed him. Maverick jerked him closer, kissing deeper.
    Ollie hummed quietly, putting a hand up his shirt a bit before glancing at Milo. Milo was watching, but turned away and got up out of bed, stretching.
    Ollie smiled, slowly pulling away from the kiss as Maverick followed, before stopping.
    Ollie looked at him before whispering. "Go get ready~ I'll meet you two downstairs," he ran his hands down his body, bending down and grabbed the small bag he had of his clothes
    Maverick smiled, doing the same as he rounded his back. "Very well~" Ollie smiled at them, stepping out and shut the door.

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