Chapter Fifty-Two: [Oliver XI]

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    It was the day before their trip to Vegas and the whole house was alive with borderline panic and packing, checking suitcases and getting things done before their two week trip.
    Macy was in her room with one of her two suitcases, folding clothes up and laying them into it while listening to her playlist, singing to her music while she put her shoes in her bag, laying them in the un-zipped part of her luggage. Spark was packing as well, getting things for Bandit and their lizards set up, and Bandit happily helped, carrying things or setting things in the suitcases.
    Ollie basically threw himself down the stairs, holding his phone as he rushed to Cassidy. "I'm having a crisis."
    "Slow down Olls you're gonna hurt yourself." she held his forearms.
    He showed her the phone. "I'm fine- anyways my crisis," he looked at his phone then looked at her. "Fifteen dollars for a water at this airport?! Excuse me?!"
    "Airport prices are outragious I know, but that's why we just, bring our own,"
    "Okay but like, on the plane, like?! Hello?? 'To live you gotta pay fifteen dollars' PAH-LEASE."
    "Ollie, kid you can handle an hour," she looked at him.
    "No I cannot."
    Cassidy sighed. "Olls, go finish packing, please."
    Sadie and Sunny made their way from the hallway, setting their suitcases in the living room. "We're packed!" Sadie smiled. "Took forever, but." Ollie then huffed and rushed back down the hall.
    Cassidy watched, sighing. "Maverick! Milo! How y'all doing?" She called, getting an "Almost done!" as she nodded. Ollie then headed for the room.
    The door opened as the two men turn, Ollie walked in, tossing his phone on the bed and rushed to continue packing.
    Maverick watched. "Olls everything's going to be a mess if you rush. . ."
    "I'm tRyiNg tO fiNISH! Everyone else is about done and I still gotta bunch of sHiT."
    "I can assure you Marky isn't, let us help you." Milo offered.
    Ollie then tossed his hands up, staring at his messy luggage. "GAH!"
    Maverick moved over, cupping his face. "Hey, hey, I know that hand toss, let us help,"
    Ollie stared at him. "Okay,"
    "What do you want us to do, except fold your clothes?" he laughed, looking at Milo already tackling that.
    "I just need to fill my suitcase."
    "Got it."
    Ollie folded up his clothes, making sure they were nice and neat, while Milo and Maverick helped st times. "As soon as we get to the hotel, I've gotta iron my clothes,"
    "Makes sense," Maverick replied, Milo nodded.
    "What else what else. . . I think that's it?"
    "You sure?" Maverick stood. "Check your list?"
    "Check it twice?" Milo replied.
    "No christmas songs." Maverick looked at him.
    "Gonna find out who's naughty or nice. . ." Ollie muttered, smirking.
    "It's summer." Maverick sighed.
    Ollie looked at him. "You walked into it."
    "Like a bird in a glass factory."
    He looked back at his list. "Clothes, shoes, jewelry, toiletries. I should be good, yeah."
    "Yay," Milo then flopped onto the bed. "Ugh my back." he groaned.
    "I don't remember breaking your back, love." Ollie said with a grin.
    "Neither do I." Maverick commented.
    "Don't y'all get horny please." Milo begged.
    Ollie smirked. "I'm a natural flirt, relax."
    "I'm just a natural back breaker," Maverick joked, shrugging.
    "Yeah, aware." Ollie looked at him, raising his eyebrows.
    Maverick smiled. "You love my dick, don't give me that look, we ready?"
    "Yes," Ollie said, rolling his eyes with a smile. Maverick smiled as he grabbed his luggage and headed from the room, Milo doing the same.
    "Well c'mon then!" Maverick spoke as Ollie grabbed his bag and quickly followed after him.
    Ollie caught Macy walked down the stairs with her bag as he was nearing the living room entrance. "Okay! I'm all packed!" Spark followed behind her.
    "Yes! Now we're just waiting for the boys." Sunny replied, Macy giggled, walking towards the living room. Macy turned her head to look at Ollie scoot past Maverick, heading towards the living room. "Finally."
    "Don't scoot and shove past me mister!" Maverick spoke as he set his luggage down, looking at him. Milo set his luggage near Sadie's, looking around. Bandit trotted down and hopped over the couch into Spark's lap, wagging her tail and licking their face. Spark giggled.
    "Bandy! Agh that's gross! Hey just because your vest isn't on — hey!" Spark laughed, play fighting with their dog.
    "I'm just faster!" Ollie laughed, sitting on his luggage. Maverick put his hands on his hips, Ollie smiled at him. Sadie watched the two from her spot with Sunny and Maria in the living room.
    "No fuck-fighting, especially before a big trip." Cassidy called, walking into view with a cup of the tea.
    "Oh good god, we wereeenn'tttt." Ollie replied.
    "Uh huh." She narrowed her eyes at Maverick, who was doing the same.
    "We weren't!"
    "I know I know."
    Ollie crossed his arms. "I feel attacked."
    "You will be in Vegas." Cassidy mumbled with a mischievous grin as she joined her girls, Macy, and Spark in the living room.
    "Aye!" Ollie barked, his jaw dropped, watching Cassidy walk away as Milo snorted. Cassidy sat down beside her girls, of course Maria intruded on her space the most, curling up against her as Cassidy smiled, kissing her temple.
    Macy popped her neck, laying an arm around Spark, who was now napping against her, Bandit laying on them watching everyone. She bit the inside of her cheek, looking down at Spark as she ran her fingers through their hair gently.
    Ollie eyed the two, raising his eyebrows. Maverick rose his eyebrows back, and then walked in to the living room, sitting in the free recliner. Ollie got up, following after him. He heard shuffling and turned to see Peanut flying down the stairs with an extreme case of zoomies as Bandit lifted her head from Spark and watched her, ears raised. Peanut used Ollie as a parkour base, jumping off him and into the living room.
    "Bruh that cat for real used me as a jumping post!" Ollie laughed, sitting on the floor.
    "They'll do that." Maverick chuckled. Peanut then jumped onto the couch, crouching as she latched her claws on it. Ears airplane and tail thrashing as Bandit looked up.
    Peanut stared at Bandit, eyes huge as she spit at her. The large dog gruffed, stood, and whacked her in reply. She moved her head back, staring, before the tiny kitten launched herself at the dog, who rose up and tried to get her.
    Macy looked at Peanut and Bandit, grinning. "They love each other." Bandit then growled and rolled onto the floor, thrashing around.
    "You sure?" Spark mumbled.
    "Yes, I'm sure." Macy replied, then Peanut ran around, using everyone as parkour obstacles.
    They jumped. "JeSUS!"
    "GGH!" Ollie covered his head. "Who gave her catnip?!"
    "Not me!" Cassidy shielded her tea, staring.
    Macy covered her stomach. "Get the bottle!" Peanut jumped at Ollie, attacking his arms.
    Ollie screeched, pushing at her. "WAHHH!"
    Maria stared. "Don't think we'll need the bottle." As Peanut continued to attack him, thrashing her tail. Sadie, was eyeing Macy and Spark, squinting.
    Ollie got up, running. "BABEEESSS!"
    "Bastard, cat! Ollie stop running!" Maverick got up and followed them as Peanut jumped onto his leg, just hanging on.
    Ollie sat on the step, trying to get her off. "PEANUT I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!"
    Maverick ran over, mid laughter as he unhooked her. "God velcro little, animal! Let go!" She whipped her head back, hitting at him. "Aye!" Peanut meowed, wiggling.
    Macy exhaled slowly, holding her forehead, listening. Milo was just laughing and wheezing on the floor.
    "STOP LAUGHING!" Ollie yelled. Yet Milo laughed harder. Peanut then stopped, looking up at Maverick.
    He pulled her from Ollie, lifting her up. Ollie squinted, looking towards the living room. "Go put her near Milo."
    "With pleasure." Ollie crossed his arms as Maverick walked over. "Make me proud Peanut!" He stood behind the couch and tossed her towards Milo. She latched onto Milo, biting his shoulder. The girls were laughing, Macy and Spark watched, chuckling.
    Milo's laughter shifted to yelling. "You damn — you assholes!" Peanut moved to bite into his hair, moving back and tried to get his hair out of her mouth.
    Milo pulled her away. "Not to nice to bite into huh, you little demon." Peanut looked at him, before swatting at his face with both her paws. He scoffed, pulling her in and smooching. Peanut then started to purr, letting him.
    Macy inhaled softly. "Damn, I need a nap."
    "Alright, c'mon you." They got up, picking her up by her waist and laid her over their shoulder, walking upstairs. Sadie, along with the group, watched.
    Sadie listened to the door shutting. "Sssooo, who noticed both of them shield Macy's belly when Peanut was going crazy?"
    "Me," Sunny replaced soft.
    Ollie frowned softly. "Are we really talking about this right now?" He sat down, crossing his arms.
    "What?" Sadie was, not unaware, just forgot. "I'm just asking."
    "Sads, don't, just don't." Maverick spoke.
    Ollie scowled a bit. "You heard her at the mall, Sadie. Come on, now. . ."
    Sadie was quiet for a moment, before letting out a soft "Oh," Ollie leaned back into the couch, looking at the carpet as he shook his head, holding his tongue as he bit at his lip.
    Ollie Inhaled deeply, standing. "Don't talk to either of them about it, please?" he looked at the group. "It's a sensitive topic. . ." He muttered, heading towards the kitchen, Cassidy watched him. Ollie looked in the fridge, looking for something to drink as he squinted. He started thinking about Macy and all that as he frowned. He then sat up and pulled out his phone, quietly texting Spark.
    "Is she feeling okay? She isn't sick, is she? That would suck if she was before the trip"
    But really, he was worried if she was in fact, pregnant. He bit at his lip, slightly anxious as he slowly paced, watching Spark type.
    "She's not showing symptoms"
    "Of?" he stared at the text, swallowing. "Having a cold?"
    "Not what you're worrying about Ollie, she could just be on her period or something" Spark took a little to type. "She'll be okay"
    Ollie frowned a bit. "I'm just checking..."
    "I know..." a picture was sent not long after. "She's sleeping comfortably lol"
    "Well good 😂"
    "Mhm, now I'm going back to sleep Olls, g'night"
    "Yeah, goodnight"
    He sighed, moving to sit on the counter and started doing his own little research.
    "Ollie, you okay?" Cassidy's voice came as she walked in, stopping near him.
    Ollie quickly turned off his phone, putting it down. "Yeah I'm, fine."
    "Cousin to cousin, I can tell you're not." She looked at him.
    He frowned a bit, shaking his head. "Nah, I am." Yet she continued to look at him.
    "Ollie. . ." She said, Ollie leaned his hands on the counter, inhaling deeply as he stared at the tiles. "You're worried, I can tell. We're all worried too Ollsie. Sadie just, said it wrong and inappropriately. . ."
    Ollie stroked the back of his hair, shaking his head. There's no way she can be pregnant. He thought, looking up at her with a frown. "She's probably just, on. . . her cycle and acting a little off."
    "She could be on her cycle. . ." She spoke low to him, studying his face. "It'll be all okay."
    Ollie kept frowning as he whispered. "What if she is, though. . ."
    "She can't, Ollie, Spark's sterile." She admitted in a whisper. "But if by someway, she's pregnant, she'll tell us when she's ready. . ." She whispered back as he looked down, fiddling with his hands. Cassidy moved her head, looking at him and then lifted his face. "You have every right to worry, as do we. . . just, be patient, okay?"
    Ollie looked at her, nodding softly. "Yeah alright. . ." Cassidy nodded and then kissed the top of his head, he closed his eyes with a soft sigh.
    "We're probably going to watch a movie for the night, join us when you're ready, alright?"
    "I will." He smiled, kissing her forehead as she smiled back, and left the kitchen. Ollie watched her, frowning as he tapped the counter, he then got up off the counter, running a hand through his hair before heading into the living room.
    Maverick watched her walk in. "Is he okay?"
    "He's alright Mavis, just worried." She rubbed his cheek as she went back to Maria. Ollie walked in, putting a smile on his face as he sat next to Maverick. Maverick looked at him, leaning on him as he rubbed his hand with his thumb. Ollie turned his hand over, holding Maverick's and then moved his other hand to rest on Milo's head as Milo closed his eyes, sighing soft. Ollie leaned down and kissed his head, smiling more before turning and kissed Maverick's.
    Maverick kissed him back, smiling soft, Milo kissed his hand. Ollie looked at the two of them, smiling faintly before resting his head on Maverick. "What movie are we watching?"
    "Still trying to figure that out." He chuckled
    Ollie laughed softly. "Why don't we watch The Lion King?"
    "We could." Cassidy replied, turning on Disney+ and searched. Ollie got comfortable, stroking Milo's head. Maria got up to turn off the lights, drawing the black out curtains over the windows, before coming back and curling up with Cassidy, Sadie and Sunny curled up on their side.
    Ollie watched the tv, breathing quietly as The Lion King played, the group got comfortable. He pulled out his phone, turning down the brightness as he discretely looked back at the texts from Spark.
    "Are, y'all watching The Lion King?" Ollie heard, turning to see it was Spark who asked, now awake but a little sleepy voiced, then walked past the living room into the downstairs bathroom, searching.
    Ollie turned a bit. "Yeah," he listened as Spark walked back out, turning off the light.
    "Huh, you guys have fun watching." They ruffled Ollie's hair.
    Ollie smiled softly. "You don't wanna join us?"
    "I would, but I gotta take care of Mousey. Her stomach's hurting so, had to get pepto." They lift it up, then turned and headed back.
    Cassidy slightly turned her head, looking at them, and then to Ollie as he watched them, then slowly turned back, swallowing. Cassidy lightly pat his leg with her foot, looking back at the movie, swallowing as well. Ollie's leg slightly bounced as he focused on the movie. Milo reached, holding his leg. Ollie stopped, glancing down at Milo's hand before moving to hold it.
    The movie was now halfway done after close to half an hour now, loud and bright with action and drama. Ollie glanced down at his phone, reading.
    "Her stomach's feeling better, she's sleepin"
    "Good, I'll go up and check on you both here after this movie."
    Typing. . .
    "Got it"
    Ollie hearted the message before putting his phone down. The movie ended as Ollie looked towards Maverick and Milo, who was asleep against Maverick as Maverick looked at Ollie. Ollie smiled at him, kissing his cheek before slowly getting up.
    "I'll take him to bed. . ." He stood, carefully picking him up and carried him away, Ollie watched him before heading upstairs. The girls slowly began to leave the living room, following Cassidy down the hall, while Bandit followed after Ollie.
    Peanut was fast asleep on the dining room table as Bandit headed over, rearing up. Carefully she pulled the kitten off, holding her by her scruff, and then went after Ollie.
    Spark's head turned, seeing the door open as Bandit walked in, jumping onto the bed with Peanut. The kitten blinked, looking at Spark.
    Ollie stepped in, whispering quietly. "You're still awake?"
    They nodded. "I need to. . ." They looked back down at her. Ollie went over, leaving the door cracked as he carefully moved to sit next to them.
    He carefully stroked her hair, biting at his lip a bit before looking at them. "You should sleep soon. . . we've got a long day tomorrow." He smiled softly, looking back down at Macy.
    "What if she needs me?" Their voice was suddenly worried. "I don't, want to. . ."
    He then frowned a bit, scooting closer as he gently held their chin and raised his eyebrows. "She'll be alright. . . she had medicine, she's sleeping, she's fine."
      They look at him, then back to her. "Okay. . ."
    Ollie tilted his head softly. "Now rest Spark. . ." He moved off the bed, lifting the covers for them. "Come on, lay down."
    Ollie watched them set Macy down and crawl under the covers, pulling her in. "Thank you. . ."
    He tucked them both in, making sure they were comfortable before looking to Bandit and patted next to them and Macy. Bandit moved closer, Peanut still held before she set her down next to Macy, reaching to sniff Ollie, licking his nose before curling up beside Peanut. Ollie smiled at them before shutting the door quietly.
    He walked into the guest room as Maverick tucked Milo in. Ollie turned and shut the door silently. Maverick looked at Ollie, opening the covers for him. Ollie looked at him, smiling softly as he took off his shirt and laid it on the bed and crawled into the bed, laying down, Maverick got in after him, pulling the covers over them.
    Ollie turned a bit, looking at Milo as he tucked his hair away from his face. Milo tucked his face into his chest, sighing heavy. Ollie wrapped his arms around his head, kissing his head softly before moving an arm and held Maverick's leg.
    Maverick held his hand, lifting up and kissed his cheek, reaching to kiss Milo's forehead. "Goodnight babe one and babe two. . ." He chuckled softly.
    Ollie smiled, chuckling softly. "Goodnight baby. . ." He closed his eyes, keeping Milo close as Maverick spooned him, tucking his body close as he listened to them. Ollie slowly fell asleep, his body relaxing. Maverick was the last to fall asleep, like usual.
    The house was calm with sleep and quiet, shades of blues with moonshine.

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